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HD 175754



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The Extension of the Transition Temperature Plasma into the Lower Galactic Halo
Column densities for H I, Al III, Si IV, C IV, and O VI toward 109 starsand 30 extragalactic objects have been assembled to study the extensionsof these species away from the Galactic plane into the Galactic halo. HI and Al III mostly trace the warm neutral and warm ionized medium,respectively, while Si IV, C IV, and O VI trace a combination of warmphotoionized and collisionally ionized plasmas. The much larger objectsample compared to previous studies allows us to consider and correctfor the effects of the sample bias that has affected earlier but smallersurveys of the gas distributions. We find that Si IV and C IV havesimilar exponential scale heights of 3.2(+1.0, -0.6) and 3.6(+1.0,-0.8) kpc. The scale height of O VI is marginally smaller with h =2.6 ± 0.6 kpc. The transition temperature gas is ~3 times moreextended than the warm ionized medium traced by Al III with h =0.90(+0.62, -0.33) kpc and ~12 times more extended than the warmneutral medium traced by H I with h = 0.24 ± 0.06 kpc. There is afactor of 2 decrease in the dispersion of the log of the column densityratios for transition temperature gas for lines of sight in the Galacticdisk compared to extragalactic lines of sight through the entire halo.The observations are compared to the predictions of the various modelsfor the production of the transition temperature gas in the halo. Theappendix presents a revision to the electron scale height of Gaensler etal.'s 2008 study based on electron dispersion measures.

A FUSE Survey of the Rotation Rates of Very Massive Stars in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds
We present projected rotational velocity values for 97 Galactic, 55 SMC,and 106 LMC O-B type stars from archival FUSE observations. The evolvedand unevolved samples from each environment are compared through theKolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine if the distribution of equatorialrotational velocities is metallicity dependent for these massiveobjects. Stellar interior models predict that massive stars with SMCmetallicity will have significantly reduced angular momentum loss on themain sequence compared to their Galactic counterparts. Our results findsome support for this prediction but also show that even at Galacticmetallicity, evolved and unevolved massive stars have fairly similarfractions of stars with large Vsin i values. Macroturbulent broadeningthat is present in the spectral features of Galactic evolved massivestars is lower in the LMC and SMC samples. This suggests the processesthat lead to macroturbulence are dependent upon metallicity.

On the origin of field O-type stars
Aims. We aim to identify the origins of field O-stars in the nearest 2to 3 kpc around the Sun using the best presently available kinematicdata on O-stars and on young open clusters. We investigate the questionof whether the present-day data are consistent with the assumption thatO-stars have formed in groups (clusters, associations), or in isolation. Methods: We apply the epicycle theory to back-trace the orbits ofO-type stars and of candidate parent open clusters. Results: From the370 O-stars in the “Galactic O star catalog v 2.0” (GOSV2)we have investigated 93 stars classified as field, and found the originfor 73 of them in 48 open clusters younger than 30 Myr. Only for 32stars or about 9% of all O-stars from this catalogue is the question oftheir origin in groups not solved; some of them may have originated inisolation or may have disintegrated the group in which they formed.Fifty percent of the young open clusters (age < 30 Myr) in the“Catalogue of Open Cluster Data” (COCD) have O-stars asmembers, or have ejected at least one O-star in the first 10 Myr oftheir life, or both. During this period the average mass loss from openclusters by ejecting O-stars is found to be 3 to 5 M_ȯ per Myr. Weprove that ζ Pup had its origin in the open cluster Trumpler 10which it left about 2.5 Myr ago, and that its present-day distance is300 pc (compared to 440 pc before). The revised distance implies asignificant revision of the stellar parameters (a radius of 14 R_ȯ,a mass of 22.5 M_ȯ, and a luminosity of log L/L_ȯ of 5.74)i.e., ζ Pup is closer, less massive, and less luminous thanpreviously thought. Our findings provide independent estimates of thepresent-day distances and absolute magnitudes of field O-stars.

The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of O VI Absorption in the Disk of the Milky Way
To probe the distribution and physical characteristics of interstellargas at temperatures T~3×105 K in the disk of the MilkyWay, we have used the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) toobserve absorption lines of O VI λ1032 toward 148 early-typestars situated at distances >1 kpc. After subtracting off a mildexcess of O VI arising from the Local Bubble, combining our new resultswith earlier surveys of O VI, and eliminating stars that showconspicuous localized X-ray emission, we find an average O VI midplanedensity n0=1.3×10-8 cm-3. Thedensity decreases away from the plane of the Galaxy in a way that isconsistent with an exponential scale height of 3.2 kpc at negativelatitudes or 4.6 kpc at positive latitudes. Average volume densities ofO VI along different sight lines exhibit a dispersion of about 0.26 dex,irrespective of the distances to the target stars. This indicates that OVI does not arise in randomly situated clouds of a fixed size anddensity, but instead is distributed in regions that have a very broadrange of column densities, with the more strongly absorbing cloudshaving a lower space density. Line widths and centroid velocities aremuch larger than those expected from differential Galactic rotation, butthey are nevertheless correlated with distance and N(O VI), whichreinforces our picture of a diverse population of hot plasma regionsthat are ubiquitous over the entire Galactic disk. The velocity extremesof the O VI profiles show a loose correlation with those of very stronglines of less ionized species, supporting a picture of a turbulent,multiphase medium churned by shock-heated gas from multiple supernovaexplosions.

Towards an understanding of the Of?p star HD 191612: optical spectroscopy
We present extensive optical spectroscopy of the early-type magneticstar HD 191612 (O6.5f?pe-O8fp). The Balmer and HeI lines show stronglyvariable emission which is highly reproducible on a well-determined538-d period. HeII absorptions and metal lines (including many selectiveemission lines but excluding HeII ?4686 Å emission) areessentially constant in line strength, but are variable in velocity,establishing a double-lined binary orbit with Porb = 1542d, e= 0.45. We conduct a model-atmosphere analysis of the spectrum, and findthat the system is consistent with a ~O8 giant with a ~B1 main-sequencesecondary. Since the periodic 538-d changes are unrelated to orbitalmotion, rotational modulation of a magnetically constrained plasma isstrongly favoured as the most likely underlying `clock'. An upper limiton the equatorial rotation is consistent with this hypothesis, but istoo weak to provide a strong constraint.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

New Estimates of the Solar-Neighborhood Massive Star Birthrate and the Galactic Supernova Rate
The birthrate of stars of masses >=10 Msolar is estimatedfrom a sample of just over 400 O3-B2 dwarfs within 1.5 kpc of the Sunand the result extrapolated to estimate the Galactic supernova ratecontributed by such stars. The solar-neighborhood Galactic-plane massivestar birthrate is estimated at ~176 stars kpc-3Myr-1. On the basis of a model in which the Galactic stellardensity distribution comprises a ``disk+central hole'' like that of thedust infrared emission (as proposed by Drimmel and Spergel), theGalactic supernova rate is estimated at probably not less than ~1 normore than ~2 per century and the number of O3-B2 dwarfs within the solarcircle at ~200,000.

The origin of massive O-type field stars: II. Field O stars as runaways
In two papers we try to confirm that all Galactic high-mass stars areformed in a cluster environment, by excluding that O-type stars found inthe Galactic field actually formed there. In de Wit et al. (2004) wepresented deep K-band imaging of 5 arcmin fields centred on 43 massiveO-type field stars that revealed that the large majority of theseobjects are single objects. In this contribution we explore thepossibility that the field O stars are dynamically ejected from youngclusters, by investigating their peculiar space velocity distribution,their distance from the Galactic plane, and their spatial vicinity toknown young stellar clusters. We (re-)identify 22 field O-type stars ascandidate runaway OB-stars. The statistics show that 4 ± 2% ofall O-type stars with V<8m can be considered as formedoutside a cluster environment. Most are spectroscopically singleobjects, some are visual binaries. The derived percentage for O-typestars that form isolated in the field based on our statistical analysesis in agreement with what is expected from calculations adopting auniversal cluster richness distribution with power index of β= 1.7,assuming that the cluster richness distribution is continuous down tothe smallest clusters containing one single star.

On the Hipparcos parallaxes of O stars
We compare the absolute visual magnitude of the majority of bright Ostars in the sky as predicted from their spectral type with the absolutemagnitude calculated from their apparent magnitude and the Hipparcosparallax. We find that many stars appear to be much fainter thanexpected, up to five magnitudes. We find no evidence for a correlationbetween magnitude differences and the stellar rotational velocity assuggested for OB stars by Lamers et al. (1997, A&A, 325, L25), whosesmall sample of stars is partly included in ours. Instead, by means of asimulation we show how these differences arise naturally from the largedistances at which O stars are located, and the level of precision ofthe parallax measurements achieved by Hipparcos. Straightforwardlyderiving a distance from the Hipparcos parallax yields reliable resultsfor one or two O stars only. We discuss several types of bias reportedin the literature in connection with parallax samples (Lutz-Kelker,Malmquist) and investigate how they affect the O star sample. Inaddition, we test three absolute magnitude calibrations from theliterature (Schmidt-Kaler et al. 1982, Landolt-Börnstein; Howarth& Prinja 1989, ApJS, 69, 527; Vacca et al. 1996, ApJ, 460, 914) andfind that they are consistent with the Hipparcos measurements. AlthoughO stars conform nicely to the simulation, we notice that some B stars inthe sample of \citeauthor{La97} have a magnitude difference larger thanexpected.

The origin of massive O-type field stars. I. A search for clusters
We present a study aimed at clarifying the birthplace for 43 massiveO-type field stars. In this first paper we present the observationalpart: a search for stellar clusters near the target stars. We derivestellar density maps at two different resolving scales, viz. ˜0.25pc and ˜1.0 pc from NTT and TNG imaging and the 2MASS catalogue.These scales are typical for cluster sizes. The main result is that thelarge majority of the O-type field population are isolated stars: only12% (5 out of 43) of the O-type field stars is found to harbour asmall-scale stellar cluster. We review the literature and aim atcharacterizing the stellar field of each O-type field star with theemphasis on star formation and the presence of known young stellarclusters. An analysis of the result of this paper and a discussion ofthe O-type field population as products of a dynamical ejection event ispresented in an accompanying paper.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory,Chile, and at the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) operated onthe island of La Palma by the Centro Galileo Galilei of the CNAA(Consorzio Nazionale per l'Astronomia e l'Astrofisica) at the SpanishObservatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisicade Canarias.Table 2 and Figs. 4 to 17 are available in electronic form athttp://www.edpsciences.org

A Galactic O Star Catalog
We have produced a catalog of 378 Galactic O stars with accuratespectral classifications that is complete for V<8 but includes manyfainter stars. The catalog provides cross-identifications with othersources; coordinates (obtained in most cases from Tycho-2 data);astrometric distances for 24 of the nearest stars; optical (Tycho-2,Johnson, and Strömgren) and NIR photometry; group membership,runaway character, and multiplicity information; and a Web-based versionwith links to on-line services.

A study of RV in Galactic O stars from the 2MASS catalogue
We present new measurements of the interstellar reddening parameterRV=AV/E(B-V) towards 185 O stars, using J, H,Ks photometry from the 2MASS project. The results arecombined with data from the literature of 95 stars where RVhas been derived with the same technique, 22 of which in common with ourpresent sample from the 2MASS project catalogue. The averageRV from these 258 O stars is of 3.19 +/- 0.50. All objectswhose RV departs from this value by more than 2 sigma havebeen recognized. Ten objects have RV higher than this valueand two lower. It is found that anomalous RV can scarcely beassociated with anomalies in the general interstellar medium, e.g. withdifferent behaviour in different spiral arms. They are clearly linked tolocal cloud effect. In the Cygnus region RV values follow thebehaviour of the general interstellar medium, while in the Carina arm,in spite of the relatively larger distance, local cloud effects prevail.An explanation for this is suggested. The relatively few stars of oursample whose Hipparcos parallaxes are reliable, are found to havedistances systematically smaller than the distances derived by thespectroscopic parallaxes. We argue that this effect is consistent withthe recently claimed discovery of grey extinction towards OB stars.This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All SkySurvey (2MASS), which is a joint project of the University ofMassachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration and the National Science Foundation.Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/410/905

Catalog of Galactic OB Stars
An all-sky catalog of Galactic OB stars has been created by extendingthe Case-Hamburg Galactic plane luminous-stars surveys to include 5500additional objects drawn from the literature. This work brings the totalnumber of known or reasonably suspected OB stars to over 16,000.Companion databases of UBVβ photometry and MK classifications forthese objects include nearly 30,000 and 20,000 entries, respectively.

Highly Ionized Gas in the Galactic Halo: A FUSE Survey of O VI Absorption toward 22 Halo Stars
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of 22 Galactichalo stars are studied to determine the amount of O VI in the Galactichalo between ~0.3 and ~10 kpc from the Galactic midplane. Strong O VIλ1031.93 absorption was detected toward 21 stars, and a reliable3 σ upper limit was obtained toward HD 97991. The weaker member ofthe O VI doublet at 1037.62 Å could be studied toward only sixstars because of stellar and interstellar blending problems. Themeasured logarithmic total column densities vary from 13.65 to 14.57with =14.17+/-0.28 (1 σ). The observed columns arereasonably consistent with a patchy exponential O VI distribution with amidplane density of 1.7×10-8 cm-3 and scaleheight between 2.3 and 4 kpc. We do not see clear signs of stronghigh-velocity components in O VI absorption along the Galactic sightlines, which indicates the general absence of high-velocity O VI within2-5 kpc of the Galactic midplane. This result is in marked contrast tothe findings of Sembach et al., who reported high-velocity O VIabsorption toward ~60% of the complete halo sight lines observed byFUSE. The line centroid velocities of the O VI absorption do not reflectGalactic rotation well. The O VI velocity dispersions range from 33 to78 km s-1, with an average of =45+/-11 kms-1 (1 σ). These values are much higher than the valueof ~18 km s-1 expected from thermal broadening for gas atT~3×105 K, the temperature at which O VI is expected toreach its peak abundance in collisional ionization equilibrium.Turbulence, inflow, and outflow must have an effect on the shape of theO VI profiles. Kinematical comparisons of O VI with Ar I reveal thateight of 21 sight lines are closely aligned in LSR velocity(|ΔVLSR|<=5 km s-1), while nine of 21exhibit significant velocity differences(|ΔVLSR|>=15 km s-1). This dual behaviormay indicate the presence of two different types of O VI-bearingenvironments toward the Galactic sight lines. The correlation betweenthe H I and O VI intermediate-velocity absorption is poor. We couldidentify the known H I intermediate-velocity components in the Ar Iabsorption but not in the O VI absorption in most cases. Comparison of OVI with other highly ionized species suggests that the high ions areproduced primarily by cooling hot gas in the Galactic fountain flow andthat turbulent mixing also has a significant contribution. The role ofturbulent mixing varies from negligible to dominant. It is mostimportant toward sight lines that sample supernova remnants like Loops Iand IV. The average N(C IV)/N(O VI) ratios for the nearby halo (thiswork) and complete halo (Savage et al.) are similar (~0.6), but thedispersion is larger in the sample of nearby halo sight lines. We areable to show that the O VI enhancement toward the Galactic center regionthat was observed in the FUSE survey of complete halo sight lines(Savage et al.) is likely associated with processes occurring near theGalactic center by comparing the observations toward the nearby HD177566 sight line to those toward extragalactic targets.

Synthetic High-Resolution Line Spectra of Star-forming Galaxies below 1200 Å
We have generated a set of far-ultraviolet stellar libraries usingspectra of OB and Wolf-Rayet stars in the Galaxy and the Large and SmallMagellanic Cloud. The spectra were collected with the Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer and cover a wavelength range from 1003.1 to1182.7 Å at a resolution of 0.127 Å. The libraries extendfrom the earliest O to late-O and early-B stars for the Magellanic Cloudand Galactic libraries, respectively. Attention is paid to the complexblending of stellar and interstellar lines, which can be significant,especially in models using Galactic stars. The most severe contaminationis due to molecular hydrogen. Using a simple model for the H2line strength, we were able to remove the molecular hydrogen lines in asubset of Magellanic Cloud stars. Variations of the photospheric andwind features of C III λ1176, O VI λλ1032, 1038, PV λλ1118, 1128, and S IV λλ1063, 1073, 1074are discussed as a function of temperature and luminosity class. Thespectral libraries were implemented into the LavalSB and Starburst99packages and used to compute a standard set of synthetic spectra ofstar-forming galaxies. Representative spectra are presented for variousinitial mass functions and star formation histories. The valid parameterspace is confined to the youngest ages of less than ~=10 Myr for aninstantaneous burst, prior to the age when incompleteness of spectraltypes in the libraries sets in. For a continuous burst at solarmetallicity, the parameter space is not limited. The suite of models isuseful for interpreting the rest-frame far-ultraviolet in local andhigh-redshift galaxies. Based on observations made with theNASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. FUSE is operatedfor NASA by the Johns Hopkins University under NASA contract NAS5-32985.

The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars
The paper presents an extensive list of the total to selectiveextinction ratios R calculated from the infrared magnitudes of 597 O andB stars using the extrapolation method. The IR magnitudes of these starswere taken from the literature. The IR colour excesses are determinedwith the aid of "artificial standards" - Wegner (1994). The individualand mean values of total to selective extinction ratios R differ in mostcases from the average value R=3.10 +/-0.05 - Wegner (1993) in differentOB associations. The relation between total to selective extinctionratios R determined in this paper and those calculated using the "methodof variable extinction" and the Cardelli et al. (1989) formulae isdiscussed. The R values presented in this paper can be used to determineindividual absolute magnitudes of reddened OB stars with knowntrigonometric parallaxes.

Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of O VI Overlying the Scutum Supershell
We present Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations of the B0III star HD 177989 (l=17.8d, b=-11.9d, d=4.9 kpc). This line of sightpasses through the high-latitude outflow from the Scutum supershell (GS018-04+44), a structure that lies at a kinematic distance of ~3.5 kpcand spans ~5° in diameter. The O VI λ1031.93 line is comparedwith Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) observations of Si IV,C IV, and N V to examine the ionizing mechanisms responsible forproducing the high ion absorption, as well as to study the processes bywhich gas is expelled into the halo. The O VI profile spans a similarvelocity range as the other highly ionized atoms, from -70 to +80 kms-1. Component fits reveal very broad absorption at thekinematic velocity of the Scutum shell, which differs from the narrow SiIV, C IV, and N V components, suggesting that these other species occupya more confined region. It is possible that the O VI is present in hotgas from the shell interior that is diffusing into the high-latituderegion above it. The column densities in the Scutum supershell componentare N(SiIV)=(3.59+/-0.09)×1013,N(CIV)=(1.78+/-0.04)×1014,N(NV)=(8.89+/-0.79)×1012, and N(OVI)=(7.76+/-0.75)×1013 cm-2. The correspondingcolumn density ratios of N(CIV)/N(SiIV)=4.96+/-0.17,N(CIV)/N(NV)=20.0+/-1.8, and N(CIV)/N(OVI)=2.29+/-0.23 show that whilethe C IV and Si IV columns are amplified in this region, the enhancementis not reflected in N V or O VI. We suggest that such ionic ratios andcolumn densities could be produced by ~150-200 turbulent mixing layerslying in a fragmented medium above the polar cap of the superbubble. Wenote through a sight-line comparison that although these absorptioncharacteristics are similar to those near the center of Radio Loops Iand IV, they differ considerably from those near the edges of the loops.It is apparent that the traits of high ion absorption in a supershell,as well as the ionizing mechanisms responsible, can vary among sightlines through the shell.

Atlas of Interstellar Extinction Curves of OB Stars Covering the Whole Available Wavelength Range
The paper presents a collection of 436 extinction curves covering thewhole available range of wavelengths from satellite UV to near-IR. Thedata were taken from the ANS photometric catalogue and from thecompilations of IR photometric measurements. The data curves have beenobtained with the aid of ``artificial standards": Papaj et al. (1993)and Wegner (1994, 1995). The visual magnitudes and spectralclassifications of O and B type stars with EB-V>= 0.05were taken from the SIMBAD database. The curves are given in the form ofplots and tables E{lambda - V} / EB-V versus1/λ. The observed variety of extinction laws among slightlyreddened stars is apparently due to the various physical parameters ofinterstellar clouds.

IUE Absorption-Line Observations of the Moderately and Highly Ionized Interstellar Medium toward 164 Early-Type Stars
We present measurements of Galactic interstellar Al III, Si IV, and C IVabsorption recorded in high-resolution archival ultraviolet spectra of164 hot early-type stars observed by the International UltravioletExplorer (IUE) satellite. The objects studied were drawn from the listof hot stars scheduled to be observed with the Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite as part of observing programsdesigned to investigate absorption by O VI in the Galactic disk andhalo. Multiple IUE echelle-mode integrations have been combined toproduce a single ultraviolet (1150-1900 Å) spectrum of each starwith a spectral resolution of ~25 km s-1 (FWHM). Selectedabsorption-line profiles are presented for each star along with plots ofthe apparent column density per unit velocity for each line of the AlIII, Si IV, and C IV doublets. We report absorption-line equivalentwidths, absorption velocities, and integrated column densities based onthe apparent optical depth method of examining interstellar absorptionlines. We also determine column densities and Doppler parameters fromsingle-component curve-of-growth analyses. The scientific analysis ofthese observations will be undertaken after the FUSE satellite producessimilar measurements for absorption by interstellar O IV, Fe III, S III,and other ions. Based on archival data from observations obtained withthe International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite sponsored byNASA, SERC, and ESA.

Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds. II. Gayley-Owocki heating in multitemperature winds of OB stars
We show that the so-called Gayley-Owocki (Doppler) heating is importantfor the temperature structure of the wind of main sequence stars coolerthan the spectral type O6. The formula for Gayley-Owocki heating isderived directly from the Boltzmann equation as a direct consequence ofthe dependence of the driving force on the velocity gradient. SinceGayley-Owocki heating deposits heat directly on the absorbing ions, wealso investigated the possibility that individual components of theradiatively driven stellar wind have different temperatures. This effectis negligible in the wind of O stars, whereas a significant temperaturedifference takes place in the winds of main sequence B stars for starscooler than B2. Typical temperature differences between absorbing ionsand other flow components for such stars is of the order 103K. However, in the case when the passive component falls back onto thestar, the absorbing component reaches temperatures of order106 K, which allows for emission of X-rays. Moreover, wecompare our computed terminal velocities with the observed ones. Wefound quite good agreement between predicted and observed terminalvelocities. The systematic difference coming from the using of the socalled ``cooking formula'' has been removed.

GMRT observations of interstellar clouds in the 21cm line of atomic hydrogen.
Nearby interstellar clouds with high (|v| >/= 10 km/s) randomvelocities although easily detected in NaI and CaII lines have hithertonot been detected (in emission or absorption) in the HI 21cm line. Wedescribe here deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI absorptionobservations toward radio sources with small angular separation frombright O and B stars whose spectra reveal the presence of interveninghigh random velocity CaII absorbing clouds. In 5 out of the 14directions searched we detect HI 21cm absorption features from theseclouds. The mean optical depth of these detections is ~ 0.09 and FWHM is~ 10 km/s, consistent with absorption arising from CNM clouds.

STIS and GHRS Observations of Warm and Hot Gas Overlying the Scutum Supershell (GS 018-04+44)
We present Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Goddard HighResolution Spectrograph (GHRS) observations of interstellar UVabsorption toward HD 177989, a B0 III star at 4.9 kpc in the directionl=17.8d, b=-11.9d. The line of sight passes through the high-latitudeejecta of the Scutum supershell (GS 018-06+44), which is ~5° indiameter extending ~7° below the Galactic plane at a kinematicdistance of ~3.5 kpc in the Scutum spiral arm. The observations with theSTIS E140H and GHRS echelle B gratings provide far- and middle-UVspectra at resolutions (FWHM) of ~3 km s-1 and asignal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of ~20:1 to 50:1. The observations revealstrong and broad absorption in the lines of Si IV and C IV centered onLSR velocities of +18 and +42 km s-1 and weaker absorptionfrom these ions near -50 and -13 km s-1. Weak absorption by NV extends over the full velocity range traced by Si IV and C IV. The +18km s-1 high-ionization absorption likely occurs in gas ~400pc below the Sagittarius spiral arm, while the extremely strong +42 kms-1 absorption occurs in highly ionized gas in the Scutumsupershell at a distance of ~700 pc below the Galactic plane. Theproperties of the highly ionized gas associated with the Scutumsupershell are similar to the gas found in radio loops I and IV; in bothcases there is a strong enhancement in the column density of C IVwithout a corresponding increase in the column density of N V, whichcauses N(C IV)/N(N V) to be among the largest measured in theinterstellar medium. The low-ionization absorption lines of N I, S II,Si II, and Fe II produce narrow absorption features at +37, +40 kms-1 and +55, +60 km s-1. The strength andkinematic properties of these absorption features bear no resemblance tothose expected for the high-latitude neutral cloud seen in the H I 21 cmline. This may be due to the relatively low angular resolution (FWHM~21') of the 21 cm observations. The kinematic relationships among thehigh-ionization and low-ionization absorption lines observed in the UVsuggest a related origin in a hot-warm gas interface region. We arepossibly seeing the warm gas in the swept-up shell surrounding a regionwhere hot gas is being vented into the halo. In the warm gas, N(N I)/N(SII) ~0.01 solar, which implies a similar value forN(H0)/[N(H0)+N(H+)]. The warm neutraland ionized gas in the matter overlying the Scutum supershell has valuesof Si /S and Fe /S roughly similar to those found in the warm neutralmedium of the Galactic disk in the vicinity of the Sun. While there hasbeen grain processing in the ejecta of the Scutum supershell, theprocessing has not been complete. Based on observations of interstellarC IV and Si IV at high S/N and high resolution toward four very distantstars, we determine that highly ionized gas absorption components occurat a frequency of ~1 component kpc-1. The strongestcomponents are associated with lines of sight that pass over or underspiral arms or that pass though Galactic supershells. Based onobservations obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph andthe Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on the NASA/ESA Hubble SpaceTelescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which isoperated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

Observational Evidence of Supershell Blowout in GS 018-04+44: The Scutum Supershell
Emission in the H I 21 cm line has been mapped for a region of theGalaxy that includes two known supershells, GS 018-04+44 and GS034-06+65. We focus on the GS 018-04+44, hereafter referred to as theScutum Supershell, which is an elongated shell about 5 deg in diameterextending to -7 deg below the Galactic plane. The Scutum shell lies at akinematic distance of ~3300 pc, implying a shell diameter of ~290 pcwith a vertical extension of ~400 pc away from the Galactic plane. TheScutum shell contains 6.2x105 Msolar swept intothe walls. We observe that the top of the shell is missing, and asubstantial column of H I rises from the shell walls tob=-11deg, culminating in a large cloud of neutral hydrogen,3.74x104 Msolar, located ~630 pc from the plane.ROSAT data show X-ray emission that closely anticorrelates with the 21cm emission. This emission probably originates from hot gas within theScutum Supershell. After approximately correcting for the foregroundabsorption, we find that the 1.5 keV X-rays peak at the base of theshell, the 0.75 keV emission peaks in the interior and at the top of theshell, and the 0.25 keV emission extends to high latitudes above theshell. The X-ray luminosity is roughly ~5x1036 ergss-1. The Wisconsin Hα Mapper (WHAM) survey shows thepresence of Hα emission that exhibits a morphology similar to thatof the H I. Spectra indicate the presence of ionized hydrogen atvelocities similar to the H I, placing ionized material at the samekinematic distance as the neutral material. IRAS images in the 60 and100 μm wavebands reveal the presence of dust correlated with theneutral hydrogen. Infrared surface brightness indicates an excess in the100 μm emission, which could indicate a molecular hydrogen componentwith a column density of 2.4x1021 cm-2 in thedensest regions of the high-latitude cloud of neutral hydrogen. IUEultraviolet high dispersion spectra of HD 177989 (l=17.89d, b=-11.88d)and HD 175754 (l=16.40d, b=-9.92d) reveal the presence of very strongabsorption by highly ionized gas at a velocity that associates theabsorption with the ejecta of the Scutum Supershell. In the case of HD177989, the high ion column density ratios suggest an origin in aturbulent mixing layer where hot and cool gases mix in the presence ofshear flows. The Hα and X-ray emission suggest that a multitude ofenergetic phenomena exist in this region, providing the necessaryionizing radiation. Indeed, there are multiple supernova remnants, H IIregions, and hot stars, which could all contribute sizeable amounts ofenergy and ionizing radiation. The combination of these data setsindicates observational evidence of a ``blowout'' phenomena whereby hotmaterial produced within the Scutum Supershell has blown through the topof the shell and been pushed to high latitude. Based on observationsfrom the Green Bank 43m radio telescope, the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, theWHAM All-Sky Survey, IRAS, and IUE.

The OB Zoo: A Digital Atlas of Peculiar Spectra
A digital atlas of 20 high-luminosity, peculiar OB spectra in the3800-4900 Å range is presented. The atlas is organized anddiscussed in terms of the following four categories: WN-A or WNL stars,OB Iape or very late WN (WNVL) stars, iron stars, and B-supergiantluminous blue variables (LBVs). Several objects in the earliercategories are also active or quiescent LBVs. Some (but not all) ofthese objects have been well studied, and extensive references areprovided, as are comprehensive spectral-line identifications. Severalnew morphological relationships among the objects have been recognizedthrough this presentation. In particular, attention is drawn to theoccurrence of spatial pairing between nearly identical, unusual spectra,which may have implications for a particular mode of massive-starformation. This small sample includes one or both members of at leastfive such pairs. Physical explanations of these peculiar, likelytransitional spectra and the relationships among them are essential fora complete understanding of massive stellar evolution.

The interstellar clouds of ADAMS and Blaauw revisited: an HI absorption study - II.
Not Available

The interstellar clouds of ADAMS and Blaauw revisited: an HI absorption study - I.
Not Available

The Interstellar Medium in the Environs of O-Type Stars
We analyze the distribution of the neutral gas in the neighborhood offour southern O-type stars based on observations of the 21 cm H i line.These data disclose H i bubbles probably associated with the stars HD112244 [O8.5Iab(f)], HD 155913 [O5Vn((f))], HD 175754 [O8II((f))], andHD 175876 [O6.5III(n)(f)]. The dimensions of these bubbles are in therange 90 to 170 pc, and their expansion velocities are low, about 10 kms^-1, implying dynamical ages of (3-6) x 10^6 yr. Only a few percent ofthe mechanical energy of the stellar wind is transformed into kineticenergy of the shells. Their origin and the contribution of otherearly-type stars to the formation of these bubbles are discussed.Particularly, it is suggested that HD 155913 belongs to an unknown OBassociation that could also have contributed in the formation of the H ibubble surrounding this star. These new H i bubbles resemble H i bubblessurrounding Wolf-Rayet (W-R) stars. The presence of stellar wind bubblesassociated with O-type stars supports an interpretation where themassive progenitors of the W-R stars are also responsible for theformation of the H i bubbles detected around W-R stars.

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. XIX - an astrometric/spectroscopic survey of O stars
We present the results of a speckle interferometric survey made with theCHARA speckle camera and 4 m class telescopes of Galactic O-type starswith V less than 8. We can detect with the speckle camera binaries inthe angular separation range 0.035-1.5 arcsec with delta M less than 3,and we have discovered 15 binaries among 227 O-type systems. We combinedour results on visual binaries with measurements of wider pairs from theWashington Double Star Catalog and fainter pairs from the HipparcosCatalog, and we made a literature survey of the spectroscopic binariesamong the sample. We then investigated the overall binary frequency ofthe sample and the orbital characteristics of the known binaries.Binaries are common among O stars in clusters and associations but lessso among field and especially runaway stars. There are many triplesystems among the speckle binaries, and we discuss their possible rolein the ejection of stars from clusters. The period distribution of thebinaries is bimodal in log P, but we suggest that binaries with periodsof years and decades may eventually be found to fill the gap. The massratio distribution of the visual binaries increases toward lower massratios, but low mass ratio companions are rare among close,spectroscopic binaries. We present distributions of the eccentricity andlongitude of periastron for spectroscopic binaries with ellipticalorbits, and we find strong evidence of a bias in the longitude ofperiastron distribution.

UV Spectral Classification of O and B Stars in the Small Magellanic =
We present an ultraviolet classification system for 0 and B stars of theSmall Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This system is defined by a set ofstandard, low resolution, International Ultraviolet Explorer (JUE)spectra. This UV classification system results from the development ofspectral sequences demonstrating systematic patterus of UV spectralfeatures. These spectral sequences yield Uv classifications for 133 0and B stars of the SMC, which we also present here. Although independentof the MK System, our UV classifications show general agreement withthose deduced from visual data. This UV classification system isdesigned to be applicable to 0 and B stars in other nearby galaxies ofmetallicity comparable to the SMC. The classification technique itselfis applicable to any UV dataset of sufficient size and quality, and canbe used to extend our UV classification system to other galactic metalabundances. These UV classification systems will be essential foranalysis of datasets from new spaceborne instrumentation such as theSpace Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), which will be capable ofobserving stars in external galaxies for which no opticalclassifications exist. 0 1997 American Astronomical Society.[S0004-6256(97)0231 1-X]

Cross-correlation characteristics of OB stars from IUE spectroscopy
We present a catalogue of homogeneous measures of the linewidthparameter, v_esin i, for 373 O-type stars and early B supergiants(including the separate components of 25 binary and three triplesystems), produced by cross-correlating high-resolution,short-wavelength IUE spectra against a `template' spectrum of tauSco. Wealso tabulate terminal velocities. There are no O supergiants in oursample with v_esin i<65 km s^-1, and only one supergiant earlier thanB5 has v_esin i<50 km s^-1, confirming that an important linebroadening mechanism in addition to rotation must be present in theseobjects. A calibration of the area under the cross-correlation peakagainst spectral type is used to obtain estimates of continuum intensityratios of the components in 28 spectroscopically binary or multiplesystems. At least seven SB2 systems show evidence for the `Struve-Sahadeeffect', a systematic variation in relative line strength as a functionof orbital phase. The stellar wind profiles of the most rapid rotator inour sample, the O9III:n* star HD 191423 (v_esin i=436km s^-1), show itto have a `wind-compressed disc' similar to that of HD 93521; this starand other rapid rotators are good candidates for studies of non-radialpulsation.

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Osservazione e dati astrometrici

Ascensione retta:18h57m35.71s
Magnitudine apparente:7.013
Distanza:10000000 parsec
Moto proprio RA:1.7
Moto proprio Dec:3.3
B-T magnitude:6.888
V-T magnitude:7.003

Cataloghi e designazioni:
Nomi esatti
HD 1989HD 175754
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6290-874-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-30806725
HIPHIP 93077

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