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HD 223688



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Binary Stars with Components of Solar Type: 25 Orbits and System Masses
Revised orbits and system masses are presented for the following 25visual double stars: WDS 00593–0040 (A 1902),WDS 00596–0111 (A 1903 AB), WDS 01023+0552(A 2003), WDS 01049+3649 (A 1515), WDS 01234+5809(STF 115 AB), WDS 02399+0009 (A 1928),WDS 03310+2937 (A 983), WDS 06573–3530 (I 65),WDS 07043–0303 (A 519), WDS 08267+2432 (A 1746BC), WDS 10585+1711 (A 2375), WDS 11308+4117 (STT 234),WDS 15370+6426 (HU 1168), WDS 16044–1122(STF 1998 AB), WDS 16283–1613 (RST 3950),WDS 17324+2848 (A 352), WDS 18466+3821 (HU 1191),WDS 19039+2642 (A 2992), WDS 19055+3352(HU 940),WDS 19282–1209 (SCJ 22), WDS 19487+1504 (A 1658),WDS 22400+0113 (A 2099), WDS 23506–5142 (SLR 14),WDS 23518–0637 (A 2700), and WDS 23529–0309(FIN 359). In all of these systems, at least one component is of solartype. Total system masses were calculated in each case from the orbitalperiod and semiaxis major together with the Hipparcos parallax, exceptin the cases for which there are no Hipparcos data or when these valuesare not precise. Other orbital and physical properties of these starsare also discussed. This paper is the second of three collating therevised double star orbits we have calculated in the past 15 yr.

Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). I. Sample and searching method
We report results from a high-resolution optical spectroscopic surveyaimed to search for nearby young associations and young stars amongoptical counterparts of ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray sources in theSouthern Hemisphere. We selected 1953 late-type (B-V~≥~0.6),potentially young, optical counterparts out of a total of 9574 1RXSsources for follow-up observations. At least one high-resolutionspectrum was obtained for each of 1511 targets. This paper is the firstin a series presenting the results of the SACY survey. Here we describeour sample and our observations. We describe a convergence method in the(UVW) velocity space to find associations. As an example, we discuss thevalidity of this method in the framework of the β Pic Association.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. IV. Differential Photometry
Five hundred seventy-six magnitude difference measures are presented for260 binary stars. These measures are derived from CCD-based speckleobservations taken at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at Kitt Peak NationalObservatory during the period 1997-2000. Separations of the systemsrange from over 1" down to near the diffraction limit of the telescope.A study of multiple measures of the same targets indicates that themeasures have a typical uncertainty of better than 0.13 mag per 2 minuteobservation, and that multiple observations can be averaged to arrive atsmaller uncertainties. Results presented here are also compared, insofaras it is possible, with measures in the Hipparcos Catalogue and toprevious studies using adaptive optics. No major systematic errors wereidentified.The WIYN Observatory is a joint facility of the University ofWisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, Yale University, and the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatory.

Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. II. Relative Astrometry Measures during 1998-2000
Five hundred twelve relative astrometry measures are presented for 253double stars, including 53 double stars discovered by Hipparcos. In 15cases, relative astrometry is reported for the first time for newlyconfirmed pairs. In addition, 20 high-quality nondetections ofcompanions are reported for stars suspected of being nonsingle byHipparcos. Observations were taken using a fast-readout CCD camerasystem at the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. In comparingthese measures with ephemeris predictions for binary stars with verywell known orbits, we find that the measurement precision is better than3 mas in separation and 1° in position angle per individualobservation. Measurement precision and detection capabilities are fullydiscussed, and confirmed orbital motion is reported in four cases of theHipparcos double star discoveries. The WIYN Observatory is a jointfacility of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University,Yale University, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory.

Statistics of spectroscopic sub-systems in visual multiple stars
A large sample of visual multiples of spectral types F5-M has beensurveyed for the presence of spectroscopic sub-systems. Some 4200 radialvelocities of 574 components were measured in 1994-2000 with thecorrelation radial velocity meter. A total of 46 new spectroscopicorbits were computed for this sample. Physical relations are establishedfor most of the visual systems and several optical components areidentified as well. The period distribution of sub-systems has a maximumat periods from 2 to 7 days, likely explained by a combination of tidaldissipation with triple-star dynamics. The fraction of spectroscopicsub-systems among the dwarf components of close visual binaries withknown orbits is similar to that of field dwarfs, from 11% to 18% percomponent. Sub-systems are more frequent among the components of widevisual binaries and among wide tertiary components to the known visualor spectroscopic binaries - 20% and 30%, respectively. In triple systemswith both outer (visual) and inner (spectroscopic) orbits known, we findan anti-correlation between the periods of inner sub-systems and theeccentricities of outer orbits which must be related to dynamicalstability constraints. Tables 1, 2, and 6 are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/382/118

Kinematics of Hipparcos Visual Binaries. I. Stars with Orbital Solutions
A sample consisting of 570 binary systems is compiled from severalsources of visual binary stars with well-known orbital elements.High-precision trigonometric parallaxes (mean relative error about 5%)and proper motions (mean relative error about 3%) are extracted from theHipparcos Catalogue or from the reprocessed Hipparcos data. However, 13%of the sample stars lack radial velocity measurements. Computed galacticvelocity components and other kinematic parameters are used to dividethe sample stars into kinematic age groups. The majority (89%) of thesample stars, with known radial velocities, are the thin disk stars,9.5% binaries have thick disk kinematics and only 1.4% are halo stars.85% of thin disk binaries are young or medium age stars and almost 15%are old thin disk stars. There is an urgent need to increase the numberof the identified halo binary stars with known orbits and substantiallyimprove the situation with their radial velocity data.

Binary Star Orbits from Speckle Interferometry. I. Improved Orbital Elements of 22 Visual Systems
Improved orbital elements for 22 binary systems are presented. For 12systems, masses are calculated using available trigonometric parallaxesand making certain assumptions regarding the mass ratio. For the other10 systems, provisional elements are provided that should providerelatively accurate ephemerides for the next decade.

Mass determination of astrometric binaries with Hipparcos. II. Selection of candidates and results
In a previous paper (\cite{Mar97}) we have shown that for double starswith orbital periods smaller than about 25 years, it was possible todetermine from the Hipparcos data, the mass ratio B of the components orthe difference between the mass and intensity ratios, beta -B, providedthe orbital elements of the relative orbit are available. From anextensive literature search we have selected 145 potential systems, ofwhich 46 yielded eventually a satisfactory solution. For eight systemswith the largest separations, the peculiarities of the natural directionassociated to the Hipparcos observations, the 'hippacentre', have beenfully exploited to derive the mass ratio of the components without anyadditional assumption. For the remaining 38, the derivation of the massratio was possible only by taking the magnitude difference between thetwo components from other sources. The parallax determinedsimultaneously, is then used to produce the individual masses of thecomponents. The astrophysical relevance of the results is discussed andwhen possible (17 systems) the masses are compared to ground-basedvalues.

New orbits.
Not Available

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars.XV.An Investigation of Lunar Occultation Systems
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.2260M&db_key=AST

Observations of Double Stars and New Pairs. XVII.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996ApJS..105..475H&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Speckles and Shadow Bands
Speckle interferometry has for the past two decades provided a means tomeasure very accurate relative positions of binary stars, data crucialto the fundamental determination of basic stellar parameters. As atechnique for observing small angular separations speckle interferometryis exceeded only by long baseline interferometry (a technique still ininfancy) and the observation of lunar occultation phenomena. As the moonpasses in front of stars the light coming from those stars is occulted.Occultations of binary stars can determine relative intensities and canmeasure separations which are comparable to those measured bylong-baseline interferometers. The data are difficult to interpret sincethe measured separation is a projection of the true angular separationand non-standard filters are often used. No complete listing of alloccultation measures has been published since the compilation of DavidEvans (IAU Colloquium No. 62, Current Techniques in Double and MultipleStar Research, Lowell Observatory Bulletin No. 167, 1981, eds.Harrington, R.A. \& Franz, O.G., Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff). Thedissertation presents 772 measures of 357 systems, an increase of 60\%over the Evans catalog. The methodology of speckle interferometry ispresented, followed by 362 re-reduction measures and 253 new measures.The re-reduction measures were cases where prior analysis showed nocompanion. With improved reduction algorithms, detection frequencysignificantly increased. One observation in eight previously showing nocompanion produced a measurable result. Results were obtained with the1.8-m Perkins telescope of Lowell Observatory, the 2.5-m Hookertelescope of Mt. Wilson Observatory, the 3.8-m Mayall telescope of KittPeak National Observatory and the 4.0-m telescope at Cerro TololoInterAmerican Observatory. All but 130 of the occultation objects havespeckle observations. The likelihood of future detection by speckle isconsidered. An analysis of 131 negative results is presented. Of theremaining 96 systems, 66 have been detected by speckle interferometry,13 for the first time, and 17 new orbits have been calculated. Of theseorbits, five (HR 793 = Bla Aa, ADS 3608 = A 1844, HR 3880 = McA 34, HR5652 = B 2531 Aa, HR 7776 = $\beta$ Cap) have improved elements overprevious orbit calculations, four (BD$+$24~1805 = Cou 929, ADS 17052 = A2700, HR 9041 = Fin 359, ADS 17111 = A 2100) have previous butsignificantly different orbits, five (HR 132 = McA 1 Aa, HR 1808 = McA19 Aa, HR 2343 = Btz Aa, HR 8060 = Fin 328, HR 8704 = McA 73) are firstorbits, and three (HR 763 = McA 7, HR 2130 = McA 24, HR 2846 = McA 30Aa) are first orbits of spectroscopic binaries. The occultation catalog,speckle measures, and new orbits will be presented in subsequent CHARApublications. The detection of occultation binaries by speckleinterferometry seems to be predictable, however, there appear to be asmall sample of occultation binaries which cannot be detected. These maybe spurious. Lunar occultation measures place a good limit on $\Delta$mfor speckle of about 3.0. CHARA hopes to complete a survey of alloccultation objects with current scheduled runs which should result in afurther five to ten objects resolved for the first time. While the rateof occultation measures has dropped significantly, they are stillcontinuing to provide useful complementary data for other binary starmethods. (SECTION: Dissertation Summaries)

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. V - Measurements during 1988-1989 from the Kitt Peak and the Cerro Tololo 4 M telescopes
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1990AJ.....99..965M&db_key=AST

Micrometer observations of double stars and new pairs. XIII
From a program of double star observations which emphasizes orbital,neglected, and newly discovered pairs, results obtained from October1984 to January 1987 are presented. A total of 3030 visual and 550photographic measures are listed. The positions in WDS format andDurchmusterung numbers are shown for 117 pairs for which firstobservations appear in this paper. Magnitudes are estimated for some ofthe objects.

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. II - Measurements during 1982-1985 from the Kitt Peak 4 M telescope
This paper represents the continuation of a systematic program of binarystar speckle interferometry initiated at the 4 m telescope on Kitt Peakin late 1975. Between 1975 and 1981, the observations were obtained witha photographic speckle camera, the data from which were reduced byoptical analog methods. In mid-1982, a new speckle camera employing anintensified charge-coupled device as the detector continued the programand necessitated the development of new digital procedures for reducingand analyzing speckle data. The camera and the data-processingtechniques are described herein. This paper presents 2780 newmeasurements of 1012 binary and multiple star systems, including thefirst direct resolution of 64 systems, for the interval 1982 through1985.

Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XV
The last (or possibly penultimate) paper in a series on lunaroccultations presents observations of 404 phenomena, preceded by somegeneral remarks of a retrospective nature. The series of observationsbegan in 1968. Data for 20 doubles or suspected doubles are presented,ranked in order of certainty, with designation 3 representing thesurest. Thirteen of the cases refer to stars not previously noted asdoubles. Seven determinations of angular diameters are presented, ofwhich three have been previously observed.

Orbits for 44 visual binaries
A tabulation is presented of revised orbital elements, calculated for 44visual binary stars from published data together with new observations.All of the newly calculated orbits show smaller departures from theobservations than older determinations, and in many cases the systematictime dependence of the (O-C)(theta), (O-C)rho residuals is found tovanish.

Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1980A&AS...42..185B&db_key=AST

Micrometer measures of 401 double stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972AJ.....77..878W&db_key=AST

MK Classification of 142 Visual Binaries
Not Available

Masses, luminosities, colors, and space motions of 228 visual binaries
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1965AJ.....70...19E&db_key=AST

The Empirical Mass-Luminosity Relation.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1963ApJS....8..125E&db_key=AST

Eléments orbitaux de vingt étoiles doubles
Not Available

Micrometer Measures of Double Stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1959ApJS....4...45V&db_key=AST

Catalogue de 304 éphémérides d'étoiles doubles visuelles
Not Available

Formule corrective nouvelle pour déterminer à partir des estimations visuelles, la différence de magnitude des composantes d'étoiles doubles
Not Available

Second catalogue d'orbites d'Etoiles Doubles visuelles
Not Available

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Прямое восхождение:23h51m46.83s
Видимая звёздная величина:8.773
Расстояние:59.067 парсек
Собственное движение RA:85.5
Собственное движение Dec:-10.3
B-T magnitude:9.622
V-T magnitude:8.844

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена
HD 1989HD 223688
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5259-329-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-20042084
HIPHIP 117666

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