Mesures d'etoiles doubles faites a Nice, etoiles doubles nouvelles (24eme serie) decouvertes a Nice. Table 1 gives 1182 measurements of 682 binaries observed with the 74 and50 cm refractors. Table 2 lists 26 new binaries discovered with the 50cm refractor.
Measurements of binary stars obtained at Pic-du-Midi and at Nice A total of 112 visual measurements of 82 close binaries observed with 2mtelescope at Pic-du-Midi are presented. In addition, 344 measurements of163 close binaries were observed with the 74-cm and 50-cm refractors atNice. All measurements were made by a micrometer with illuminated wires.
Measurements of binary stars made at Nice Results are presented for 753 measurements of 267 binary stars that weremade with the 50- and 74-cm refractors at Nice Observatory. Coordinatesfor the equinox of 1950 are provided, along with apparent magnitudes,spectral types, and probable periods. It is noted that three-quarters ofthese systems are recently discovered close binaries.
Measurements of double stars made at Nice Abstract image available at:
Mesures d'étoiles doubles faites à Nice Abstract image available at:
Étoiles doubles nouvelles (5^éme série) découvertes à Nice avec la lunette de 50 CM Abstract image available at: