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HD 56429



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Accurate masses and radii of normal stars: modern results and applications
This article presents and discusses a critical compilation of accurate,fundamental determinations of stellar masses and radii. We haveidentified 95 detached binary systems containing 190 stars (94 eclipsingsystems, and ? Centauri) that satisfy our criterion that the massand radius of both stars be known within errors of ±3% accuracyor better. All of them are non-interacting systems, and so the starsshould have evolved as if they were single. This sample more thandoubles that of the earlier similar review by Andersen (Astron AstrophysRev 3:91-126, 1991), extends the mass range at both ends and, forthe first time, includes an extragalactic binary. In every case, we haveexamined the original data and recomputed the stellar parameters with aconsistent set of assumptions and physical constants. To these we addinterstellar reddening, effective temperature, metal abundance,rotational velocity and apsidal motion determinations when available,and we compute a number of other physical parameters, notably luminosityand distance. These accurate physical parameters reveal the effects ofstellar evolution with unprecedented clarity, and we discuss the use ofthe data in observational tests of stellar evolution models in somedetail. Earlier findings of significant structural differences betweenmoderately fast-rotating, mildly active stars and single stars, ascribedto the presence of strong magnetic and spot activity, are confirmedbeyond doubt. We also show how the best data can be used to testprescriptions for the subtle interplay between convection, diffusion,and other non-classical effects in stellar models. The amount andquality of the data also allow us to analyse the tidal evolution of thesystems in considerable depth, testing prescriptions of rotationalsynchronisation and orbital circularisation in greater detail thanpossible before. We show that the formulae for pseudo-synchronisation ofstars in eccentric orbits predict the observed rotations quite well,except for very young and/or widely separated stars. Deviations dooccur, however, especially for stars with convective envelopes. Thesuperior data set finally demonstrates that apsidal motion rates aspredicted from General Relativity plus tidal theory are in goodagreement with the best observational data. No reliable binary dataexist, which challenge General Relativity to any significant extent. Thenew data also enable us to derive empirical calibrations of M and R forsingle (post-) main-sequence stars above {0.6 M_{odot}}. Simple,polynomial functions of T eff, log g and [Fe/H] yield M and Rwithin errors of 6 and 3%, respectively. Excellent agreement is foundwith independent determinations for host stars of transiting extrasolarplanets, and good agreement with determinations of M and R from stellarmodels as constrained by trigonometric parallaxes and spectroscopicvalues of T eff and [Fe/H]. Finally, we list a set of 23interferometric binaries with masses known to be better than 3%, butwithout fundamental radius determinations (except ? Aur). Wediscuss the prospects for improving these and other stellar parametersin the near future.

Synchronization and circularization in early-type binaries on main sequence
We showed in a preceding paper based on an analysis of the observedrates of apsidal motion that synchronization in early-type eclipsingbinaries continues on the main sequence, and the observedsynchronization times, tsyn, agree with the Zahn's theory andare inconsistent with the shorter time-scale proposed by Tassoul. Itfollows from this that circularization in early-type binaries must alsoproceed in accordance with the Zahn's theory because the circularizationtimes, tcirc, in both theories are rather tightly related totsyn via relation tcirc ~?tsyn,where ? is the orbital-to-axial momentum ratio.To further investigate this problem, we compile a catalogue of 101eclipsing binaries with early-type main-sequence components(M1,2 > 1.6Msolar). We determine the ages, t,and circularization time-scales, tcirc, for all these systemsin terms of the two competing theories by comparing observational datawith modern models of stellar evolution of Claret and atmospheric modelsof Kurucz. We compute tcirc with the allowance for theevolutionary variations of the physical parameters of the componentsand, for the first time in such studies, also take into account thevariations of the orbital parameters (P, a, e) in the process ofcircularization subject to the conservation of the total angularmomentum.The results of these computations show that the mechanism of orbitalcircularization in early-type close binary systems (CBSs) suggested byTassoul is, like in the case of synchronization, inconsistent withobservational data. At the same time, the Zahn's mechanism, which isbased on the dissipation of the energy of dynamic tides in the upperlayers of the envelopes of CBSs components due to non-adiabaticity ofthese layers, agrees satisfactorily with observations.

New absolute magnitude calibrations for detached binaries
Lutz-Kelker bias corrected absolute magnitude calibrations for thedetached binary systems with main-sequence components are presented. Theabsolute magnitudes of the calibrator stars were derived at intrinsiccolours of Johnson-Cousins and 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey)photometric systems. As for the calibrator stars, 44 detached binarieswere selected from the Hipparcos catalogue, which have relative observedparallax errors smaller than 15% (σπ/π≤0.15).The calibration equations which provide the corrected absolute magnitudefor optical and near-infrared pass bands are valid for wide ranges ofcolours and absolute magnitudes: -0.18<(B-V)0<0.91,-1.6

Mass-luminosity relation of intermediate-mass stars
The mass-luminosity relation (MLR) for intermediate-mass stars is basedon data on detached double-lined eclipsing binaries. However, there is anotable difference between the parameters of B0V-G0V components ofeclipsing binaries and those of single stars. Single early-type starsare rapid rotators, whereas tidal forces produce synchronous rotation inclose binaries and all such pairs are synchronized, so components ofclose binaries rotate more slowly. As is well known, stellar rotationchanges stellar evolution and the global parameters of a star.In this work we collect data on fundamental parameters of stars withmasses m > 1.5msolar. They are components of binaries withP > 15 d and consequently are not synchronized with the orbitalperiods and presumably are rapid rotators. These stars are believed toevolve similarly with single stars. Modern data on masses, absolute andbolometric luminosities, radii and temperatures of detachedmain-sequence double-lined eclipsing binary components (i.e. presumablyslow rotators) are also collected.Mass-luminosity, mass-temperature and mass-radius relations of close andwide binaries are presented, as well as their Hertzsprung-Russelldiagram. For the mass range 4.5 < m/msolar < 5.5 (lateB stars) it was found that rapid rotators exhibit slightly higherluminosities and larger radii than predicted by the standard relations,and their main sequence is shifted to the right-hand side with respectto that of the close binary components. The resulting relations forrapidly and slowly rotating A-F and early B stars are not statisticallydifferent.As our estimations show, for the given mass range the effect on theinitial mass function (IMF) is marginal, but there is no way to estimatethe degree to which the effect may be important for higher masses.Available observational data for m > 12msolar are too poorto make definite conclusions. Knowledge of the MLR should come fromdynamical mass determinations of visual binaries combined with spatiallyresolved precise photometry. Then the IMF should be revised for thatmass range.

Effect of tidal evolution in determining the ages of eclipsing-variable early main sequence close binary systems
New Claret evolutionary model-tracks, constructed for the first time forstudying close binary systems (CBS) including tidal evolution constants,are used to determine the age of 112 eclipsing-variable stars in theSvechnikov-Perevozkina catalog by the method of isochrones. There issome interest in comparing the calculated ages with previous estimatesobtained for these same close binary systems using evolutionarymodeltracks for individual stars taking their mass loss into account. Acorrelation of the ages of the principal and secondary components isnoted, which is most marked for massive close binaries with principalcomponents having masses M1 ? 3 M?. Arejuvenating effect is found to occur for the systems studied here ascalculated on the new tracks; it is most distinct for low-mass closebinaries with a total mass M1 + M2 ? 3.5M? and is predicted theoretically in terms of magneticbraking. The calculated broadband grid of isochrones, from zero-agemain-sequence (ZAMS) to the age of the galaxy, can be used forestimating the ages of close binaries from other catalogs. Ages aregiven for the 112 eclipsing-variable close binaries with detachedcomponents lying within the main sequence.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

A catalogue of eclipsing variables
A new catalogue of 6330 eclipsing variable stars is presented. Thecatalogue was developed from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS) and its textual remarks by including recently publishedinformation about classification of 843 systems and making correspondingcorrections of GCVS data. The catalogue1 represents thelargest list of eclipsing binaries classified from observations.

SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits
The Ninth Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits( continues the series of compilations ofspectroscopic orbits carried out over the past 35 years by Batten andcollaborators. As of 2004 May 1st, the new Catalogue holds orbits for2386 systems. Some essential differences between this catalogue and itspredecessors are outlined and three straightforward applications arepresented: (1) completeness assessment: period distribution of SB1s andSB2s; (2) shortest periods across the H-R diagram; (3)period-eccentricity relation.

Up-to-Date Linear Elements of Eclipsing Binaries
About 1800 O-C diagrams of eclipsing binaries were analyzed and up-todate linear elements were computed. The regularly updated ephemerides(as a continuation of SAC) are available only in electronic form at theInternet address:

Detached double-lined eclipsing binaries as critical tests of stellar evolution. Age and metallicity determinations from the HR diagram
Detached, double-lined spectroscopic binaries that are also eclipsingprovide the most accurate determinations of stellar mass, radius,temperature and distance-independent luminosity for each of theirindividual components, and hence constitute a stringent test ofsingle-star stellar evolution theory. We compile a large sample of 60non-interacting, well-detached systems mostly with typical errorssmaller than 2% for mass and radius and smaller than 5% for effectivetemperature, and compare them with the properties predicted by stellarevolutionary tracks from a minimization method. To assess the systematicerrors introduced by a given set of tracks, we compare the resultsobtained using three widely-used independent sets of tracks, computedwith different physical ingredients (the Geneva, Padova and Granadamodels). We also test the hypothesis that the components of thesesystems are coeval and have the same metallicity, and compare thederived ages and metallicities with the ones obtained by fitting asingle isochrone to the system. Overall, there is a good agreement amongthe different determinations, and we provide a comprehensive discussionon the sub-sample of systems which either present problems or haveestimated metallicities. Although within the errors the published trackscan fit most of the systems, a large degeneracy between age andmetallicity remains. The power of the test is thus limited because themetallicities of most of the systems are unknown. The full version ofTable 6 is only available in the electronic form at

Determination of the Ages of Close Binary Stars on the Main Sequence from Evolutionary Model Stars of Claret and Gimenez
A grid of isochrones, covering a wide range of stellar ages from thezero-age main sequence to 10 billion years, is calculated in the presentwork on the basis of the model stars of Claret and Gimenez withallowance for convective overshoot and mass loss by the components. Theages of 88 eclipsing variables on the main sequence from Andersen'scatalog and 100 chromospherically active stars from Strassmeier'scatalog are calculated with a description of the method of optimuminterpolation. Comparisons with age determinations by other authors aregiven and good agreement is established.

New results on the apsidal-motion test to stellar structure and evolution including the effects of dynamic tides
We revised the current status of the apsidal-motion test to stellarstructure and evolution. The observational sample was increased by about50% in comparison to previous studies. Classical and relativisticsystems were analyzed simultaneously and only systems with accurateabsolute dimensions were considered. New interior models incorporatingrecent opacity tables, stellar rotation, mass loss, and moderate coreovershooting were used as theoretical tools to compare the predictedwith the observed shifts of the position of the periastron. The stellarmodels were computed for the precise observed masses and the adoptedchemical compositions are consistent with the corresponding tables ofopacities to avoid the inherent problems of interpolation in mass and in(X, Z). The derived chemical composition for each individual system wasused to infer the primordial helium content as well as a law ofenrichment. The values found are in good agreement with those obtainedfrom various independent sources. For the first time, the effects ofdynamic tides are taken into account systematically to determine thecontribution of the tidal distortion to the predicted apsidal-motionrate. The deviations between the apsidal-motion rates resulting from theclassical formula and those determined by taking into account theeffects of dynamic tides are presented as a function of the level ofsynchronism. For systems close to synchronisation, dynamic tides causedeviations with respect to the classical apsidal-motion formula due tothe effects of the compressibility of the stellar fluid. For systemswith higher rotational angular velocities, additional deviations due toresonances arise when the forcing frequencies of the dynamic tides comeinto the range of the free oscillation modes of the component stars. Theresulting comparison shows a good agreement between the observed andtheoretical apsidal-motion rates. No systematic effects in the sensethat models are less mass concentrated than real stars and nocorrelations with the evolutionary status of the systems were detected.

Spatial/Spectral Resolution of a Galactic Bulge K3 Giant Stellar Atmosphere via Gravitational Microlensing
We present two Keck High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer spectra(?/??=40,000) of a bulge K3 giant taken onsuccessive nights during the second caustic crossing of the binarymicrolensing event EROS BLG-2000-5. This caustic crossing servedeffectively to resolve the surface of the source star; the spectrum fromthe second night is dominated by the limb, while the spectrum from thefirst night is comprised of light from a broader range of radii. Todemonstrate that the spectra are adequate to resolve the differencesbetween them, we analyze the H? line. The equivalent width is ~8%smaller on the second night, and the signal-to-noise ratio perresolution element (165 and 75 on the two nights, respectively) issufficient to show that the difference is approximately constant overthe ~2 Å (~15 resolution element) extent of the line. The sign ofthe difference is in the expected direction since the limb is thecoolest part of the star and therefore should have the weakest H?.We invite atmosphere modelers to predict the difference spectrum fromthe entire spectral range 5500 Å

Chemical composition of eclipsing binaries: a new approach to the helium-to-metal enrichment ratio
The chemical enrichment law Y(Z) is studied by using detacheddouble-lined eclipsing binaries with accurate absolute dimensions andeffective temperatures. A sample of 50 suitable systems was collectedfrom the literature, and their effective temperatures were carefullyre-determined. The chemical composition of each of the systems wasobtained by comparison with stellar evolutionary models, under theassumption that they should fit an isochrone to the observed propertiesof the components. Evolutionary models covering a wide grid in Z and Ywere adopted for our study. An algorithm was developed for searching thebest-fitting chemical composition (and the age) for the systems, basedon the minimization of a χ2 function. The errors (andbiases) of these parameters were estimated by means of Monte Carlosimulations, with special care put on the correlations existing betweenthe errors of both components. In order to check the physicalconsistency of the results, we compared our metallicity values withempirical determinations, obtaining excellent coherence. Theindependently derived Z and Y values yielded a determination of thechemical enrichment law via weighted linear least-squares fit. Our valueof the slope, ΔY/ΔZ=2.2+/-0.8, is in good agreement withrecent results, but it has a smaller formal error and it is free ofsystematic effects. Linear extrapolation of the enrichment law to zerometals leads to an estimation of the primordial helium abundance ofYp=0.225+/-0.013, possibly affected by systematics in theeffective temperature determination.

Estimating the ages of eclipsing variable DM-stars on the basis of the evolutionary star models by Maeder and Meynet
A set of isochrones covering a wide range of star ages from5\cdot106 to 1010 yr was built on the basis of thestellar models by A. Maeder and G. Meynet with overshooting and massloss for Population I stars with abundances (X, Y, Z) = 0.70, 0.28,0.02. The isochrones were used to compute the ages of 88 eclipsingvariable stars from the catalog by Andersen which lie on the mainsequence. The influence of initial data errors on the rezultes wasinvestigated. The ages derived are in good agreement with the results ofother authors.

Metallicity-dependent effective temperature determination for eclipsing binaries from synthetic UVBY Strömgren photometry
Strömgren synthetic photometry from an empirically calibrated gridof stellar atmosphere models has been used to derive the effectivetemperature of each component of double lined spectroscopic (SB2)eclipsing binaries. For this purpose, we have selected a sub-sample of20 SB2s for which (b-y), m_1, and c_1 individual indices are available.This new determination of effective temperature has been performed in ahomogeneous way for all these stars. As the effective temperaturedetermination is related to the assumed metallicity, we exploresimultaneous solutions in the ({{T_eff}},{[Fe/H]})-plane and present ourresults as confidence regions computed to match the observed values ofsurface gravity, (b-y), m_1, and c_1, taking into account interstellarreddening. These confidence regions show that previous estimates of{{T_eff}} are often too optimistic, and that {[Fe/H]} should not beneglected in such determinations. Comparisons with Ribas et al. (1998)using Hipparcos parallaxes are also presented for 8 binaries of ourworking sample, showing good agreement with the most reliableparallaxes. This point gives a significant weight to the validity of theBaSeL models for synthetic photometry applications.

New variable chemically peculiar stars identified in the HIPPARCOS archive
Since variability of chemically peculiar (CP) stars plays an importantrole for the astrophysical explanation of their outstanding behaviour,we have identified new variable CP stars listed in Renson's catalogueusing the extensive Hipparcos Variability Annex. From the 293 objectsfound, 33 were excluded because they are no CP stars and/or have noperiod listed, half of the remaining stars are newly identified and halfhad been already included in the catalogue of variable CP stars by\cite[Catalano & Renson (1997).]{Ca} Most of the newly identifiedvariability is due to an apparent magnetic field coupled with stellarrotation (oblique rotator model). The constraints of this model arefulfilled for all but three CP2 stars. Variations of bona fide Am-Fmstars are exclusively explained by eclipses of binary systems.Furthermore eight candidates of the >~mma Doradus group (pulsatingAm-Fm stars) were detected. Based on data from the ESA Hipparcosastrometry satellite. Table 1 is also available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to ( orvia\break

Biparametric calibrations of stellar mass, radius and surface gravity using uvby-Hbeta_ photometry.
The aim of this study is to construct biparametric calibrations toestimate masses, radii and surface gravities for main-sequence starsusing a photometric index related to effective temperature and anotherrelated to evolution. For this purpose, we used a sample of detacheddouble-lined eclipsing binaries with accurate (=~1-2%) determinations ofmass and radius and with available Stroemgren-Crawford photometry forthe individual components of the binary system. The accuracies obtained,for the predicted dimensions when applied to single stars, are about5-8% in mass, 10-15% in radius and 0.08-0.10dex in surface gravity forstars in the main sequence with T_eff_ in the range between 7000K and20000K. Precisions are thus considerably better than those obtainedthrough single-parameter calibrations (using spectral type, T_eff_ orone colour index), and comparable to those derived through modelatmospheres and stellar evolutionary models, of much higher complexity.

Photometric versus empirical surface gravities of eclipsing binaries.
Systematic differences in photometric stellar surface gravitydetermination are studied by means of the comparison with empiricalvalues derived from detached double-lined eclipsing binaries.Photometric gravities were computed using Moon & Dworetsky(1985MNRAS.217..305M) grids based on Kurucz (1979ApJS...40....1K)atmosphere models, and empirical gravities were taken from Andersen(1991A&ARv...3...91A). Individual Stroemgren colours and βindices of each component of the binary system have to be taken intoaccount to correctly analyze the observed differences. A compilation ofdata on a sample containing 30 detached double-lined eclipsing binarieswith accurate (=~1-2%) determination of mass and radius and availableuvbyHbeta_ photometric data is also presented. Correction ofthe differences in terms of T_eff_ and logg for the range11000K

Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXI. V906 Scorpii: a triple system member of M 7.
We present an analysis based on new uvby light curves and spectroscopicdata of the detached triple-lined B-type eclipsing binary V906 Sco. Theuvby light curves are analysed with an extended version of theWilson-Devinney program. The spectroscopic CCD observations are analysedwith both the Sterne and the Lehmann-Filhes methods. We conclude fromthe combined analysis that the triple system V906 Sco is a member of theopen cluster M 7 and that its B-type eclipsing components are still onthe main sequence, at an age of (2.4+/-0.3)x10^8^yrs, already close tothe TAMS (especially the more massive one). The system is older than thetime for circularization of the orbit, and the small eccentricity isprobably caused by the third component, which, however, is unlikely tobe the main responsible for the apsidal motion, probably more influencedby tidal and rotational deformation. We determine absolute dimensions ofhigh precision (errors <2%): M_A_=3.25+/-0.07, R_A_=3.52+/-0.04,M_B_=3.38+/-0.07 and R_B_=4.52+/-0.04, in solar units. The system isdetached, with both components in synchronous rotation, and thereforerepresentative for normal stars.

On the nature of the AM phenomenon or on a stabilization and the tidal mixing in binaries. II. Metallicity and pseudo-synchronization.
We reveal sufficient evidences that for Am binaries the metallicitymight depend on their orbital periods, P_orb_, rather than on vsini. Inparticular, δm_1_ index seems to decrease with increasing orbitalperiod up to at least P_orb_=~50d, probably even up to P_orb_=~200d.This gives further support to our "tidal mixing + stabilization"hypothesis formulated in Part I. Moreover, while the most metallic Amstars seem to have rather large periods the slowest rotators are foundto exhibit substantially shorter P_orb_. A questioning eye is thus caston the generally adopted view that Am peculiarity is caused by asuppressed rotationally induced mixing in slowly rotating `single'stars. The observed anticorrelation between rotation and metallicity mayhave also other than the `textbook' explanation, namely being the resultof the correlation between metallicity and orbital period, as themajority of Am binaries are possibly synchronized. We further argue thatthere is a tendency in Am binaries towards pseudo-synchronization up toP_orb_=~35d. This has, however, no serious impact on our conclusionsfrom Part I; on the contrary, they still hold even if this effect istaken into account.

Further critical tests of stellar evolution by means of double-lined eclipsing binaries
The most accurately measured stellar masses and radii come fromdetached, double-lined eclipsing binaries, as compiled by Andersen. Wepresent a detailed quantitative comparison of these fundamental datawith evolution models for single stars computed with our evolution code,both with and without the effects of enhanced mixing or overshootingbeyond the convective cores. We use the same prescription forovershooting that Schroder, Pols & Eggleton found to reproduce theproperties of zeta Aurigae binaries. For about 80 per cent of the 49binary systems in the sample, both sets of models provide a good fit toboth stars at a single age and metallicity within the observationaluncertainties. We discuss possible causes for the discrepancies in theother systems. For only one system, AI Hya, do the enhanced-mixingmodels provide a significantly better fit to the data. For two others(WX Cep and TZ For) the fit to the enhanced-mixing models is alsobetter. None of the other systems can individually distinguish betweenthe models with and without enhanced mixing. However, the number ofsystems in a post-main-sequence phase is in much better agreement withthe enhanced-mixing models. This test provides supportive evidence forextended mixing in main-sequence stars in the range 2-3Msolar.

On the nature of the AM phenomenon or on a stabilization and the tidal mixing in binaries. I. Orbital periods and rotation.
The paper casts a questioning eye on the unique role of the diffusiveparticle transport mechanism in explaining the Am phenomenon and arguesthat the so-called tidal effects might be of great importance incontrolling diffusion processes. A short period cutoff at =~1.2d as wellas a 180-800d gap were found in the orbital period distribution (OPD) ofAm binaries. The existence of the former can be ascribed to the state ofthe primaries with the almost-filled Roche lobes. The latter couldresult from the combined effects of the diffusion, tidal mixing andstabilization processes. Because the tidal mixing might surpassdiffusion in the binaries with the orbital periods P_orb_ less thanseveral hundred days and might thus sustain the He convection zone,which would otherwise disappear, no Am stars should lie below thisboundary. The fact that they are nevertheless seen there implies theexistence of some stabilization mechanism (as, e.g., that recentlyproposed by Tassoul & Tassoul 1992) for the binaries with orbitalperiods less than 180d. Further evidence is given to the fact that theOPD for the Am and the normal binaries with an A4-F1 primary arecomplementary to each other, from which it stems that Am stars are closeto the main sequence. There are, however, indications that they haveslightly larger radii (2.1-3 Rsun_) than expected for theirspectral type. The generally accepted rotational velocity cutoff at=~100km/s is shown to be of little value when applied on Am binaries ashere it is not a single quantity but, in fact, a function of P_orb_whose shape is strikingly similar to that of the curves of constantmetallicity as ascertained from observations. This also leads to thewell known overlap in rotational velocities of the normal and Am starsfor 402.5d.We have exploited this empirical cutoff function to calibrate thecorresponding turbulent diffusion coefficient associated with tidalmixing, having found out that the computed form of the lines of constantturbulence fits qualitatively the empirical shape of the curves ofconstant metallicity. As for larger orbital periods(20d55km/s found by Burkhart(1979) would then be nothing but a manifestation of insufficientlypopulated corresponding area of larger P_orb_.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Predicting the Secondary Minima Depths and Spectra of the Main Components for the Dm-Type Eclipsing Variable Stars
Not Available

Catalogue of astrophysical parameters of binary systems
Not Available

Binary Maker 2. 0 - Double Stars for the Masses
Not Available

Eclipsing binaries with eccentric orbits
Two groups of eclipsing binaries are dealt with: the first consists ofall binaries with enough data in the General Catalog of Variable Stars(GCVS; Cholopov et al, 1987), the other of those for which accurateparameters are known. In the first group, problems with classificationin GCVS are noticed and several examples of binaries with unexpectedparameters are named. For binaries of the second group, their fractionalradii, ages, and initial radii are used to discuss the relation of theirevolutionary status and orbital eccentricity. Dependence of eccentricityon spectral type and age is observed, and no peak in the initialeccentricity distribution at e = 0 seems to be present. It is suggestedthat binary origin by fragmentation followed by disruption of initialmultiple systems can explain all observed binaries, perhaps with theexception of contact systems in the main sequence. In several cases thecircularization must be due to mass transfer in the eccentric orbit.

Reexamination of the mass-radius relation of main sequence in binary systems
The mass-radius relation of the main sequence was reexamined using 171components of 88 double-lined detached binary systems with welldetermined absolute dimensions and masses. Empirical relations for theZAMS were obtained and compared with the theoretical models. Thepositions of the other 27 semidetached binaries in the log M - log Rdiagram are also discussed.

Stellar masses and radii based on modern binary data
Accurate data on absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries published inthe astronomical literature since 1980 are collected and analyzed.Simple approximation formulas relating the effective temperature withother basic physical parameters (mass, radius, bolometric magnitude) arederived. Mean and extreme values of these parameters for each spectraltype are also tabulated. The implication of improved data for theproblem of critical rotational periods and equatorial velocities ofearly-type stars is discussed.

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Dades d'Observació i Astrometria

Constel·lació:Canis Major
Ascensió Recta:07h16m19.21s
Magnitud Aparent:7.985
Distancia:269.542 parsecs
Moviment propi RA:-4.6
Moviment propi Dec:-10.5
B-T magnitude:8.181
V-T magnitude:8.002

Catàlegs i designacions:
Noms Propis
HD 1989HD 56429
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5965-860-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-05383785
HIPHIP 35187

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