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[Редактировать группу][Изменения]Binary Stars

A binary star is a stellar system consisting of two stars orbiting around their center of mass. For each star, the other is its companion star. Recent research suggests that a large percentage of stars are part of systems with at least two stars. Binary star are very important in astrophysics, because observing their mutual orbits allows their mass to be determined. The masses of many single stars can then be determined by extrapolations made from the observation of binaries. Thanks -

[Редактировать список объектов][Изменения]Объекты

Antares [Del]ε CMa [Del]α Cru [Del]ε Sgr [Del]α And [Del]
Algol [Del]γ Cen [Del]δ Ori [Del]η Oph [Del]β Dra [Del]
β TrA [Del]Mira [Del]Albireo [Del]γ Cep [Del]η Ser [Del]
γ Ara [Del]η Ori [Del]δ Vir [Del]η Cas [Del]β Lyr [Del]
δ Boo [Del]β Cnc [Del]ε Tau [Del]δ Gem [Del]χ Dra [Del]
β Del [Del]23 UMa [Del]γ Vir [Del]β Aql [Del]η Ara [Del]
α Del [Del]γ Leo [Del]δ TrA [Del]HD 117440 [Del]70 Oph [Del]
ε TrA [Del]CS Cam [Del]β Sct [Del]α Cap [Del]α Cnc [Del]
β Sgr [Del]ε Ret [Del]δ Tuc [Del]ε Tel [Del]HD 92397 [Del]
HD 113703 [Del]101 Aqr [Del]δ Tau [Del]B Vel [Del]25 CVn [Del]
η Cap [Del]HD 73389 [Del]F Cen [Del]β Tuc [Del]ε Boo [Del]
γ Del [Del]α Lib [Del]HD 69863 [Del]α Com [Del]η Ant [Del]
41 Cap [Del]η CMi [Del]HD 73390 [Del]χ Aql [Del]15 Boo [Del]
107 Aqr [Del]D Cen [Del]20 LMi [Del]χ Tau [Del]57 Cnc [Del]
ι Aps [Del]χ Sgr [Del]41 Ara [Del]ε Tri [Del]47 Boo [Del]
α CVn [Del]γ Vol [Del]Gliese 777 [Del]19 CVn [Del]HD 38529 [Del]
55 Cnc [Del]16 Cyg [Del]61 Cyg [Del]3 Cen [Del]η Car [Del]
γ Cae [Del]HD 75289 [Del]γ Cru [Del]Groombridge 1830 [Del]83 Leo [Del]
ι Cnc [Del]ο Cap [Del]24 Cnc [Del]Cyg X-1 [Del]HD 80606 [Del]
HD 80607 [Del]Gliese 623 [Del]Gliese 229 [Del]JB 668-991 [Del]

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