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TYC 2626-1610-1



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Random forest automated supervised classification of Hipparcos periodic variable stars
We present an evaluation of the performance of an automatedclassification of the Hipparcos periodic variable stars into 26 types.The sub-sample with the most reliable variability types available in theliterature is used to train supervised algorithms to characterize thetype dependencies on a number of attributes. The most useful attributesevaluated with the random forest methodology include, in decreasingorder of importance, the period, the amplitude, the V-I colour index,the absolute magnitude, the residual around the folded light-curvemodel, the magnitude distribution skewness and the amplitude of thesecond harmonic of the Fourier series model relative to that of thefundamental frequency. Random forests and a multi-stage scheme involvingBayesian network and Gaussian mixture methods lead to statisticallyequivalent results. In standard 10-fold cross-validation (CV)experiments, the rate of correct classification is between 90 and 100per cent, depending on the variability type. The main mis-classificationcases, up to a rate of about 10 per cent, arise due to confusion betweenSPB and ACV blue variables and between eclipsing binaries, ellipsoidalvariables and other variability types. Our training set and thepredicted types for the other Hipparcos periodic stars are availableonline.

The most plausible explanation of the cyclic period changes in close binaries: the case of the RS CVn-type binary WW Dra
Cyclic period changes are a fairly common phenomenon in close binarysystems and are usually explained as being caused either by the magneticactivity of one or both components or by the light travel time effect(LTTE) of a third body. We searched the orbital period changes in 182EA-type (including the 101 Algol systems used by Hall), 43 EB-type and53 EW-type binaries with known mass ratio and spectral type of thesecondary component. We reproduced and improved the diagram in Hallaccording to the new collected data. Our plots do not support theconclusion derived by Hall that cyclic period changes are restricted tobinaries having a secondary component with spectral type later than F5.The presence of period changes among systems with a secondary componentof early type indicates that magnetic activity is one, but not the only,cause of the period variation. It is discovered that cyclic periodchanges, probably resulting from the presence of a third body, are morefrequent in EW-type binaries among close systems. Therefore, the mostplausible explanation of the cyclic period changes is the LTTE throughthe presence of a third body. Using the century-long historical recordof the times of light minimum, we analysed the cyclic period change inthe Algol binary WW Dra. It is found that the orbital period of thebinary shows a ~112.2-yr cyclic variation with an amplitude of ~0.1977d.The cyclic oscillation can be attributed to the LTTE by means of a thirdbody with a mass no less than 6.43Msolar. However, nospectral lines of the third body were discovered, indicating that it maybe a candidate black hole. The third body is orbiting the binary at adistance closer than 14.4 au and may play an important role in theevolution of this system.

Orbital Period Study of the RS CVn-Type Binary WW Draconis
The orbital period variation of the RS CVn-type binary system WW Dra wasstudied based on all available times of light minima. We confirmed thatthe orbital period of the binary shows a cyclical change with a largeamplitude of 0.2495 days. We discussed in detail the mechanisms thatcould explain the period change of the system, especially thelight-travel time orbit of a tertiary component or magnetic activitycycle. Of these two mechanisms, we find that the latter is moreplausible.

XID II: Statistical Cross-Association of ROSAT Bright Source Catalog X-ray Sources with 2MASS Point Source Catalog Near-Infrared Sources
The 18,806 ROSAT All Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog (RASS/BSC) X-raysources are quantitatively cross-associated with near-infrared (NIR)sources from the Two Micron All Sky Survey Point Source Catalog(2MASS/PSC). An association catalog is presented, listing the mostlikely counterpart for each RASS/BSC source, the probability Pid that the NIR source and X-ray source are uniquelyassociated, and the probability P no-id that none of the2MASS/PSC sources are associated with the X-ray source. The catalogincludes 3853 high quality (P id>0.98) X-ray-NIR matches,2280 medium quality (0.98 >= P id>0.9) matches, and4153 low quality (0.9 >= P id>0.5) matches. Of the highquality matches, 1418 are associations that are not listed in the SIMBADdatabase, and for which no high quality match with a USNO-A2 opticalsource was presented for the RASS/BSC source in previous work. Thepresent work offers a significant number of new associations withRASS/BSC objects that will require optical/NIR spectroscopy forclassification. For example, of the 6133 P id>0.92MASS/PSC counterparts presented in the association catalog, 2411 haveno classification listed in the SIMBAD database. These 2MASS/PSC sourceswill likely include scientifically useful examples of known sourceclasses of X-ray emitters (white dwarfs, coronally active stars, activegalactic nuclei), but may also contain previously unknown sourceclasses. It is determined that all coronally active stars in theRASS/BSC should have a counterpart in the 2MASS/PSC, and that the uniqueassociation of these RASS/BSC sources with their NIR counterparts thusis confusion limited.

Automated Variable Star Classification Using the Northern Sky Variability Survey
We have identified 4659 variable objects in the Northern Sky VariabilitySurvey. We have classified each of these objects into one of the fivevariable star classes: (1) Algol/β Lyr systems includingsemidetached, and detached eclipsing binaries, (2) W Ursae Majorisovercontact and ellipsoidal variables, (3) long-period variables such asCepheid and Mira-type objects, (4) RR Lyr pulsating variables, and (5)short-period variables including δ Scuti stars. All the candidateshave outside of eclipse magnitudes of ~10-13. The primary classificationtool is the use of Fourier coefficients combined with period informationand light-curve properties to make the initial classification. Briefmanual inspection was done on all light curves to remove nonperiodicvariables that happened to slip through the process and to quantify anyerrors in the classification pipeline. We list the coordinates, period,Two Micron All Sky Survey colors, total amplitude variation, and anyprevious classification of the object. 548 objects previously identifiedas Algols in our previous paper are not included here.

A catalogue of chromospherically active binary stars (third edition)
The catalogue of chromospherically active binaries (CABs) has beenrevised and updated. With 203 new identifications, the number of CABstars is increased to 409. The catalogue is available in electronicformat where each system has a number of lines (suborders) with a uniqueorder number. The columns contain data of limited numbers of selectedcross references, comments to explain peculiarities and the position ofthe binarity in case it belongs to a multiple system, classicalidentifications (RS Canum Venaticorum, BY Draconis), brightness andcolours, photometric and spectroscopic data, a description of emissionfeatures (CaII H and K, Hα, ultraviolet, infrared),X-ray luminosity, radio flux, physical quantities and orbitalinformation, where each basic entry is referenced so users can go to theoriginal sources.

New periodic variable stars coincident with ROSAT sources discovered using SuperWASP
We present optical lightcurves of 428 periodic variable stars coincidentwith ROSAT X-ray sources, detected using the first run of the SuperWASPphotometric survey. Only 68 of these were previously recognised asperiodic variables. A further 30 of these objects are previously knownpre-main sequence stars, for which we detect a modulation period for thefirst time. Amongst the newly identified periodic variables, many appearto be close eclipsing binaries, their X-ray emission is presumably theresult of RS CVn type behaviour. Others are probably BY Dra stars,pre-main sequence stars and other rapid rotators displaying enhancedcoronal activity. A number of previously catalogued pulsating variables(RR Lyr stars and Cepheids) coincident with X-ray sources are also seen,but we show that these are likely to be misclassifications. We identifyfour objects which are probable low mass eclipsing binary stars, basedon their very red colour and light curve morphology.Tables 1 and 2 are also available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via

Photoelectric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries and Maxima of Pulsating Stars
Not Available

Dynamical evolution of active detached binaries on the logJo-logM diagram and contact binary formation
Orbital angular momentum (OAM, Jo), systemic mass (M) andorbital period (P) distributions of chromospherically active binaries(CAB) and W Ursae Majoris (W UMa) systems were investigated. Thediagrams of and logJo-logM were formed from 119 CAB and 102 WUMa stars. The logJo-logM diagram is found to be mostmeaningful in demonstrating dynamical evolution of binary star orbits. Aslightly curved borderline (contact border) separating the detached andthe contact systems was discovered on the logJo-logM diagram.Since the orbital size (a) and period (P) of binaries are determined bytheir current Jo, M and mass ratio, q, the rates of OAM loss(dlogJo/dt) and mass loss (dlogM/dt) are primary parametersto determine the direction and the speed of the dynamical evolution. Adetached system becomes a contact system if its own dynamical evolutionenables it to pass the contact border on the logJo-logMdiagram. The evolution of q for a mass-losing detached system is unknownunless the mass-loss rate for each component is known. Assuming q isconstant in the first approximation and using the mean decreasing ratesof Jo and M from the kinematical ages of CAB stars, it hasbeen predicted that 11, 23 and 39 per cent of current CAB stars wouldtransform to W UMa systems if their nuclear evolution permits them tolive 2, 4 and 6 Gyr, respectively.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Mass loss and orbital period decrease in detached chromospherically active binaries
The secular evolution of the orbital angular momentum (OAM), thesystemic mass (M=M1+M2) and the orbital period of114 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) were investigated afterdetermining the kinematical ages of the subsamples which were setaccording to OAM bins. OAMs, systemic masses and orbital periods wereshown to be decreasing by the kinematical ages. The first-orderdecreasing rates of OAM, systemic mass and orbital period have beendetermined as per systemic OAM, per systemic mass and per orbitalperiod, respectively, from the kinematical ages. The ratio of d logJ/dlogM= 2.68, which were derived from the kinematics of the presentsample, implies that there must be a mechanism which amplifies theangular momentum loss (AML) times in comparison to isotropic AML ofhypothetical isotropic wind from the components. It has been shown thatsimple isotropic mass loss from the surface of a component or bothcomponents would increase the orbital period.

A catalogue of eclipsing variables
A new catalogue of 6330 eclipsing variable stars is presented. Thecatalogue was developed from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS) and its textual remarks by including recently publishedinformation about classification of 843 systems and making correspondingcorrections of GCVS data. The catalogue1 represents thelargest list of eclipsing binaries classified from observations.

Up-to-Date Linear Elements of Eclipsing Binaries
About 1800 O-C diagrams of eclipsing binaries were analyzed and up-todate linear elements were computed. The regularly updated ephemerides(as a continuation of SAC) are available only in electronic form at theInternet address:

Kinematics of chromospherically active binaries and evidence of an orbital period decrease in binary evolution
The kinematics of 237 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) werestudied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits andphysically different components from F to M spectral-type main-sequencestars to G and K giants and supergiants. The computed U, V, W spacevelocities indicate that the sample is also heterogeneous in velocityspace. That is, both kinematically younger and older systems exist amongthe non-evolved main sequence and the evolved binaries containing giantsand subgiants. The kinematically young (0.95 Gyr) subsample (N= 95),which is formed according to the kinematical criteria of moving groups,was compared with the rest (N= 142) of the sample (3.86 Gyr) toinvestigate any observational clues of binary evolution. Comparing theorbital period histograms between the younger and older subsamples,evidence was found supporting the finding of Demircan that the CABs losemass (and angular momentum) and evolve towards shorter orbital periods.The evidence of mass loss is noticeable on the histograms of the totalmass (Mh+Mc), which is compared between theyounger (only N= 53 systems available) and older subsamples (only N= 66systems available). The orbital period decrease during binary evolutionis found to be clearly indicated by the kinematical ages of 6.69, 5.19and 3.02 Gyr which were found in the subsamples according to the periodranges of logP<= 0.8, 0.8 < logP<= 1.7 and 1.7 < logP<=3, respectively, among the binaries in the older subsample.

A period investigation of two chromospherically active binary stars: RT Coronae Borealis and PW Herculis
Orbital period variations of two chromospherically active binarysystems, RT CrBand PW Her, arepresented. It is shown that the orbital period of RT CrB undergoes acyclic oscillation with a period of 53.9years. For PW Her, an alternatechange, with a period of 42.7years, is found to superimpose on a rapidsecular increase (dP/dt=+3.53×10-6 days/year). If theperiod oscillations of those two systems are caused by the light-timeeffect of a third body, the analysis for RT CrB indicatesthat the third body would be a low-mass main-sequence star, while, forPW Her, the massof the third body should be no less than 7.8 Msolar. Since nospectral lines of the third body were seen in PW Her from thespectroscopic study by Popper [AJ 100 (1990) 247], if there is a thirdbody in the system, it can only be a black hole. However, as bothcomponents in the two binary stars were showing strong chromosphericactivity, the alternate period variations are more plausibly explainedas the result of magnetic activity cycles. No secular period changes ofRT CrB are found,which is in agreement with the detached evolved configuration of thesystem. The long-term period increase of PW Her may indicatethat it is on an active phase of mass transfer(dm/dt=2.17×10-6 Msolar/year).

Determination of the Ages of Close Binary Stars on the Main Sequence from Evolutionary Model Stars of Claret and Gimenez
A grid of isochrones, covering a wide range of stellar ages from thezero-age main sequence to 10 billion years, is calculated in the presentwork on the basis of the model stars of Claret and Gimenez withallowance for convective overshoot and mass loss by the components. Theages of 88 eclipsing variables on the main sequence from Andersen'scatalog and 100 chromospherically active stars from Strassmeier'scatalog are calculated with a description of the method of optimuminterpolation. Comparisons with age determinations by other authors aregiven and good agreement is established.

Spin and orbital angular momentum exchange in binary star systems. II. Ascending the giant branch: a new path to FK Comae stars
Using the model by Keppens (1997), we investigate the angular momentum(AM) evolution in asymmetric binary star systems from Zero-Age MainSequence times until at least one component has ascended the giantbranch. We concentrate on stars ranging in mass from 0.9 Msun- 1.7 Msun, in almost synchronous, short period systems(P_orb<9 days). We address synchronization and circularization bytidal interaction, allowing for structural evolution and stellar winds.A Weber-Davis prescription is used to quantify the wind influence,thereby accounting for changes in its acceleration mechanism from theinterplay of the evolving thermal-magneto-centrifugal effects. Weidentify a scenario for fast in-spiraling components with d ln P_orb/dt=~ -{cal O}(10-8) which is primarily driven by faststructural evolution as the heaviest component ascends the giant branch.This leads to the formation of contact systems, which ultimatelycoalesce and form FK Comae-like objects on relatively short timescalesdue to the continuing expansion of the primary. The obtained mass lossrates and orbital period variations d ln P_orb/dt are confronted withtheir observed ranges. The predicted mass loss rates agree with thesolar value on the main sequence and with the Reimers relation in thegiant phase. Observations of period evolution in close, active binariessuggest, however, that other influences than those considered here mustplay an important role. Finally, we point out how the mass asymmetry ofthe binary system can be a crucial ingredient in the angular momentumevolution: while the primary dictates the spin-orbital AM exchange inthe system, the slowly evolving lighter component can develop anefficient magneto-centrifugally driven wind and thereby drain the AMfrom the system.

Coordinates and Identifications for Sonneberg Variables on MVS 308-316
Not Available

ROTSE All-Sky Surveys for Variable Stars. I. Test Fields
The Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment I (ROTSE-I) experimenthas generated CCD photometry for the entire northern sky in two epochsnightly since 1998 March. These sky patrol data are a powerful resourcefor studies of astrophysical transients. As a demonstration project, wepresent first results of a search for periodic variable stars derivedfrom ROTSE-I observations. Variable identification, perioddetermination, and type classification are conducted via automaticalgorithms. In a set of nine ROTSE-I sky patrol fields covering roughly2000 deg2, we identify 1781 periodic variable stars with meanmagnitudes between mv=10.0 and mv=15.5. About 90%of these objects are newly identified as variable. Examples of manyfamiliar types are presented. All classifications for this study havebeen manually confirmed. The selection criteria for this analysis havebeen conservatively defined and are known to be biased against somevariable classes. This preliminary study includes only 5.6% of the totalROTSE-I sky coverage, suggesting that the full ROTSE-I variable catalogwill include more than 32,000 periodic variable stars.

On X-Ray Variability in Active Binary Stars
We have compared the X-ray emissions of active binary stars observed atvarious epochs by the Einstein and ROSAT satellites in order toinvestigate the nature of their X-ray variability. The primary aim ofthis work is to determine whether or not active binaries exhibitlong-term variations in X-ray emission, perhaps analogous to theobserved cyclic behavior of solar magnetic activity. We find that, whilethe mean level of emission of the sample remains steady, comparison ofdifferent ROSAT observations of the same stars shows significantvariation on timescales <~2 yr, with an ``effective variability''ΔI/I=0.32+/-0.04, where I and ΔI represent the mean emissionand variation from the mean emission, respectively. A comparison of theROSAT All-Sky Survey and later pointed observations with earlierobservations of the same stars carried out with Einstein yields onlymarginal evidence for a larger variation (ΔI/I=0.38+/-0.04 forEinstein vs. ROSAT All-Sky Survey and 0.46+/-0.05 for Einstein vs. ROSATpointed) at these longer timescales (~10 yr), thus indicating thepossible presence of a long-term component to the variability. Whetheror not this long-term component is due to the presence of cyclicvariability cannot be decided on the basis of existing data. However,assuming that this component is analogous to the observed cyclicvariability of the Sun, we find that the relative magnitude of thecyclic component in the ROSAT passband can, at most, be a factor of 4,i.e., I_cyc/I_min<4. This is to be compared with the correspondingbut significantly higher solar value of ~10-10^2 derived from GOES,Yohkoh, and Solrad data. These results are consistent with thesuggestions of earlier studies that a turbulent or distributive dynamomight be responsible for the observed magnetic activity on the mostactive, rapidly rotating stars.

Mutual irradiation and absorption and surface temperature variation in detached binary systems
In the paper, we calculate the absorbed flux of the mutual irradiationof the components in detached binary systems, and obtain the surfacetemperature distribution on the components. The maximum temperaturedifference over the surface is a measure of the deviation betweenisothermal and equipotential surfaces. For 33 late-type binary systemswith known elements, we evaluate this maximum difference. The resultshows that the isothermal-equipotential deviation is always larger inthe cooler than in the hotter components. This result supports Zhou andLeung's idea that the large difference between ``star-spots'' andsunspots is due to cyclones and anticyclones. The effect of limbdarkening (amounting to over 18% and always larger in the hottercomponent) is included in the consideration.

Mutual irradiation and absorption in detached binary systems and surface temperature variation.
Not Available

EUV Emission from RS Canum Venaticorum binaries.
We performed a study of 104 RS CVn systems in the extreme ultraviolet(EUV) using the all-sky survey data obtained by the Extreme UltravioletExplorer (EUVE). The present sample includes several new RS CVndetections; 11 more than in the published EUVE catalogs, and 8 more thanin the ROSAT Wide Field Camera catalog. The ratio of detections tonon-detections remained constant throughout the sky, implying that ourdetections are not limited by the exposure time but are most likelylimited by absorption from the interstellar medium. A general trend ofincreasing Lex/B (50-180Å) flux with decreasing rotational periodis clear. The dwarf systems exhibit a leveling-off for the fasterrotators. In contrast, the evolved systems exhibit no such effect. Forthe RS CVn systems the losses in the EUV represent a smaller fraction ofthe coronal radiative losses, as compared to active late-type dwarfs.

Photoelectric Minima of Selected Eclipsing Binaries
Not Available

RS CVn Versus Algol-Type Binaries: A Comparative Study of Their X-Ray Emission
Abstract image available at:

The emission of the RS CVn binaries in the IRAS passbands.
In the literature, there is an ambiguity pertaining to the existence ofa far-IR excess in RS CVn systems. In the current paper we undertook astudy of the behaviour of 103 such systems in the IRAS passbands. Wefound 72 acceptable detections in the 12μm band, and 40 in the25μm band (50% more than the IRAS Point Source Catalog). Although ourfindings may be interpreted as indicating towards the existence of anexcess beyond 12μm for some systems, the evidence is not conclusivein all but two cases. These are systems GX Lib and HR 7428, with Capellabeing the only system where the IRAS fluxes in all four bands originatefrom the stellar photosphere. Given the accuracy of the data we did notfind 12μm excess for any system. We argue that the IRAS data alonecannot settle the issue, as their uncertainty is, in many cases, higherthan what the Signal-to-Noise ratio of each observation implies.Furthermore, at the higher wavelength bands the IRAS angular resolutiondrops from 0.5' at 12μm to 2' at 100μm and the background becomesvery complex, so one cannot be certain about the origin of the observedflux. The existence of IR excess in the RS CVn stars is important as faras the evolutionary scenarios for these systems are concerned. Futuremissions such as the Infrared Space Observatory will return moresensitive and accurate measurements and the ambiguity can be removed.The fluxes we quote will be helpful when planning these futureobservations, as we provide more accurate photometry and for a largerselection of sources than the IRAS Point Source Catalog.

Are Rotational Axes Perpendicular to Orbital Planes in Binary Systems. III.Main Sequence and Short-Period RS CVn Stars.
Inclinations of the rotational axes, irot, are determined for46 main sequence binaries of F, G, K and M spectral type and shortperiod RS CVn systems. Seven binaries are asynchronous. The inclinationsirot are then compared with the orbital inclinations,iorb, to test the alignment between the equatorial andorbital planes. In all 39 cases of synchronous rotators irotis equal or nearly equal to iorb. In a sample of sevenasynchronous systems, at least six, and perhaps all, are non-coplanar.

Photoelectric Maxima/minima of Selected Variables
Not Available

On the Role of Mass Transfer in X-Ray Emission of RS CVN Systems
Abstract image available at:

Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update.
An updated version of my catalogue of radio stars is presented. Somestatistics and availability are discussed.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:18h10m24.11s
Magnitud Aparente:10.141
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:18.3
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:9.8
B-T magnitude:11.265
V-T magnitude:10.234

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2626-1610-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-08985345
HIPHIP 89039

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