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HD 214419



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New Times of Minima of Some Eclipsing Binary Systems
We present 42 photoelectric minima observations of 24 eclipsingbinaries.

The Galactic WN stars. Spectral analyses with line-blanketed model atmospheres versus stellar evolution models with and without rotation
Context: .Very massive stars pass through the Wolf-Rayet (WR) stagebefore they finally explode. Details of their evolution have not yetbeen safely established, and their physics are not well understood.Their spectral analysis requires adequate model atmospheres, which havebeen developed step by step during the past decades and account in theirrecent version for line blanketing by the millions of lines from ironand iron-group elements. However, only very few WN stars have beenre-analyzed by means of line-blanketed models yet. Aims: .Thequantitative spectral analysis of a large sample of Galactic WN starswith the most advanced generation of model atmospheres should provide anempirical basis for various studies about the origin, evolution, andphysics of the Wolf-Rayet stars and their powerful winds. Methods:.We analyze a large sample of Galactic WN stars by means of the PotsdamWolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmospheres, which account for iron lineblanketing and clumping. The results are compared with a syntheticpopulation, generated from the Geneva tracks for massive starevolution. Results: .We obtain a homogeneous set of stellar andatmospheric parameters for the Galactic WN stars, partly revisingearlier results. Conclusions: .Comparing the results of ourspectral analyses of the Galactic WN stars with the predictions of theGeneva evolutionary calculations, we conclude that there is roughqualitative agreement. However, the quantitative discrepancies are stillsevere, and there is no preference for the tracks that account for theeffects of rotation. It seems that the evolution of massive stars isstill not satisfactorily understood.

An Extreme Case of a Misaligned Highly Flattened Wind in the Wolf-Rayet Binary CX Cephei
CX Cep (WR 151) is the WR+O binary (WN5+O5 V) with the second shortestperiod known in our Galaxy. To examine the circumstellar matterdistribution and to better constraint the orbital parameters andmass-loss rate of the W-R star, we obtained broadband and multiband(i.e., UBVRI) linear polarization observations of the system. Ouranalysis of the phase-locked polarimetric modulation confirms the highorbital inclination of the system (i.e., i=65deg). Using theorbital solution of Lewis et al. (1993), we obtain masses of 33.9 and23.9 Msolar for the O and W-R stars, respectively, whichagree with their spectral types. A simple polarimetric model accountingfor finite stellar size effects allowed us to derive a mass-loss ratefor the W-R star of (0.3-0.5)×10-5 Msolaryr-1. This result was remarkably independent of the model'sinput parameters and favors an earlier spectral type for the W-Rcomponent (i.e., WN4). Finally, using our multiband observations, wefitted and subtracted from our data the interstellar polarization. Theresulting constant intrinsic polarization of 3%-4% is misaligned inrelation to the orbital plane (i.e.,θCIP=26deg vs. Ω=75deg)and is the highest intrinsic polarization ever observed for a W-R star.This misalignment points toward a rotational (or magnetic) origin forthe asymmetry and contradicts the most recent evolutionary models formassive stars (Meynet & Maeder 2003) that predict sphericallysymmetric winds during the W-R phase (i.e., CIP=0%).

The massive eclipsing LMC Wolf-Rayet binary BAT99-129. I. Orbital parameters, hydrogen content and spectroscopic characteristics
BAT99-129 in the LMC is one among a handful ofextra-galactic eclipsing Wolf-Rayet binaries known. We present blue,medium-resolution, phase-dependent NTT-EMMI spectra of this system thatallow us to separate the spectra of the two components of the binary andto obtain a reliable orbital solution for both stars. We assign an O5Vspectral type to the companion, and WN3(h)a to the Wolf-Rayet component.We discuss the spectroscopic characteristics of the system: luminosityratio, radii, rotation velocities. We find a possible oversynchronousrotation velocity for the O star. Surprisingly, the extracted Wolf-Rayetspectrum clearly shows the presence of blueshifted absorption lines,similar to what has been found in all single hot WN stars in the SMC andsome in the LMC. We also discuss the presence of such intrinsic lines inthe context of hydrogen in SMC and LMC Wolf-Rayet stars, WR+O binaryevolution and GRB progenitors. Altogether, BAT99 129 is theextragalactic counterpart of the well-known Galactic WR binaryV444 Cygni.

A catalogue of eclipsing variables
A new catalogue of 6330 eclipsing variable stars is presented. Thecatalogue was developed from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS) and its textual remarks by including recently publishedinformation about classification of 843 systems and making correspondingcorrections of GCVS data. The catalogue1 represents thelargest list of eclipsing binaries classified from observations.

CQ Cephei - The most mysterious of Wolf-Rayet type binary systems.
Not Available

Evolution of X-ray emission from young massive star clusters
The evolution of X-ray emission from young massive star clusters ismodelled, taking into account the emission from the stars as well asfrom the cluster wind. It is shown that the level and character of thesoft (0.2-10 keV) X-ray emission change drastically with cluster age andare tightly linked with stellar evolution. Using the modern X-rayobservations of massive stars, we show that the correlation betweenbolometric and X-ray luminosity known for single O stars also holds forO+O and (Wolf-Rayet) WR+O binaries. The diffuse emission originates fromthe cluster wind heated by the kinetic energy of stellar winds andsupernova explosions. To model the evolution of the cluster wind, themass and energy yields from a population synthesis are used as input toa hydrodynamic model. It is shown that in a very young cluster theemission from the cluster wind is low. When the cluster evolves, WRstars are formed. Their strong stellar winds power an increasing X-rayemission of the cluster wind. Subsequent supernova explosions pump thelevel of diffuse emission even higher. Clusters at this evolutionarystage may have no X-ray-bright stellar point sources, but a relativelyhigh level of diffuse emission. A supernova remnant may become adominant X-ray source, but only for a short time interval of a fewthousand years. We retrieve and analyse Chandra and XMM-Newtonobservations of six massive star clusters located in the LargeMagellanic Cloud (LMC). Our model reproduces the observed diffuse andpoint-source emission from these LMC clusters, as well as from theGalactic clusters Arches, Quintuplet and NGC 3603.

Constraining the mass transfer in massive binaries through progenitor evolution models of Wolf-Rayet+O binaries
Since close WR+O binaries are the result of a strong interaction of bothstars in massive close binary systems, they can be used to constrain thehighly uncertain mass and angular momentum budget during the major masstransfer phase. We explore the progenitor evolution of the three bestsuited WR+O binaries HD 90657, HD 186943 and HD 211853, which arecharacterized by a WR/O mass ratio of ~0.5 and periods of 6...10 days.We are doing so at three different levels of approximation: predictingthe massive binary evolution through simple mass loss and angularmomentum loss estimates, through full binary evolution models withparametrized mass transfer efficiency, and through binary evolutionmodels including rotation of both components and a physical model whichallows to compute mass and angular momentum loss from the binary systemas function of time during the mass transfer process. All three methodsgive consistently the same answers. Our results show that, if thesesystems formed through stable mass transfer, their initial periods weresmaller than their current ones, which implies that mass transfer hasstarted during the core hydrogen burning phase of the initially moremassive star. Furthermore, the mass transfer in all three cases musthave been highly non-conservative, with on average only ~10% of thetransferred mass being retained by the mass receiving star. This resultgives support to our system mass and angular momentum loss model, whichpredicts that, in the considered systems, about 90% of the overflowingmatter is expelled by the rapid rotation of the mass receiver close tothe Ω-limit, which is reached through the accretion of theremaining 10%.

First Ever Polarimetric Detection of a Wind-Wind Interaction Region and a Misaligned Flattening of the Wind in the Wolf-Rayet Binary CQ Cephei
In this paper we present unfiltered and multiband (i.e., UBVRI)polarimetric observations of the short-period Wolf-Rayet binary CQ Cep.Using the basic assumptions of an optically thin, corotating envelopeand pointlike sources (i.e., BME78 assumptions), we determined theorbital parameters of the system (i.e.,i=99deg+/-1deg andΩ=76deg+/-2deg at the 2 σ level) withan accuracy many times better than any previous work. Residual non-BME78variability around phase 0.0 was present in our data, which we associatewith the polarimetric eclipse of the dense central parts of theWolf-Rayet (W-R) wind by the orbiting O star. We attribute the observedphase lag of -0.15 between our residuals and those expected for astandard polarimetric eclipse to a wind-wind interaction (WWI) regiondistorted by Coriolis forces using the model presented by Marchenko etal. This model was also able to explain the strong wavelength dependenceof the polarimetric amplitudes in our multiband observations. Ouranalysis also reveals important epoch-dependent departures of the matterdistribution from spherical symmetry that were not related to theorbital plane and therefore cannot be the result of tidal interaction.We conclude that binarity is not playing an important role in drivingthe wind of the W-R star in CQ Cep and contributing to the observednonspherical matter distribution. On the other hand, this asymmetrycould be explained by a rotationally induced disk misaligned with theorbital plane.

Kinematical Structure of Wolf-Rayet Winds. II. Internal Velocity Scatter in WN Stars
The shortward edge of the absorption core velocities - v_black asdetermined from low resolution archived IUE spectra from the INESdatabase are presented for three P Cyg profiles of NV 1240, HeII 1640and NIV 1720 for 51 Galactic and 64 LMC Wolf-Rayet stars of the WNsubtype. These data, together with v_black of CIV 1550 line presented inNiedzielski and Skorzynski (2002) are discussed. Evidences are presentedthat v_black of CIV 1550 rarely displays the largest wind velocity amongthe four lines studied in detail and therefore its application as anestimator of the terminal wind velocity in WN stars is questioned. Anaverage v_black of several lines is suggested instead but it is pointedout that v_black of HeII 1640 usually reveals the highest observablewind velocity in Galactic and LMC WN stars. It is shown that thestratification strength decreases from WNL to WNE stars and that for WNLstars there exists a positive relation between v_black and theIonization Potential. The velocity scatter between v_black obtained fromdifferent UV lines is found to correlate well with the X-ray luminosityof single WN stars (correlation coefficient R=0.82 for the data obtainedfrom the high resolution IUE spectra) and therefore two clumpy windmodels of single WN stars are presented that allow the velocity scatterto persist up to very large distances from the stellar surface (r approx500-1000 R_*). These models are used to explain the specific features ofsingle WN stars like broad absorption troughs of strong lines havingdifferent v_black, X-ray fluxes, IR/radio continua and stratificationrelations.

Close binary stars in ob-association regions i. preliminary investigation
We performed a sample of O- and B-eclipsing binary stars inOB-association regions and obtained the preliminary list of 147 binariesin 45 OB-association regions. We tried to elucidate the question whether(or not) the close binaries belong to corresponding OB-associations,from the commonness of their proper motions, radial velocities anddistances. Based on the completeness of the data,the binaries aredevided into three groups and the scheme for calculation of degree ofbelonging of stars to OB-associations is developed. Necessary data arenot available for nine systems and they are given in a specific table.For 12 cases, the binaries project onto the regions of two associations.We show that 33 (22.3%) close binary stars are members, 65 (43.9%) areprobable members and 39 (26.4%) are less probable members of theOB-associations. We find that 11 binaries belong to the Galaxybackground. The comparison of the distributions of orbital periods forthe binaries in OB-associations and for O-, B-binaries of the Galaxybackground shows their considerable differences in the vicinity of thetwo-day period.

WR 20a: A massive cornerstone binary system comprising two extreme early-type stars
We analyse spectroscopic observations of WR 20a revealing that this staris a massive early-type binary system with a most probable orbitalperiod of ˜3.675 days. Our spectra indicate that both components aremost likely of WN6ha or O3If*/WN6ha spectral type. Theorbital solution for a period of 3.675 days yields extremely largeminimum masses of 70.7 ± 4.0 and 68.8 ± 3.8Mȯ for the two stars. These properties make WR 20a acornerstone system for the study of massive star evolution.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (LaSilla, Chile).

A Very Large Array 3.6 Centimeter Continuum Survey of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars
We report the results of a survey of radio continuum emission ofGalactic Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars north of δ=-46°. Theobservations were obtained at 8.46 GHz (3.6 cm) using the Very LargeArray, with an angular resolution of ~6"×9" and typical rms noiseof ~0.04 mJy beam-1. Our survey of 34 WR stars resulted in 15definite and five probable detections, 13 of these for the first time atradio wavelengths. All detections are unresolved (θ<~5"). Timevariations in flux are confirmed in the cases of WR 98a, 104, 105, and125. WR 79a and WR 89 are also variable in flux, and we suspect they arealso nonthermal emitters. Thus, of our sample 20%-30% of the detectedstars are nonthermal emitters. Average mass-loss rate determinationsobtained excluding definite and suspected nonthermal cases give similarvalues for WN (all subtypes) and WC5-7 stars[M(WN)=(4+/-3)×10-5 Msolar yr-1and M(WC5-7)=(4+/-2)×10-5 Msolaryr-1], while a lower value was obtained for WC8-9 stars[M(WC8-9)=(2+/-1)×10-5 Msolaryr-1]. Uncertainties in stellar distances largely contributeto the observed scatter in mass-loss rates. Upper limits to themass-loss rates were obtained in cases of undetected sources and forsources that probably show additional nonthermal emission.

CCD Times of Minima of Some Eclipsing Binaries in 2003
We present CCD observations of minima of 31 eclipsing binaries observedby SAVS sky survey in 2003.

Massive Close Binary Stars and Gamma-ray Bursts
We analyze the observed parameters of massive extremely close binariescontaining Wolf-Rayet stars and black holes, and identify those systemswhose supernova outbursts lead to the formation of rapidly rotating Kerrblack holes. It is proposed that the formation of such a black hole isaccompanied by a strong gamma-ray burst. Several types of observedsystems satisfy the conditions necessary for the formation of a Kerrblack hole: BH+WR, BH+OB, WR+O, and BH+K,M.

An Effelsberg HI study of the ISM around WR 126, WR 154 and WR 155
The neutral hydrogen distribution has been studied in the direction ofthree Galactic Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars using the 100 m Effelsberg radiotelescope. Cavities in the HI distribution, regions of low HIemissivity, are observed over a 8-9 km s-1, velocity rangefor WR 126 (≡ST 2), WR 154 (≡HD 213049) and WR 155(≡HD 214419). These minima are interpreted as the observable 21-cmHI line counterpart of interstellar bubbles created by the winds of theWR stars and their progenitors. The HI cavities are elongated structuresdepicting an axial ratio ranging from 1.3 (WR 155) to 3 (WR 126). The WRstars are always eccentric with respect to either the geometric centreof the HI cavity or the absolute minimum inside it. This offset rangesfrom 50% to 80% of the HI hole's minor axis. The major axis of thesestructures range from 13 (WR 155) to 27 pc (WR 126), while the missingHI mass amounts to 45-50 Mȯ (WR 126), 60Mȯ (WR 155) and 85 Mȯ (WR 154).Figures 1, 3, 5 are only available in electronic form at

Wolf-Rayet Stars, Black Holes, and Gamma-Ray Bursters in Close Binaries
We consider the evolutionary status of observed close binary systemscontaining black holes and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. When the componentmasses and the orbital period of a system are known, the reason for theformation of a WR star in an initial massive system of two main-sequencestars can be established. Such WR stars can form due to the action ofthe stellar wind from a massive OB star (M OB≥50M ȯ),conservative mass transfer between components with close initial masses,or the loss of the common envelope in a system with a large (up to˜25) initial component mass ratio. The strong impact ofobservational selection effects on the creation of samples of closebinaries with black holes and WR stars is demonstrated. We estimatetheoretical mass-loss rates for WR stars, which are essential for ourunderstanding the observed ratio of the numbers of carbon and nitrogenWR stars in the Galaxy . We also estimate the minimum initial masses ofthe components in close binaries producing black holes and WR stars tobe ˜25M ȯ. The spatial velocities of systems with black holesindicate that, during the formation of a black hole from a WR star, themass loss reaches at least several solar masses. The rate of formationof rapidly rotating Kerr black holes in close binaries in the Galaxy is˜3×10-6 yr-1. Their formation may be accompanied by a burst ofgamma radiation, possibly providing clues to the nature of gamma-raybursts. The initial distribution of the component mass ratios for closebinaries is dN˜dq=dM 2/M 1 in the interval 0.04≲q 0≤1,suggesting a single mechanism for their formation.

Photoelectric Minimum Times of Some Eclipsing Binary Stars
We present 12 minimum times of 6 eclipsing binaries observed in theyears from 1996 to 1999.

Evolution of Wolf-Rayet Stars in Binary Systems: An Analysis of the Mass and Orbital-Eccentricity Distributions
We have undertaken a statistical study of the component mass ratios andthe orbital eccentricities of WR + O close binary, detachedmain-sequence (DMS), contact early-type (CE), and semidetached (SD)systems. A comparison of the characteristics of WR + O systems and ofDMS, CE, and SD systems has enabled us to draw certain conclusions aboutthe evolutionary paths of WR + O binaries and to demonstrate that up to90% of all known WR + O binaries formed as a result of mass transfer inmassive close O + O binary systems. Since there is a clear correlationbetween the component masses in SD systems with subgiants, the absenceof an anticorrelation between the masses of the WR stars and O stars inWR + O binaries cannot be considered evidence against the formation ofWR + O binaries via mass transfer. The spectroscopic transitionalorbital period P tr sp corresponding to the transition from nearlycircular orbits (e sp<0.1) to elliptical orbits (e sp≥0.1) is˜14d for WR + O systems and ˜2d 3d for OB + OB systems. Theperiod range in which all WR + O orbits are circular &$(1mathop dlimits_. 6 ≤slant P ≤slant 14(d) ); is close to the range for SD systems with subgiants, &0mathop dlimits_. 7 ≤slant P ≤slant 15(d); . The large difference between the P tr sp values for WR + O and OB +OB systems suggests that a mechanism of orbit circularization additionalto that for OB + OB systems at the DMS stage (tidal dissipation of theorbital energy due to radiative damping of the dynamical tides) acts inWR + O binaries. It is natural to suggest mass transfer in the parent O+ O binaries as this supplementary orbit-circularization mechanism.Since the transitional period between circular and elliptical orbits forclose binaries with convective envelopes and ages of 5×109 yearsis &P_{tr} = 12mathop dlimits_. 4$; , the orbits of most known SD systems with subgiants had enough timeto circularize during the DMS stage, prior to the mass transfer. Thus,for most SD systems, mass transfer plays a secondary role incircularization of their orbits. In many cases, the initial orbitaleccentricities of the O + O binary progenitors of WR + O systems arepreserved, due to the low viscosity of the O-star envelopes and theshort timescale for their nuclear evolution until the primary O starfills its Roche lobe and the mass transfer begins. The mass transfer inthe parent O + O systems is short-lived, and the number of orbitalcycles during the early mass-transfer stage is relatively low (lowerthan for the progenitors of SD systems by three or four orders ofmagnitude). The continued transfer of mass from the less massive to themore massive star after the component masses have become equal leads tothe formation of a WR + O system, and the orbit's residual eccentricityincreases to the observed value. The increase of the orbitaleccentricity is also facilitated by variable radial mass loss via thewind from the WR star in the WR + O system during its motion in theelliptical orbit. The result is that WR + O binaries can haveconsiderable orbital eccentricities, despite their intense masstransfer. For this reason, the presence of appreciable eccentricitiesamong WR + O binaries with large orbital periods cannot be consideredfirm evidence against mass transfer in the parent O + O binary systems.Only for the WR + O binaries with the longest orbital periods (4 of 35known systems, or 11 %) can the evolution of the parent O + O binariesoccur without filling of the Roche lobe by the primary O star, beinggoverned by radial outflow in the form of the stellar wind and possiblyby the LBV phenomenon, as in the case of HD 5980.

Sums of investigation of the linear polarization behaviour of binary systems with a Wolf-Rayet component
Analysis of the long-term (on a scale of years) behaviour of linearpolarization of four WR binary systems (CQ Cep, CX Cep, V444 Cyg and HD211853) is presented. Common features of the long-term polarizationvariations of CQ Cep, CX Cep and HD 211853 in combination with theresults of the harmonic analysis of their polarization curves allowed usto make assumptions on the causes of the found variability. The basicreason of the long-term polarization variability is likely to be thephysical activity of the WR components which manifests itself in theepisodic swelling of the WR envelopes and subsequent expulsion of theiroutermost layers. The involvement into the study of five wider "WR+O"pairs (HDE 311884, HD 90657, HD 97152, HD 152270 and HD 186943) allowedus to confirm these assumptions. The results of the analysis of thepolarization curves of nine WR binary systems are summed up. Threeconfirmations of high massiveness of the WR comnponent HDE 311884 havebeen derived.

The orbit of the double-lined Wolf-Rayet binary HDE 318016 (=WR 98)
We present the discovery of OB type absorption lines superimposed to theemission line spectrum and the first double-lined orbital elements forthe massive Wolf-Rayet binary HDE 318016 (=WR 98), a spectroscopicbinary in a circular orbit with a period of 47.825 days. Thesemiamplitudes of the orbital motion of the emission lines differ fromline to line, indicating mass ratios between 1 and 1.7 forMWR/MOB.

Physical parameters of the high-mass X-ray binary 4U1700-37
We present the results of a detailed non-LTE analysis of the ultravioletand optical spectrum of the O6.5 Iaf+ star HD153919 - the mass donor in the high-mass X-ray binary4U1700-37. We find that the star has a luminositylog(L*/Lsun)=5.82 +/- 0.07, T_eff=35 000 +/- 1000K, radius R*=21.9+1.3-0.5Rsun, mass-loss rate dot {M}=9.5x 10-6Msun yr-1, and a significant overabundance ofnitrogen (and possibly carbon) relative to solar values. Given theeclipsing nature of the system these results allow us to determine themost likely masses of both components of the binary via Monte Carlosimulations. These suggest a mass for HD 153919 ofM* = 58 +/- 11 Msun - implying the initial mass ofthe companion was rather high (ga 60 Msun). The most likelymass for the compact companion is found to be M_x =2.44+/- 0.27Msun, with only 3.5 per cent of the trials resulting in amass less than 2.0 Msun and none less than 1.65Msun. Such a value is significantly in excess of the upperobservational limit to the masses of neutron stars of 1.45Msun found by Thorsett & Chakrabarthy (\cite{thorsett}),although a mass of 1.86 Msun has recently been reported forthe Vela X-1 pulsar (Barziv et al. \cite{barziv}).Our observational data is inconsistent with the canonical neutron starmass and the lowest black hole mass observed (ga 4.4 Msun;Nova Vel). Significantly changing observationalparameters can force the compact object mass into either of theseregimes but, given the strong proportionality between M* andM_x, the O-star mass changes by factors of greater than 2, well beyondthe limits determined from its evolutionary state and surface gravity.The low mass of the compact object implies that it is difficult to formhigh mass black holes through both the Case A & B mass transferchannels and, if the compact object is a neutron star, wouldsignificantly constrain the high density nuclear equation of state.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, LaSilla, Chile (64.H-0224).

Gamma-ray line emission from OB associations and young open clusters. II. The Cygnus region
Gamma-ray and microwave observations of the Cygnus region reveal anintense signal of 1.809 Me line emission, attributed to radioactivedecay of 26, that is closely correlated with 53 GHz free-freeemission, originating from the ionised interstellar medium. We modelledboth emissions using a multi-wavelength evolutionary synthesis code formassive star associations that we applied to the known massive starpopulations in Cygnus. For all OB associations and young open clustersin the field, we determined the population age, distance, and richnessas well as the uncertainties in all these quantities from publishedphotometric and spectroscopic data. We propagate the populationuncertainties in model uncertainties by means of a Bayesian method. Theyoung globular cluster Cyg OB2 turns out to be the dominant26 nucleosynthesis and ionisation source in Cygnus. Our modelreproduces the ionising luminosity of the Cygnus region very well, yetit underestimates 26 production by about a factor of 2. Weattribute this underestimation to shortcomings of currentnucleosynthesis models, and suggest the inclusion of stellar rotationas possible mechanism to enhance 26 production. We alsomodelled 60Fe nucleosynthesis in the Cygnus region, yet thesmall number of recent supernova events suggests only little60Fe production. Consequently, a detection of the 1.137 Meand 1.332 Me decay lines of 60Fe from Cygnus by the upcomingINTEGRAL observatory is not expected. Appendices A and B, and Tables 1,2, and 5 are only available in electronic form at

The mass-loss rates of Wolf-Rayet stars explained by optically thick radiation driven wind models
Observed, clumping-corrected mass-loss rates of Galactic Wolf-Rayet (WR)stars are compared with predictions of the optically thick radiationdriven wind models. We did not develop models for the whole wind, but westudied the conditions at the sonic point that would explain theobserved high mass-loss rates of WR-stars. We find that optically thickwind models can explain the observed values of the mass-loss rates onlyif two conditions are satisfied: (a) The sonic point (wherevflow=vsound) lies deep in the wind where thetemperature is either near 160 000 K, or in the range of 40 000 to 70000 K. (b) The flux-mean opacity must increase outward from the sonicpoint. With these conditions a simple approximate formula for themass-loss rates of WR-stars can be derived. The first condition impliesthat the sonic point is at an optical depth between about 3 and 30. Suchlarge optical depths require a slowly increasing velocity law in thesupersonic region, with a velocity-law index of beta =~ 5 for WR-stars,compared to beta =~ 1 for O-stars. The OPAL-opacity tables for thechemical composition of the WR-stars show that the opacity indeedincreases outward at the temperature range near 1.6 x 105 K,and between about 4 x 107 and 7 x 104 K, asrequired for the optically thick wind models. The opacity at the sonicpoints of the models is very similar to the OPAL-opacity at the sonicpoint temperature and density. The radius of the sonic point is abouthalf as large as the inner boundaries of the ``standard'' models forearly type WR-winds. Observational evidence, derived from line profilevariations and from the light-curves of WR-stars in eclipsing binarysystems, support the derived large values of beta and the small valuesof the sonic point radius. The models presented here show that the highmass-loss rates of WR-stars might be the result of optically thickradiation driven winds. The presence of two very distinct temperatureregimes for the sonic point implies a bifurcation in the wind models ofWR-stars.

Kinematical Structure of Wolf-Rayet Winds. I.Terminal Wind Velocity
New terminal wind velocities for 164 Wolf-Rayet stars (from the Galaxyand LMC) based on PCyg profiles of lambda1550 CIV resonance line werederived from the archive high and low resolution IUE spectra availableform the INES database. The high resolution data on 59 WR stars (39 fromthe Galaxy and 20 from LMC) were used to calibrate the empiricalrelation lambda_min^Abs- lambda_peak^Emis vs terminal wind velocity,which was then used for determinations of the terminal wind velocitiesfrom the low resolution IUE data. We almost doubled the previous mostextended sample of such measurements. Our new measurements, based onhigh resolution data, are precise within 5-7%. Measurements, based onthe low resolution spectra have the formal errors of approx 40-60%. Acomparison of the present results with other determinations suggestshigher precision of approx 20%. We found that the terminal windvelocities for the Galactic WC and WN stars correlate with the WRspectral subtype. We also found that the LMC WN stars have winds slowerthan their Galactic counterparts, up to two times in the case of the WNEstars. No influence of binarity on terminal wind velocities was found.Our extended set of measurements allowed us to test application of theradiation driven wind theory to the WR stars. We found that, contrary toOB stars, terminal wind velocities of the WR stars correlate only weaklywith stellar temperature. We also note that the terminal to escapevelocity ratio for the WR stars is relatively low: 2.55 pm 1.14 for theGalactic WN stars and 1.78 pm 0.70 for the Galactic WCs. This ratiodecreases with temperature of WR stars, contrary to what is observed inthe case of OB stars. The presented results show complex influence ofchemical composition on the WR winds driving mechanism efficiency. Ourkinematical data on WR winds suggest evolutionary sequence: WNL -->WNE --> WCE --> WCL.

Optical spectroscopy of X-Mega targets - I. CPD -59° 2635: a new double-lined O-type binary in the Carina Nebula
Optical spectroscopy of CPD -59° 2635, one of the O-type stars inthe open cluster Trumpler 16 in the Carina Nebula, reveals this star tobe a double-lined binary system. We have obtained the first radialvelocity orbit for this system, consisting of a circular solution with aperiod of 2.2999d and semi-amplitudes of 208 and 273kms-1.This results in minimum masses of 15 and 11Msolar for thebinary components of CPD -59° 2635, which we classified as O8V andO9.5V, although spectral type variations of the order of 1 subclass,which we identify as the Struve-Sahade effect, seem to be present inboth components. From ROSAT HRI observations of CPD -59° 2635 wedetermine a luminosity ratio log(Lx/Lbol)~-7,which is similar to that observed for other O-type stars in the CarinaNebula region. No evidence of light variations is present in theavailable optical or X-ray data sets.

Wolf-Rayet Stars and Cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts
The observational properties of cosmic gamma-ray bursts and ofWolf-Rayet (WR) stars and their CO cores at the end of their evolutionare analyzed. WR stars do not have hydrogen envelopes, facilitating thetransformation of the energy of collapse into observable gamma rays. Ofthe ≈90 well-localized gamma-ray bursts, 21 have opticalidentifications, of which 16 have measured redshifts (z=0.4 4.5). Thedistribution of gamma-ray bursts in energy N(ΔE) has a largescatter, from 3×1051 to 2×1054 erg. There is some evidencethat the distribution N(ΔE) is bimodal if we include the gamma-rayburst GRB 980425, which is associated with the peculiar type Icsupernova SN 1998bw in the nearby elliptical galaxy ESO 184-G82, forwhich ΔE γ≈1048erg. These characteristics of gamma-raybursts are reminiscent of the distribution of final masses for the COcores of WR stars, which uniformly covers a broad range: M CO=(1 2)Mȯ-(20 44)M ȯ. The possible bimodality of the gamma-ray burstenergy distribution (E 1=1048 erg; ΔE2=3×1051-2×1054erg) could be associated with the bimodalmass distribution for stellar relativistic objects (MNS=(1.35±0.15)M ȯ; M BH=4 15M ȯ). The fact that SN1998bw is a “peculiar” type Ic supernova, not typical forthe collapses of WR stars (which usually give rise to type Ib/csupernovae), could be related to the rotation of the collapsing CO core.This “drags out/rd the time for the collapse, leading to theformation of a neutron star, a decrease in the gamma-ray burst energy,and an increase in the fraction of kinetic energy transferred to thesupernova envelope. The expected rate of collapse of the CO cores of WRstars in the Galaxy is ≈10-3/yr. This is at least three orders ofmagnitude higher than the mean frequency of gamma-ray bursts per galaxy(≈10-6 10-7/yr). Two models for gamma-ray bursts with WR stars asprogenitors are considered: the hypernova model of Paczynski (1998) andthe pulsation instability CO-core collapse model proposed by Gershte&$/set{lower0.5emhbox{smashriptscriptstylesmile}}{l} $; n (2000). In both models, the rate of CO-core collapses can be broughtinto agreement with the observed rate of gamma-ray bursts by taking intoaccount the anisotropy of the gamma radiation, associated with either arelativistic jet or the random character of the initial CO-core collapsedue to instabilities. It is concluded that WR stars could be theprogenitors of gamma-ray bursts. This hypothesis predicts the existenceof two types of gamma-ray bursts, corresponding to the bimodal massdistribution for stellar relativistic objects, and of three types ofoptical afterglow, associated with collapses of the CO cores of WR starsthat are single, in WR+O binaries, and in hypothetical WR+(A-M) systems.The paper also briefly examines a model of gamma-ray bursts as transientphenomena in the early stages of the evolution of galaxies (z>1),when very massive stars (M>100M ȯ) weak in heavy elements couldform. Such massive stars should also lose their hydrogen envelopes andbe transformed into massive WR stars, whose collapses could beaccompanied by gamma-ray bursts. It is suggested that WR galaxies arethe most probable candidates for the host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts.

A Mid-Infrared Spectral Survey of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars
We present 8-13 μm spectra at resolution R~600 of 29 northernGalactic Wolf-Rayet stars, including the first ever reportedmid-infrared (MIR) spectrum for many. Among the subtypes of the starsstudied were 14 WC, 13 WN, 1 WN/WC, and an additional reclassified WN.Lines of He I and He II, along with fine-structure lines of Ne II and SIV, are strongly present in 22 of the sources observed, while six of thesources exhibit the powerful emission of heated circumstellar carbondust. We point out similarities between our spectra and Infrared SpaceObservatory (ISO) observations of several of the same sources and notean unresolved discrepancy between the two data sets for the WC6 star WR146. We investigate the diagnostic power of MIR He I and He II lines forsubtype discrimination and find the line ratio Wλ(9.7μm He II)/Wλ(11.3 μm He I+He II) can providemoderate discrimination within the WN and WC types, though the smallnumber of stars with corresponding line pairs detected made suchassessment difficult.

The origin of the runaway high-mass X-ray binary HD 153919/4U1700-37
Based on its Hipparcos proper motion, we propose that the high-massX-ray binary HD 153919/4U1700-37 originates in the OB association ScoOB1. At a distance of 1.9 kpc the space velocity of 4U1700-37 withrespect to Sco OB1 is 75 km s-1. This runaway velocityindicates that the progenitor of the compact X-ray source lost about 7Msun during the (assumed symmetric) supernova explosion. Thesystem's kinematical age is about 2 +/- 0.5 million years which marksthe date of the supernova explosion forming the compact object. Thepresent age of Sco OB1 is la 8 Myr; its suggested core, NGC 6231, seemsto be somewhat younger ( ~ 5 Myr). If HD 153919/4U1700-37 was born as amember of Sco OB1, this implies that the initially most massive star inthe system terminated its evolution within la 6 million years,corresponding to an initial mass ga 30 Msun. With theseparameters the evolution of the binary system can be constrained. Basedon data obtained with ESA's astrometric satellite Hipparcos.

The VIIth catalogue of galactic Wolf-Rayet stars
The VIIth catalogue of galactic PopulationI Wolf-Rayet stars providesimproved coordinates, spectral types and /bv photometry of known WRstars and adds 71 new WR stars to the previous WR catalogue. This censusof galactic WR stars reaches 227 stars, comprising 127 WN stars, 87 WCstars, 10 WN/WC stars and 3 WO stars. This includes 15 WNL and 11 WCLstars within 30 pc of the Galactic Center. We compile and discuss WRspectral classification, variability, periodicity, binarity, terminalwind velocities, correlation with open clusters and OB associations, andcorrelation with Hi bubbles, Hii regions and ring nebulae. Intrinsiccolours and absolute visual magnitudes per subtype are re-assessed for are-determination of optical photometric distances and galacticdistribution of WR stars. In the solar neighbourhood we find projectedon the galactic plane a surface density of 3.3 WR stars perkpc2, with a WC/WN number ratio of 1.5, and a WR binaryfrequency (including probable binaries) of 39%. The galactocentricdistance (RWR) distribution per subtype shows RWRincreasing with decreasing WR subtype, both for the WN and WC subtypes.This RWR distribution allows for the possibility ofWNE-->WCE and WNL-->WCL subtype evolution.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:22h36m53.95s
Magnitud Aparente:8.85
Distancia:7142.857 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:-4.3
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-4.8
B-T magnitude:9.295
V-T magnitude:8.887

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
HD 1989HD 214419
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3991-1076-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-13748607
HIPHIP 111633

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