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HD 199908



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Times of Maxima for Selected Delta Scuti Stars
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Long-Term Variable Modes in the δ Scuti Variable DQ Cephei
Differential CCD photometry of the δ Scuti type star DQ Cephei hasbeen carried out over 10 nights (about 55 hr) in 1998. Frequencyanalysis of the data confirms two pulsation modes, atf1=12.68 cycles day-1 and f2=8.049cycles day-1. Comparing these observations with results frompast years, one can see an amplitude variation in both modes. Thevariation period will be longer than 50 yr, and the amplitudes of themodes vary with opposite phase.

On the Period-Luminosity-Colour-Metallicity relation and the pulsational characteristics of lambda Bootis type stars
Generally, chemical peculiarity found for stars on the upper mainsequence excludes delta Scuti type pulsation (e.g. Ap and Am stars), butfor the group of lambda Bootis stars it is just the opposite. This makesthem very interesting for asteroseismological investigations. The groupof lambda Bootis type stars comprises late B- to early F-type,Population I objects which are basically metal weak, in particular theFe group elements, but with the clear exception of C, N, O and S. Thepresent work is a continuation of the studies by Paunzen et al.(\cite{Pau97}, \cite{Pau98}), who presented first results on thepulsational characteristics of the lambda Bootis stars. Since then, wehave observed 22 additional objects; we found eight new pulsators andconfirmed another one. Furthermore, new spectroscopic data (Paunzen\cite{Pau01}) allowed us to sort out misidentified candidates and to addtrue members to the group. From 67 members of this group, only two arenot photometrically investigated yet which makes our analysis highlyrepresentative. We have compared our results on the pulsationalbehaviour of the lambda Bootis stars with those of a sample of deltaScuti type objects. We find that at least 70% of all lambda Bootis typestars inside the classical instability strip pulsate, and they do sowith high overtone modes (Q < 0.020 d). Only a few stars, if any,pulsate in the fundamental mode. Our photometric results are inexcellent agreement with the spectroscopic work on high-degree nonradialpulsations by Bohlender et al. (\cite{Boh99}). Compared to the deltaScuti stars, the cool and hot borders of the instability strip of thelambda Bootis stars are shifted by about 25 mmag, towards smaller(b-y)_0. Using published abundances and the metallicity sensitiveindices of the Geneva 7-colour and Strömgren uvbybeta systems, wehave derived [Z] values which describe the surface abundance of theheavier elements for the group members. We find that thePeriod-Luminosity-Colour relation for the group of lambda Bootis starsis within the errors identical with that of the normal delta Scutistars. No clear evidence for a statistically significant metallicityterm was detected. Based on observations from the Austrian AutomaticPhotoelectric Telescope (Fairborn Observatory), SAAO and Siding SpringObservatory.

Period and amplitude variations in the high-amplitude delta Scuti star AE Ursae Majoris
We present a comprehensive investigation of the variations of period andamplitude in the high-amplitude delta Scuti star AE UMa based on our newJohnson V time-series measurements and the existing data. No additionalfrequencies were detected even though all the available data sets from1974 to 2001 were analysed. The light variations of AE UMa can bewell-reproduced with the fundamental and first-overtone radial modes andtheir coupled terms. New observations and analyses support the mostrecent results of Pócs & Szeidl (\cite{pocs}). Thefundamental period was essentially constant over the past 27 years withits standard value of 0fd 086017066 (f_0= 11.625600 cd-1),while the first overtone period decreased at a rate of(1)/(P_1)(dP_1)/(dt) = -4.3x 10-8 yr-1. Theamplitude variations in the two modes of AE UMa are detected at themilli-magnitude level on a time-scale of years. It seems that theamplitudes vary in opposite phases, implying an energy conservation orsome kind of intrinsic variability cause. We deny theover-interpretation of the period change given by Hintz et al.(\cite{hintz97}) and explore its reason. Figure~\ref{Fig:lightcurve} isonly available in electronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

A revised catalogue of delta Sct stars
An extensive and up-dated list of delta Sct stars is presented here.More than 500 papers, published during the last few years, have beenrevised and 341 new variables have been added to our last list, sixyears ago. This catalogue is intended to be a comprehensive review onthe observational characteristics of all the delta Sct stars known untilnow, including stars contained in earlier catalogues together with othernew discovered variables, covering information published until January2000. In summary, 636 variables, 1149 references and 182 individualnotes are presented in this new list. Tables 1 and 2 will be accessibleonly in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Multi-period pulsation and amplitude variation behavior in delta Scuti variable DQ Cephei
A period analysis of the data obtained in six nights of differentialphotoelectric photometry of the delta Scuti star DQ Cephei (about 42hours) confirms the pulsation modes of f1=8.0480 cycle perday and f2=12.6826 cycle per day. The result adjusts well tothe observations that cover a time span of 46 years. Comparing with theresults obtained for different years, we discovered obvious amplitudevariations of the two modes. These amplitude variations show phasedifferences of almost 180 degrees. The variation period probably islonger than 46 years. Table 4 is only available in electronic form atthe CDS Via anonymous http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Spectroscopic survey of delta Scuti stars. I. Rotation velocities and effective temperatures
Projected rotational velocities and effective temperatures for 68 deltaSct stars as well as 41 non-variable stars of similar spectral type andluminosity are presented here. The rotational velocities have beencalculated following the method developed in \cite[Gray (1992)]{ref38}and effective temperatures have been derived using the Balmer lineprofiles. The temperatures obtained from this method are shown to be inreasonable agreement with those calculated using the Infrared FluxMethod (IRFM) or spectrophotometric methods. This result has allowed usto use our temperatures to compare different uvby beta photometriccalibrations. We find that the calibration given by \cite[Moon \&Dworetsky (1985)]{ref72} is the most consistent. In the second part ofthis paper we have studied the relation between the pulsationalproperties (periods and amplitudes) and the physical parameters (v sin iand Teff). Where pulsation modes have been determined, thelow amplitude $\delta$ Scutis tend to be multimode (radial andnon-radial) pulsators, consistent with the theory that non-linearcoupling between modes acts to limit the amplitude in these stars. Wehave compared the distribution of v sin i for low amplitude $\delta$Scutis and non-variable stars. This shows the $\delta$ Scutis have abroader distribution in v sin i suggesting that a high rotation velocitymay favour pulsation. We find that the large amplitude delta Scuti starstend to have longer periods, cooler temperatures and lower rotationvelocities. Given that the large amplitude stars are also relativelyrare all the above are consistent with the hypothesis that these starsare more evolved (sub-giants) than the low amplitude delta Scutis (mainsequence or early post-main sequence).

Luminosity and related parameters of δ Scuti stars from HIPPARCOS parallaxes. General properties of luminosity.
The absolute magnitudes of δ Scuti stars derived from parallaxesmeasured by the Hipparcos astrometric satellite are discussed andcompared with the previous estimates based on photometric uvbyβindices. There are significant differences which are related tophotometric effects of metallicity and rotational velocity, but thepossible effect of a close companion on the measured apparent magnitudeshould be also taken into account. The possibility of differentgroupings of δ Scuti stars based on the absolute magnitudes isbriefly discussed. Some high amplitude δ Scuti stars withintermediate or normal metallicity and small and uncertain parallax haveapparently a very low luminosity; this could be a systematic effectrelated to the observational errors.

A catalogue of variable stars in the lower instability strip.
Identifications, positions, photometry, spectra, some pulsationalfeatures, other astrophysical parameters and literature for 302pulsating variable stars in the lower instability strip, near the ZAMS,are given. About 185 stars have near homogeneous photometric informationin the Stroemgren's uvby-β photometric system. Thiscatalogue/database covers information published until November 1993.

δ Scuti stars: a new revised list
An extensive and up to date list of δ Sct stars is presented. Thiscatalogue is intended to be a comprehensive review of observationalcharacteristics of all the δ Sct stars known until now, includingstars contained in earlier catalogues together with other new discoveredvariables, covering information published until November 1993. Globalinformation in the form of histograms and diagrams are also shown.

Empirical P-L-C relation for Delta Scuti stars - A catalogue
An extensive and up-to-date list of 192 Delta Scuti stars is presented.Empirical period - luminosity - color (P-L-C) relations are obtained forthe four lowest modes corresponding to radial pulsations. Agreement withpredicted values indicates that, in general, both Stroemgren photometriccalibration and pulsation theory work well for these stars.

Quasi-160-minute oscillation period of Delta Scuti stars
The resonance power spectrum (or commensurability spectrum) computed for217 Delta Scuti stars indicates that the dominant (most commensurate)period for the total set of oscillation periods of these stars is 162.2+ or - 2.8 min. Within the error limits, this period coincidesapproximately with the 160-min period of global oscillations of the sun.

Population I pulsating stars. III - Period-Evolutionary mass(-colour) relations
Evolutionary masses of Population I pulsating stars (89 Delta Scutivariables and 155 classical Cepheids are investigated in Iben's andPaczynski's systems of tracks. The evolutionary masses are larger in thelatter system than in the former. The uncertainty of the evolutionarymass of a star is estimated, when various evolutionary phases arepossible for this star (a smaller evolutionary mass corresponds to alater phase). Semi-empirical period-evolutionary mass-color (P-Me-C) andperiod-evolutionary mass (P-Me) relations are derived for various modes,groups of stars, color indices (and effective temperature), andevolutionary phases. For Delta Scuti stars, the uncertainty ofevolutionary masses calculated from the P-Me relations for differentmodes, is estimated. The improvement of the evolutionary mass accuracyis estimated, when a P-Me-C relation is used instead of thecorresponding P-Me relation. The theoretical and semi-empirical periodratios of radial pulsations derived from the P-Me relations for DeltaScuti stars, are compared. There is relatively good agreement betweenthe P-Me relations for the two types of Population I pulsating stars,but a 'gap' exists between them.

Population I pulsating stars. II - Period-age (-colour) relations
Ages corresponding to various evolutionary phases of population Ipulsating stars (89 Delta Scuti variables and 155 classical cepheids)are interpolated in the evolutionary track systems of Iben (1967) andPaczynski (1970). The stellar ages are considerably less in the lattersystem than in the former one. The undertainty of the age of a star isestimated when various evolutionary phases are possible for this star (agreater age corresponds to a later phase). Semiempiricalperiod-age-color (P-t-C) and period-age (P-1) relations are derived forvarious modes, groups of stars, color indices (and effectivetemperature), and evolutionary phases. For Delta Scuti stars, theuncertainty of ages calculated from the P-t relations for differentmodes, is estimated. Theoretical P-t-C and P-t relations for Delta Scutistars are obtained and compared with semiempirical relations (such acomparison of P-t relations is performed for classical cepheids too).The improvement of the age accuracy is estimated when a P-t-C relationis used instead of the corresponding P-t relation. The theoretical andsemiempirical period ratios of radial pulsations, derived from the P-trelations for Delta Scuti stars, are compared. There is relatively goodagreement between the P-t relations for the two types of population Ipulsating stars, but a 'gap' exists between them.

Radial pulsation modes as a possible cause for the heterogeneity of the Delta Scuti stars
On the basis of observational data (Breger, 1979), a radial pulsationmode of 83 Delta Scuti stars is estimated in two ways. These stars canpulsate in four lowest modes - F, 1H, 2H, 3H - and, perhaps, in 4H and5H. An earlier suggestion that the apparent heterogeneity of theseobjects in both the period luminosity plane and the period-frequencydistribution may be explained by means of pulsations in various modes -is confirmed. Semiempirical period-luminosity relations for the fourlowest modes are derived and the semiempirical period ratios arecompared with the theoretical ones.

Revised list of pulsating stars with ultra-short periods
A comprehensive list of 178 known Delta Scuti and RR Lyrae-stars ispresented. Using this revised list a HR diagram for these ultra shortperiod pulsating stars is plotted and the blue and red edges of theresultant instability strip are determined. Selection effects arediscussed, and the PLC relationship of Breger (1979) is tested usingdata from this list. Stars lying outside the defined instability regionare discussed.

Meridian observations made with the Carlsberg Automatic Meridian Circle at Brorfelde (Copenhagen University Observatory) 1981-1982
The 7-inch transit circle instrument with which the present position andmagnitude catalog for 1577 stars with visual magnitudes greater than11.0 was obtained had been equipped with a photoelectric moving slitmicrometer and a minicomputer to control the entire observationalprocess. Positions are reduced relative to the FK4 system for each nightover the whole meridian rather than the usual narrow zones. Thepositions of the FK4 stars used in the least squares solution are alsogiven in the catalog.

DQ Cephei, a Delta Scuti star of constant variability
The light curves of many Delta Scuti stars appear variable from cycle tocycle, but this complexity may be only apparent and caused by theinteraction of two or more pulsation modes with definite, constantperiods. The present analysis of differential photoelectric photometryfor the Delta Scuti star DQ Cephei yields two frequencies, 8.0603 and12.6788 c/d, which adjust well to observations covering a span of 29years.

The radial pulsation modes of the Delta Scuti stars, and their nonuniform period distribution
From Breger's 1979 survey of the observational data for the Delta Sctvariables, radial pulsation modes are assigned to 83 of these stars.They can pulsate in the four lowest modes: F, 1H, 2H, 3H, and perhapsalso in 4H and even 5H. Confirming the author's earlier suggestion, theapparent nonuniformity in the distribution of Delta Sct stars both withrespect to period and in the period-luminosity diagram may naturally beattributed to pulsation in differing modes. Semiempirical (P, L)relations are derived for the four lowest modes, and the semiempiricaland theoretical period ratios are compared. Several statisticalrelationships are obtained, and in certain cases criteria are proposedfor determining the radial-pulsation mode.

Three New Flare Stars
Not Available

Delta Scuti and related stars
An extensive review is given of the current status of our knowledge ofthe stars in the lower instability strip. Current problems areemphasized. Particular attention is given to the following areas: theconfusion concerning naming and the implied astrophysical properties(often erroneous), single and multiple periods, the effect of rotationand metallicism on pulsation, the nature of the so-called dwarfcepheids, and pulsation in Ap stars. Various reports of unusal andstrange effects are also discussed with personal, possibly biasedjudgment on their reality.

The classification of intrinsic variables. VIII - Ultrashort period Cepheids
The photometric and astrometric data for ultrashort-period Cepheids withmaximum visual magnitudes brighter than 11.5 are collected anddiscussed. Most of these variables are high-mass, little-evolved starswhich, in the halo and disk populations, are blue stragglers. Theluminosities are calibrated from membership in disk and halo populationgroups; the visual magnitude equals 8(1-/c1/sub c) for disk stars, where(C1)sub c is a reddening- and temperature-free parameter.

Photoelectric UBV observations of RR Lyrae variable stars, second list.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1977RMxAA...2..235B&db_key=AST

Relationship between radial velocity and light variations in HR 7331 and other delta Scuti stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976ApJ...210..163B&db_key=AST

High-dispersion observations of emission lines in the postnova HR Delphini
Results are reported for analysis of high-resolution line profilesobtained with an echelle spectrograph in the postnova HR Del. Theinvestigated emission lines include H-alpha, the forbidden N II lines at6548 and 6583 A, and the forbidden O III line at 5007 A. Heliocentricradial velocities of the line components are given along with theirnormalized relative intensities. The lines are found to haveconsiderable structure which probably arises from condensations in theexpanding nebula. It is shown that all the lines contain two majorvelocity groups, designated as shells A and B, and that shell B is morehighly ionized and probably has a higher electron temperature. A largeratio between the intensities of the 6584-A and H-alpha lines isobserved in shell A, and it is concluded that this is consistent with anitrogen excess of a factor of two or more.

Frequency analysis of the three delta SCT stars BS 3265, 1653 and 242.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1975MNRAS.171..143S&db_key=AST

A new approach to periodogram analyses.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1973ApJ...181..523G&db_key=AST

Delta SCT stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1973A&A....23..221B&db_key=AST

Pulsation of models in the lower part of the cepheid instability strip and properties of AI Vel and del SCT variables.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972A&A....17..367P&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:20h57m48.61s
Apparent magnitude:7.253
Distance:160 parsecs
Proper motion RA:25.2
Proper motion Dec:20.2
B-T magnitude:7.678
V-T magnitude:7.289

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 199908
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3956-816-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-11385128
HIPHIP 103471

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