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HD 50562



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The region of Collinder 121
The distribution of bright B-type stars in a field with a radius of5° centred at the Galactic open cluster Cr 121 is studied utilizingStrömgren and Hβ photometry. All PPM stars earlier thanspectral type A0 are used, revealing a loose nearby structure at adistance of 660-730pc, and a compact more distant group, which appearsto be a genuine cluster: Cr 121. Based on similar coordinates, distancesand positions on the colour-magnitude (CM) and Hertzsprung-Russell (HR)diagrams, 11 photometric cluster members are selected at a mean distanceof 1085(+/-41 standard error) pc. The results are discussed in the lightof both classical and Hipparcos points of view.

The distribution of bright OB stars in the Canis Major-Puppis-Vela region of the Milky Way
The picture of the young stellar groups in the Canis Major-Puppis-Vela(215 deg

Stars with ISM Polarization Observed with HPOL
Polarization data are given for stars whose polarizations are mostlyinterstellar which were observed for various programs with theUniversity of Wisconsin spectropolarimeter (HPOL) during 1989-1994.

New OB-Association in Pup - CMA
Not Available

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

An Interstellar Conduction Front within a Wolf-Rayet Ring Nebula Observed with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
With the High Resolution Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescopewe obtained high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N >~ 200--600 per 17 km s-1resolution element) spectra of narrow absorption lines toward theWolf-Rayet star HD 50896. The ring nebula S308 that surrounds this staris thought to be caused by a pressure-driven bubble bounded bycircumstellar gas (most likely from a red supergiant or luminous bluevariable progenitor) pushed aside by a strong stellar wind. Ourobservation has shown for the first time that blueshifted (~70 km s-1relative to the star) absorption components of C IV and N V arise in aconduction front between the hot interior of the bubble and the coldshell of swept-up material. These lines set limits on models of theconduction front. Nitrogen in the shell appears to be overabundant by afactor 10. The P Cygni profiles of N V and C IV are variable, possiblybecause of a suspected binary companion to HD 50896.

A Radial Velocity Database for Stephenson-Sanduleak Southern Luminous Stars
Abstract image available at:

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

A spectroscopic database for Stephenson-Sanduleak Southern Luminous Stars
A database of published spectral classifications for objects in theStepenson-Sanduleak Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way catalog hasbeen compiled from the literature. A total of 6182 classifications for2562 stars from 139 sources are incorporated.

The distance to the Wolf-Rayet star HD 50896
We present high-resolution observations (R approximately equals105) of the interstellar Na I D lines in the spectra of 23stars which are close to HD 50896 on the plane of the sky, plus HD 50896itself. The results are parameterized by using simple cloud models. Weconfirm that HD 50896 lies beyond the cluster Cr 121 (which is in thesame line of sight), and estimate D approximately equals 1.8 kpc.

The first linear polarization spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars in the ultraviolet - EZ Canis Majoris and Theta MUSCAE
During the 1990 December Astro-1 Space Shuttle mission,spectropolarimetry was conducted in the wavelength region from 1400 to3200 A of the Wolf-Rayet stars EZ CMa (WN5) and Theta Mus (WC6 + O9.5I)with the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment. The UVpolarization of EZ CMa displays features which correspond to emissionlines. This indicates a large, about 0.8 percent, intrinsic UV-continuumpolarization, and provides further evidence that the wind of EZ CMa ishighly distorted. The polarization of Theta Mus does not change acrossemission lines, or the strong interstellar 2200 A feature. Thepolarization decreases smoothly to shorter wavelengths, at constantposition angle. The combined UV-optical polarization spectrum of ThetaMus can be described well with interstellar polarization following aSerkowski law.

Uvby-beta observations of 528 type B stars with V between the 8th and 9th magnitude
The paper presents uvby-beta measurements of 528 type B stars selectedfrom the SAO Catalog on the basis of two criteria: the spectral types inthe range B3-B5 and mV between the 8th and the 9th magnitude. Reddeningindependent (c1) values are estimated from the spectral classificationand compared to the observed values. No systematic trend with observed(b-y), H-beta, or spectral type appears to be present, but the range of(c1) residuals is surprisingly large. A rather large part of the starshas small beta values, smaller than for the BIa supergiants. Only twoare classified as O stars and most of them have the suffix e, ne, ornne. Most beta values for the O type stars are slightly above the upperlimit of 2.585 m.

Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations
Homogeneous Walraven (VBLUW) photometry is presented for 5260 stars inthe regions of five nearby southern OB associations: Scorpio Centaurus(Sco OB2), Orion OB1, Canis Major OB1, Monoceros OB1, and Scutum OB2.Derived V and (B - V) in the Johnson system are included.

High-velocity interstellar gas in the line of sight to the Wolf-Rayet star HD 50896
The large shell of interstellar gas (IG) discovered toward HD 50896 byHeckathorn and Fesen (1984) is characterized on the basis ofhigh-dispersion IUE SWP and LWR spectra of 19 objects located within 4deg of HD 50896 (but outside the optical ring nebula S308) at distances0.6-2.9 kpc (compared to 1.5 kpc for HD 50896). The IG is found to havetwo components (at velocities -80 and -125 km/s), diameter 90 pc orgreater, and distance 1.0 + or - 0.2 kpc, demonstrating that it is notrelated to HD 50896 and suggesting that it is a highly evolved supernovaremnant associated with cluster Cr 121.

The region of NGC 2287 and CR 121
Intermediate band and H-beta observations of 135 stars in the regions ofthe clusters NGC 2287 and Cr 121 are discussed, and a luminositycalibration of photometric parameters for late G- to early K-type brightgiants and supergiants is introduced. Results indicate that NGC 2287 isat a distance of 740 pc, very little reddened, 100-million years old,and contains three or four G8-K2 bright giants and supergiants and ablue straggler. Cr 121 is 1.17 kpc distant, very little reddened, 1.5million years old and an extension of CMa OB1. Cr 121 contains a nearerconcentration of stars at the same distance as NGC 2287, and theassociation appears to be the same age as CMa OB1, although presequencestars may exist. Intermingling of stars in CMa OB2 and NGC 2287 is alsoconsidered possible, and a test of the calibration of two methods ofluminosity determination of early A-type stars using photometricparameters shows them to be entirely consistent.

H-beta photometry of southern early-type stars
H-beta photoelectric photometry is presented for 209 southern hemisphereearly-type stars from the HD catalog with galactic latitudes /b/ greaterthan 6 deg. Four-color photometry exists for all these stars and MKtypes for most of them. Absolute magnitudes have been estimated for allbut the emission-line stars and distances from the sun and the galacticplane determined.

Four colour photometry of southern early-type stars.
Abstract image available at:

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관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:10000000 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-1.7
적위상의 고유운동:2.8
B-T magnitude:8.594
V-T magnitude:8.609

HD 1989HD 50562
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5962-1611-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-04113287
HIPHIP 33035

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