Merged catalogue of reflection nebulae Several catalogues of reflection nebulae are merged to create a uniformcatalogue of 913 objects. It contains revised coordinates,cross-identifications of nebulae and stars, as well as identificationswith IRAS point sources.The catalogue is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via
A Study of the Kinematics of the Local Dark Clouds Not Available
The luminosity of reflection nebulae Consideration is given to the connection between the dispersion inHubble's relation for reflection nebulae and their morphologicalcharacteristics. Statistical estimates show that the reflection nebulaeconnected with more opaque dust-gas clouds, compared to those near lessopaque clouds, have large values of Delta-B (the measure of deviationsin Hubble's relation) and a high surface brightness. These propertiesare more pronounced in the Herbig Ae/Be stars. Stars in the nebulaeconnected with more opaque dust-gas clouds were found to exhibit excessreddening, with R above 3.1. It is concluded that the dispersion in theHubble relation is mainly due to the optical depth of the nebulae.
A spectral survey of early-type stars in the region of Cassiopeia using an objective prism Not Available
Polarization of stars in R-associations - Observational data Polarimetric data are assembled for 95 stars that are illuminatingreflection nebulae. Most of these belong to 18 standard R-associations.The observed dependence of the percentage polarization P on wavelengthand color excess E(B-V) suggest that the unpolarized light ofR-association members may become polarized as it traverses an ensembleof dust grains aligned by a magnetic field which in some cases (Tau R2,Ori R1/R2, Sco R1, Cep R2) is intrinsic to the association. In certainR-associations the grain size is variable and the stochastic magneticfield component fluctuates on a scale of 10-30 pc.
21-cm observations of the CEP IV star-formation region The Cep IV star-formation region has been mapped at 21 cm. The resultingH I distribution indicates that the available gas forms a broken ringcoincident with the optical nebulosity. Comparison of this feature withother kinematic data for both stars and gas suggests that sequentialstar formation is an ongoing process in this region.
Molecular clouds associated with reflection nebulae. I - A survey of carbon monoxide emission The paper presents 2.6 mm wavelength CO and (C-13)O observations of 130molecular clouds associated with reflection nebulae. Enhanced COemission was found in the vicinity of the illuminating star in abouthalf the objects studied. There is a tendency for the CO peak to beslightly displaced from the star. Many examples of peaks that appear toresult from heating of the cloud by the nearby star are found, whileothers appear to be associated with independent concentrations ofmaterial.
A Study of the Cepheus IV Association Abstract image available at:
Stars in reflection nebulae Abstract image available at:
A study of reflection nebulae. Abstract image available at:
Radio Emission from a Number of Possible Supernovae Remnants Not Available
Faint Hα-Emission Objects in Cepheus IV Not Available
Studies of bright diffuse galactic nebulae with special regard to their spatial distribution. Not Available
TThe source of luminosity in galactic nebulae. Not Available