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HD 196673



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Analysis of the Na, Mg, Al, and Si Abundances in the Atmospheres of Red Giants of Different Spectral Subgroups
We analyze the Na, Mg, Al, and Si abundances in the atmospheres of morethan 40 stars, includingred giants of different spectral subgroups(normal red giants, mild and classical barium stars) and severalsupergiants. All these elements exhibit abundance excesses, with theoverabundance increasing with the star’s luminosity. Thedependence of the overabundances for each of these elements on theluminosity (or log g) is the same for all the spectral subgroups,testifying to a common origin: they are all products of hydrogen burningin the NeNa and MgAl cycles that have been dredged up from the stellarinteriors to the outer atmospheric layers by convection that graduallydevelops during the star’s evolution from the main sequence to thered-giant stage. The sodium abundances derived for several stars arelower than for other stars with similar atmospheric parameters. The agesand kinematic characteristics of these two groups of stars suggest thatthey probably belong to different stellar generations.

Local kinematics of K and M giants from CORAVEL/Hipparcos/Tycho-2 data. Revisiting the concept of superclusters
The availability of the Hipparcos Catalogue has triggered many kinematicand dynamical studies of the solar neighbourhood. Nevertheless, thosestudies generally lacked the third component of the space velocities,i.e., the radial velocities. This work presents the kinematic analysisof 5952 K and 739 M giants in the solar neighbourhood which includes forthe first time radial velocity data from a large survey performed withthe CORAVEL spectrovelocimeter. It also uses proper motions from theTycho-2 catalogue, which are expected to be more accurate than theHipparcos ones. An important by-product of this study is the observedfraction of only 5.7% of spectroscopic binaries among M giants ascompared to 13.7% for K giants. After excluding the binaries for whichno center-of-mass velocity could be estimated, 5311 K and 719 M giantsremain in the final sample. The UV-plane constructed from these datafor the stars with precise parallaxes (σπ/π≤20%) reveals a rich small-scale structure, with several clumpscorresponding to the Hercules stream, the Sirius moving group, and theHyades and Pleiades superclusters. A maximum-likelihood method, based ona Bayesian approach, has been applied to the data, in order to make fulluse of all the available stars (not only those with precise parallaxes)and to derive the kinematic properties of these subgroups. Isochrones inthe Hertzsprung-Russell diagram reveal a very wide range of ages forstars belonging to these groups. These groups are most probably relatedto the dynamical perturbation by transient spiral waves (as recentlymodelled by De Simone et al. \cite{Simone2004}) rather than to clusterremnants. A possible explanation for the presence of younggroup/clusters in the same area of the UV-plane is that they have beenput there by the spiral wave associated with their formation, while thekinematics of the older stars of our sample has also been disturbed bythe same wave. The emerging picture is thus one of dynamical streamspervading the solar neighbourhood and travelling in the Galaxy withsimilar space velocities. The term dynamical stream is more appropriatethan the traditional term supercluster since it involves stars ofdifferent ages, not born at the same place nor at the same time. Theposition of those streams in the UV-plane is responsible for the vertexdeviation of 16.2o ± 5.6o for the wholesample. Our study suggests that the vertex deviation for youngerpopulations could have the same dynamical origin. The underlyingvelocity ellipsoid, extracted by the maximum-likelihood method afterremoval of the streams, is not centered on the value commonly acceptedfor the radial antisolar motion: it is centered on < U > =-2.78±1.07 km s-1. However, the full data set(including the various streams) does yield the usual value for theradial solar motion, when properly accounting for the biases inherent tothis kind of analysis (namely, < U > = -10.25±0.15 kms-1). This discrepancy clearly raises the essential questionof how to derive the solar motion in the presence of dynamicalperturbations altering the kinematics of the solar neighbourhood: doesthere exist in the solar neighbourhood a subset of stars having no netradial motion which can be used as a reference against which to measurethe solar motion?Based on observations performed at the Swiss 1m-telescope at OHP,France, and on data from the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite.Full Table \ref{taba1} is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to ( or via}

Analysis of Atmospheric Abundances in Classical Barium Stars
We present our analysis of elemental abundances in the atmospheres of 16classical barium stars derived from high-resolution spectra and modelatmospheres. Comparison of the results with analogous data for moderatebarium stars and normal red giants shows that the abundance patterns forelements before the iron peak are the same for all three groups of redgiants, testifying to a similar origin. For binary systems, we confirmthe influence of the orbital period and, hence, the componentseparation, on the overabundance of s-process elements. The amount ofenrichment in s-process elements is also influenced by mass,metallicity, and evolutionary phase. Any of these parameters can beimportant in individual objects.

Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. V.
The results of 1544 speckle interferometric observations of 637 binarystars, ranging in separation from 0.25" to 5.25", are tabulated. Theseobservations were obtained using the 66 cm refractor at the US NavalObservatory in Washington, DC, with an intensified CCD detector. This isthe fifth in a series of papers presenting measures obtained with thissystem and covers the period 1998 January 1 through December 31. Randomerrors for all measures are estimated to be 17.6 mas in separation and0.55d/ρ in position angle, where ρ is the separation inarcseconds.

Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. IV.
The results of 1314 speckle interferometric observations of 625 binarystars, ranging in separation from 0.2" to 5.2" with a limiting secondarymagnitude of V=11, are tabulated. These observations were obtained usingthe 66 cm refractor at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, withan intensified CCD detector. This is the fourth in a series of paperspresenting measures obtained with this equipment and covers the period1997 January 1 through December 31. Random errors for all measures areestimated to be 18 mas in separation and 0.57d/rho in position angle,where rho is the separation in arcseconds.

Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. III.
Position angles and separations resulting from 2578 speckleinterferometric observations of 590 binary stars are tabulated. This isthe third in a series of papers presenting measures obtained using the66 cm refractor at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, andcovers the period from 1995 June through 1996 December. Program starsrange in separation from 0.2" to 4.3", with a limiting magnitude ofV=11. Random errors are estimated to be 17.0 mas in separation and0.56d/rho in position angle, where rho is the separation in arcseconds.These are the first results acquired using an improved intensified CCDdetector. The new detector, in concert with an intensity-filteringtechnique applied in software, has permitted a 1 mag increase in dynamicrange, to 3.5 mag, for pairs separated by about 2". The instrumentationand calibration are briefly described, with an emphasis on thecharacteristics of the new detector. The software filter used toincrease the dynamic range is also described.

CCD astrometry and instrumental Delta V photometry of visual double stars. V. Differential measurements of pairs with angular separations 1arcsec to 4arcsec
We present angular separations, position angles and Delta V instrumentalmagnitude differences of 83 visual double stars with angular separationsaround two arcseconds. Our observations were made by means of a CCDdetector attached to the Kryonerion 1.2 m telescope. 12 of them arecommon proper motion stars and their components should therefore bestars of common origin. Based on observations made at KryonerionObservatory, Greece. Table 2 only available at the CDS via anonymous ftpto ( or via}

Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. II.
Position angles and separations resulting from 2406 speckleinterferometric observations of 547 binary stars are tabulated. This isthe second in a series of papers presenting measures obtained using the66 cm refractor at the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, with anintensified CCD detector. Program stars range in separation from 0.2" to3.8", with Deltam<=2.5 mag and a limiting magnitude of V=10.0. Theobservation epochs run from 1993 January through 1995 August. Randomerrors are estimated to be 14 mas in separation and 0.52d/rho inposition angle, where rho is the separation in arcseconds. Theinstrumentation and calibration are briefly described. Aspects of thedata analysis related to the avoidance of systematic errors are alsodiscussed.

Catalogs of temperatures and [Fe/H] averages for evolved G and K stars
A catalog of mean values of [Fe/H] for evolved G and K stars isdescribed. The zero point for the catalog entries has been establishedby using differential analyses. Literature sources for those entries areincluded in the catalog. The mean values are given with rms errors andnumbers of degrees of freedom, and a simple example of the use of thesestatistical data is given. For a number of the stars with entries in thecatalog, temperatures have been determined. A separate catalogcontaining those data is briefly described. Catalog only available atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

A CORAVEL radial-velocity monitoring of giant BA and S stars: Spectroscopic orbits and intrinsic variations. I.
With the aim of deriving the binary frequency among Ba and S stars, 56new spectroscopic orbits (46 and 10, respectively) have been derived forthese chemically-peculiar red giants monitored with the \coravel\spectrometers. These orbits are presented in this paper (38 orbits) andin a companion paper \cite[(Udry et al. 1998,]{Udry} Paper II; 18orbits). The results for 12 additional long-period binary stars (6 and6, respectively), for which only minimum periods (generally exceeding 10y) can be derived, are also presented here (10) and in Paper II (2). Theglobal analysis of this material, with a few supplementary orbits fromthe literature, is presented in \cite[Jorissen et al.(1998).]{Jorissen98} For the subsample of Mira S, SC and (Tc-poor) Cstars showing intrinsic radial-velocity variations due to atmosphericphenomena, orbital solutions (when available) have been retained if thevelocity and photometric periods are different (3 stars). However, it isemphasized that these orbit determinations are still tentative. Threestars have been found with radial-velocity variations synchronous withthe light variations. Pseudo-orbital solutions have been derived forthose stars. In the case of RZ Peg, a line-doubling phenomenon isobserved near maximum light, and probably reflects the shock wavepropagating through the photosphere. Based on observations obtained atthe Haute-Provence Observatory (France) and at the European SouthernObservatory (ESO, La Silla, Chile).

Insights into the formation of barium and Tc-poor S stars from an extended sample of orbital elements
The set of orbital elements available for chemically-peculiar red giant(PRG) stars has been considerably enlarged thanks to a decade-longCORAVEL radial-velocity monitoring of about 70 barium stars and 50 Sstars. When account is made for the detection biases, the observedbinary frequency among strong barium stars, mild barium stars andTc-poor S stars (respectively 35/37, 34/40 and 24/28) is compatible withthe hypothesis that they are all members of binary systems. Thesimilarity between the orbital-period, eccentricity and mass-functiondistributions of Tc-poor S stars and barium stars confirms that Tc-poorS stars are the cooler analogs of barium stars. A comparative analysisof the orbital elements of the various families of PRG stars, and of asample of chemically-normal, binary giants in open clusters, revealsseveral interesting features. The eccentricity - period diagram of PRGstars clearly bears the signature of dissipative processes associatedwith mass transfer, since the maximum eccentricity observed at a givenorbital period is much smaller than in the comparison sample of normalgiants. be held The mass function distribution is compatible with theunseen companion being a white dwarf (WD). This lends support to thescenario of formation of the PRG star by accretion of heavy-element-richmatter transferred from the former asymptotic giant branch progenitor ofthe current WD. Assuming that the WD companion has a mass in the range0.60+/-0.04 Msb ȯ, the masses of mild and strong barium starsamount to 1.9+/-0.2 and 1.5+/-0.2 Msb ȯ, respectively. Mild bariumstars are not restricted to long-period systems, contrarily to what isexpected if the smaller accretion efficiency in wider systems were thedominant factor controlling the pollution level of the PRG star. Theseresults suggest that the difference between mild and strong barium starsis mainly one of galactic population rather than of orbital separation,in agreement with their respective kinematical properties. There areindications that metallicity may be the parameter blurring the period -Ba-anomaly correlation: at a given orbital period, increasing levels ofheavy-element overabundances are found in mild barium stars, strongbarium stars, and Pop.II CH stars, corresponding to a sequence ofincreasingly older, i.e., more metal-deficient, populations. PRG starsthus seem to be produced more efficiently in low-metallicitypopulations. Conversely, normal giants in barium-like binary systems mayexist in more metal-rich populations. HD 160538 (DR Dra) may be such anexample, and its very existence indicates at least that binarity is nota sufficient condition to produce a PRG star. This paper is dedicated tothe memory of Antoine Duquennoy, who contributed many among theobservations used in this study

Barium stars, galactic populations and evolution.
In this paper HIPPARCOS astrometric and kinematical data together withradial velocities from other sources are used to calibrate bothluminosity and kinematics parameters of Ba stars and to classify them.We confirm the results of our previous paper (where we used data fromthe HIPPARCOS Input Catalogue), and show that Ba stars are aninhomogeneous group. Five distinct classes have been found i.e. somehalo stars and four groups belonging to disk population: roughlysuper-giants, two groups of giants (one on the giant branch, the otherat the clump location) and dwarfs, with a few subgiants mixed with them.The confirmed or suspected duplicity, the variability and the range ofknown orbital periods found in each group give coherent resultssupporting the scenario for Ba stars that are not too highly massivebinary stars in any evolutionary stages but that all were previouslyenriched with Ba from a more evolved companion. The presence in thesample of a certain number of ``false'' Ba stars is confirmed. Theestimates of age and mass are compatible with models for stars with astrong Ba anomaly. The mild Ba stars with an estimated mass higher than3Msun_ may be either stars Ba enriched by themselves or``true'' Ba stars, which imposes new constraints on models.

Speckle Interferometry at the US Naval Observatory. I.
We present speckle interferometer measurements of 467 binary stars takenat the US Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, using the 66 cmrefractor, from 1990 October through 1992 December. The observingprogram is designed to provide high-quality observations of binaries inthe 0."3--3."5 range of separations and as faint as 10.0 mag. More than8000 measurements have been made to date, of which we report the resultsfor 2329. Not only is it our intent to provide accurate data forinteresting binary stars, but also, by careful calibration, to firmlyrelate the "classical" astrometry of binary stars to that being obtainedtoday by speckle and that which will soon be obtained by other moderntechniques such as long-baseline optical interferometry.

Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of barium stars.
The absolute magnitude of barium stars has been obtained fromkinematical data using a new algorithm based on the maximum-likelihoodprinciple. The method allows to separate a sample into groupscharacterized by different mean absolute magnitudes, kinematics andz-scale heights. It also takes into account, simultaneously, thecensorship in the sample and the errors on the observables. The methodhas been applied to a sample of 318 barium stars. Four groups have beendetected. Three of them show a kinematical behaviour corresponding todisk population stars. The fourth group contains stars with halokinematics. The luminosities of the disk population groups spread alarge range. The intrinsically brightest one (M_v_=-1.5mag,σ_M_=0.5mag) seems to be an inhomogeneous group containing bariumbinaries as well as AGB single stars. The most numerous group (about 150stars) has a mean absolute magnitude corresponding to stars in the redgiant branch (M_v_=0.9mag, σ_M_=0.8mag). The third group containsbarium dwarfs, the obtained mean absolute magnitude is characteristic ofstars on the main sequence or on the subgiant branch (M_v_=3.3mag,σ_M_=0.5mag). The obtained mean luminosities as well as thekinematical results are compatible with an evolutionary link betweenbarium dwarfs and classical barium giants. The highly luminous group isnot linked with these last two groups. More high-resolutionspectroscopic data will be necessary in order to better discriminatebetween barium and non-barium stars.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

X-Ray and Optical Observations of the COMPTEL Error Box for GRB 910601
We present X-ray and optical observations of the COMPTEL and IPN errorbox of the gamma-ray burst GRB 910601. Our data consists of a 20 ks PSPCROSAT image and optical CCD images and spectra. Thirty X-ray sourceswere identified within the COMPTEL error box. B and V photometry ofobjects within the error boxes of the 12 strongest X-ray sources ispresented as well as optical spectroscopy of several of the brightestoptical sources. Two X-ray sources (#29 and #30) are located within theCOMPTEL 1.5- error box and are also within a few arcmin of the IPN errorannulus for this burst. Source #29 was the strongest X-ray source in thetwo-degree diameter ROSAT field. We have associated this source with thestar SAO 70303, an early G-type star. A fainter star with unusual colorsis located about 16" to the NE of SAO 70303. No obvious opticalcounterpart was found within the ROSAT error circle for #30 to V <=22.

A Spectroscopic Analysis of Barium Stars
Abstract image available at:

UBV photometry of barium stars
Magnitudes in V and B-V and U-B colors observed by the 91-cm telescopeat Okayama are presented for 109 stars including both classical andmarginal barium stars. The two-color diagram shows a fair amount ofspread. This can be interpreted by interstellar reddening and variableamounts of line blocking effect. Both classical and marginal bariumstars form a fairly homogeneous group.

A preliminary compilation of DS-programme star positions
A catalog is presented of the double-star-program (DS-program) starpositions, listing right ascensions for 930 DSs and declinations for1225 DSs of the program. The positions were compiled from the observedvalues obtained between 1980 and 1987 with the meridian circles of sixUSSR observatories (the Moscow, Kazan', Kiev, Khar'kov, Odessa, andTashkent Observatories) and the Belgrade Observatory. The measurementsand the treatment of the observational material were performed using therelative method, and the FK-4 system stars were used as reference stars.

Taxonomy of barium stars
Spectral classification, barium intensity, radial velocity, luminosity,and kinematical properties are determined for 389 barium stars byanalyzing image-tube spectra and photometric observation data. Diskkinematics for the stars are based on whether they are Ba weak or Bastrong. Weak barium stars in general have smaller velocity dispersions,brighter apparent magnitude, and lower luminosity than strong bariumstars. These characteristics are confirmed by solving for meanspectroscopic distances, z-scale height distances, and reduced propermotions.

The binary nature of the barium and CH stars. III - Orbital parameters
Results are presented from a 10-year program to monitor the velocityvariations of Ba II and CH stars, showing that all Ba II and CH starsare binaries. Radial-velocity observations for Ba II and CH binaries aregiven. Also, the results of orbit calculations and orbital elementdeterminations are analyzed. It is shown that the eccentricities of BaII star orbits are significantly lower than the eccentricities for asample of normal G and K giants. In addition, the eccentricities of CHstar orbits are significantly lower than those of Ba II stars,suggesting dissipation due to mass exchange, probably from a previousAGB star. The mass functions for Ba II and CH stars indicate that thestars come from samples of binary systems with a small dispersion inmass ratios. If the Ba II and CH stars are assumed to have masses of 1.5and 0.8 solar mass, respectively, then their companions would havemasses near 0.6 solar mass, similar to the values expected for whitedwarfs.

Kinematic and spatial distributions of barium stars - Are the barium stars and AM stars related?
The possibility of an evolutionary link between Am stars and bariumstars is considered, and an examination of previous data suggests thatbarium star precursors are main-sequence stars of intermediate mass, aremost likely A and/or F dwarfs, and are intermediate-mass binaries withclose to intermediate orbital separations. The possible role of masstransfer in the later development of Am systems is explored. Masstransfer and loss from systems with a range of masses and orbitalseparations may explain such statistical peculiarities of barium starsas the large dispersion in absolute magnitude, the large range ofelemental abundances from star to star, and the small number of starswith large peculiar velocities.

Additional late-type stars with technetium
The results of a survey of 279 late-type giants and supergiants for thespectral lines of the radioactive element technetium (Tc I) at 4297,4262, and 4238 A are presented. The following conclusions are reached:(1) the presence of Tc correlates very strongly with the existence oflight variability; (2) evolutionary MS stars show Tc and spectroscopicMS stars do not show Tc; (3) single S stars show Tc; (4) SC stars showTc; (5) about 75 percent of the C stars show Tc; and (6) Ba II stars donot show Tc. The findings are compatible with predictions from stellarevolution theory.

E. W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I - 1976-1984
Stellar radial velocity observations made with the large vacuumhigh-dispersion photoelectric radial velocity spectrometer at FickObservatory are reported. This includes nearly 2000 late-type starsobserved during 585 nights. Gradual modifications to this instrumentover its first eight years of operation have reduced the observationalerror for high-quality dip observations to + or - 0.8 km/s.

A search for light variations in barium stars
Seventeen barium stars have been investigated for possible lightvariations. Ten of these stars have been monitored for twelve years.

A catalog of spectral classification and photometry of barium stars
Many other Ba II stars have been found, since the enhancement of theline of singly ionized barium (4554 A) in late-type, high-luminositystars was discovered by Bidelman and Keenan (1951). The majority ofstars so identified are listed in a study conducted by MacConnell et al.(1972). MacConnell et al. identified 150 'certain' barium stars and anadditional 90 'marginal' barium stars from inspection of objective-prismplates of the Michigan Spectral Survey of the southern sky. Since themajority of known Ba II stars were discovered with objective-prismplates, they have lacked high-quality spectral classifications. It hasbeen attempted to obtain these data along with broad- andintermediate-band photometry, in order to study the properties of thissubgroup of stars in greater detail than has heretofore been possible.Except for the stars recently identified by Bidelman (1981), the list ofspectroscopic and photometric data in Table 1 includes virtually allrecognized barium stars. The stars identified by Bidelman are listed inTable 2.

The binary nature of the barium stars. II - Velocities, binary frequency, and preliminary orbits
Abstract image available at:

The binary nature of the barium stars
Radial-velocity spectrometer observations are presented that indicatethat Ba II stars are binary systems. The secondary stars of thesesystems have low masses, consistent with their being degenerate objectswhich have lost mass onto their primaries in a previous stage ofevolution. It is suggested that the Population II equivalents, the CHstars, may also be binary systems. This may be related to the fact thatthey are found only in globular clusters of the lowest centralconcentration.

Southern RS CVn systems - Candidate list
A list of 43 candidate RS CVn binary systems in the far southernhemisphere of the sky (south of -40 deg declination) is presented. Thecandidate systems were selected from the first two volumes of theMichigan Spectral Catalog (1975, 1978), which provides MKclassifications for southern HD stars and identifies any unusualcharacteristics noted for individual stellar spectra. The selectioncriteria used were: (1) the occurrence of Ca II H and K emission; (2)known or suspected binary nature; (3) regular light variations of zeroto one magnitude; and (4) spectral type between F0 and K2 and luminosityless than bright giant (II).

Effects of heavy-element abundance on spectroscopic luminosities of G5-K0 giants.
Abstract image available at:

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거리:362.319 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:6.1
적위상의 고유운동:-4.8
B-T magnitude:8.862
V-T magnitude:7.481

HD 1989HD 196673
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2690-1643-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-15485495
HIPHIP 101788

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