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HD 179143



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Composite Spectra. XII. μ Leonis: An Evolving Am Binary
It is shown by techniques of spectrum disentangling that both componentsof the composite-spectrum binary ο Leo (V=3.52 mag) have Amcharacteristics, even though the primary is an evolving giant(logg=3.25) with Teff~6100 K. This is believed to be thefirst isolation of such a cool Am star, and the finding challenges thetheories of diffusion, which are widely accepted as the cause ofmetallicism. The primary component of ο Leo appears to bedeficient in Ca and Sc, as are classical Am stars-though the δ Delstars which are described as evolved Am stars are not-and thereforeseems to be in a class on its own. It is suggested that the unusualstate of the primary component is attributable either to its currentstate of rapid evolution or to regular Am-star evolution that isdifficult to recognize spectroscopically. This paper describes thetechnical problems that have hitherto prevented the identification ofsuch unexpected properties in this easily observed binary, determinesthe physical parameters of the component stars, examines theirevolutionary states, and debates the possible classification of thegiant component. Future directions for this work will include detailedchemical composition analyses and an observing program designed tosearch for other cases of substantially evolved Am stars.

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Radial velocities. Measurements of 2800 B2-F5 stars for HIPPARCOS
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BVRI photometry of spectroscopic binaries
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E. W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I - 1976-1984
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Lists of photometric AM candidates
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The fourth meridian catalog of Besancon Observatory
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UBVRI photometry of 225 AM stars
UBVRI photometry of 225 Am stars taken from Mendoza's (1974) catalog ispresented. The results are compared with those obtained by Feinstein(1974) for 21 of the stars and with the values of Johnson et al. (1966).It is assumed that in the first approximation the (V-I) color index ofan unreddened Am star is equal to that of a normal main-sequence star; astandard main sequence is defined for A and early F stars, and thefive-color photometry is analyzed by means of plots of U-V vs. V-I, B-Vvs. V-I, and V-R vs. V-I. Mean color deficiencies of Am stars areexamined, and it is suggested that an unreddened star located below themain-sequence A0-F2 line in the (V-I, U-V) plane is a photometric Amstar. It is concluded that: (1) photometric Am stars have colordeficiencies (as a function of V-I) which, on the average, are 0.07 magin (U-V) color index and 0.025 mag in (B-V) color index; (2) Am starswith V-R less than 0.25 mag may also have a color deficiency of about0.01 mag; (3) Am stars with V-R greater than 0.3 mag may have a colorexcess of approximately 0.01 mag; and (4) Am stars with V-R between 0.25and 0.3 mag may have normal colors.

Ultraviolet photometric observations of AP and AM stars
ANS five color ultraviolet photometric observations of 79 hot and coolAp stars and 26 Am stars are presented. The positions of Ap and Am starsin ultraviolet color-color diagrams differ from those of normalmain-sequence stars of the same spectral type. The deviation is largestfor the cooler Ap stars. The ultraviolet flux deficiency known to existfor the hot (early type) Ap stars appears to decrease towards laterspectral types and is absent for the Am stars. The light variable HR5857 shows ultraviolet light variations of which the amplitude graduallydecreases towards longer wavelengths.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:19h09m46.07s
Apparent magnitude:6.813
Distance:120.627 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-4.6
Proper motion Dec:-29
B-T magnitude:7.259
V-T magnitude:6.85

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 179143
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3120-1216-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1275-10857502
HIPHIP 94142

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