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HD 162168



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The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars
The paper presents an extensive list of the total to selectiveextinction ratios R calculated from the infrared magnitudes of 597 O andB stars using the extrapolation method. The IR magnitudes of these starswere taken from the literature. The IR colour excesses are determinedwith the aid of "artificial standards" - Wegner (1994). The individualand mean values of total to selective extinction ratios R differ in mostcases from the average value R=3.10 +/-0.05 - Wegner (1993) in differentOB associations. The relation between total to selective extinctionratios R determined in this paper and those calculated using the "methodof variable extinction" and the Cardelli et al. (1989) formulae isdiscussed. The R values presented in this paper can be used to determineindividual absolute magnitudes of reddened OB stars with knowntrigonometric parallaxes.

Atlas of Interstellar Extinction Curves of OB Stars Covering the Whole Available Wavelength Range
The paper presents a collection of 436 extinction curves covering thewhole available range of wavelengths from satellite UV to near-IR. Thedata were taken from the ANS photometric catalogue and from thecompilations of IR photometric measurements. The data curves have beenobtained with the aid of ``artificial standards": Papaj et al. (1993)and Wegner (1994, 1995). The visual magnitudes and spectralclassifications of O and B type stars with EB-V>= 0.05were taken from the SIMBAD database. The curves are given in the form ofplots and tables E{lambda - V} / EB-V versus1/λ. The observed variety of extinction laws among slightlyreddened stars is apparently due to the various physical parameters ofinterstellar clouds.

Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere
Observations of OB-stars, made in 1959 and 1960 at the Leiden SouthernStation near Hartebeespoortdam, South Africa, with the VBLUW photometerattached to the 90 cm light-collector, are given in this paper. They arecompared with photometry obtained by \cite[Graham (1968),]{gra68}\cite[Walraven & Walraven (1977),]{wal77} \cite[Lub & Pel(1977)]{lub77} and \cite[Van Genderen et al. (1984).]{gen84} Formulaefor the transformation of the present observations to those of\cite[Walraven & Walraven (1977)]{wal77} and \cite[Lub & Pel(1977)]{lub77} are given. Table 4 is only available in electronic format the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( orvia http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

Red and infrared colours of B stars and the reddening law in the Galaxy
The red and infrared intrinsic colours of B stars are derived fromphotometric observations through the UBV(RI)_CJHK and Hβ filters of257 early-type stars. Those stars for which the UBV and Hβmeasurements match the published spectral class, and which show no othersigns of peculiarity, are used to determine the intrinsic photometriccolours of B stars in the red and infrared. From these intrinsic coloursthe interstellar reddening relationships for the red and infraredcolours are evaluated, and the results are compared with previousestimates of these quantities. The values of R, E(B-V) and the distanceare then determined for the individual stars. R is confirmed to be closeto 3.1 in most cases, but was found to be much larger in somedirections. The relationship between R and the location of a star in theGalaxy is investigated. Usually the abnormally reddened stars seemed tobe associated with known regions of star formation. The paper alsoidentifies seven likely variable stars and a number of stars withpossible dust shells.

A spectroscopic database for Stephenson-Sanduleak Southern Luminous Stars
A database of published spectral classifications for objects in theStepenson-Sanduleak Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way catalog hasbeen compiled from the literature. A total of 6182 classifications for2562 stars from 139 sources are incorporated.

The interstellar 217 NM band - A third catalogue of equivalent widths
A catalog of equivalent widths of the 217 nm interstellar absorptionband as well as other parameters characterizing the extinction curve inthe ultraviolet has been compiled for 790 O and B stars. A relativelytight correlation between the equivalent width of the 217 nm band andE(B-V) indicates that the absorber of this band is connected with thepopulation of larger interstellar grains responsible for the visualextinction. The parameter characterizing the amount of extinction in thefar UV is only weakly correlated with E(B-V), a result in accord withthe assumption that a second population of very small grains causes therapid increase of the far-UV extinction.

A catalog of ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses for 1415 stars
Ultraviolet interstellar extinction excesses are presented for 1415stars with spectral types B7 and earlier. The excesses with respect to Vare derived from Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS) 5-channel UVphotometry at central wavelengths of approximately 1550, 1800, 2500, and3300 A. A measure of the excess extinction in the 2200-A extinction bumpis also given. The data are valuable for investigating the systematicsof peculiar interstellar extinction and for studying the character of UVinterstellar extinction in the general direction of stars for which theextinction-curve shape is unknown.

On the intrinsic UVBY colours of early-type supergiants
The present photoelectric uvby observations of 43 late O-type to earlyA-type supergiants are combined with published results to extend theZhang (1983) determination of the intrinsic color lines in the(b-y)/c(1) diagram. Zhang's conclusion that the H-beta index is wellcorrelated with luminosity class is reaffirmed by the results obtained,although the degree of separation found here is less clear. It is notfound, however, that beta has a significant minimum between the B1 andB3 spectral types.

Early-type stars in OB associations in the infrared. II - A discussion of density and temperature distributions in stellar winds
Numerical computations of the infrared flux distribution in early-typestars with mass loss are presented. After assuming that infraredradiation is due both to the stellar photosphere and to free-free andfree-bound transitions in the ionized stellar wind, the influence ofmass-loss rate and wind velocity-law on the infrared flux is studied. Asignificant infrared excess over the photospheric flux will only beobserved when the mass-loss rate is larger than about 10 to the -6thsolar masses/yr, and/or when the velocity gradient is moderate. Bymatching computed and observed flux distributions, the velocity law of asample of OB stars with spectral types ranging from O4 to B2 isinvestigated. While the velocity law derived from the infrared flux of Ostars is consistent with that expected from a radiatively-driven wind,early B stars show, on the average, a smoother velocity gradient.

Early-type stars in OB associations in the infrared. I Extinction law and IR excesses
Observations have been made of 82 early-type stars of OB associations inthe infrared (JHKLM). The law of interstellar extinction isinvestigated. The empirical reddening curve (with R = 3.13) is found tobe in close agreement with van de Hulst's (1949) theoretical curve No.15. This law is generally valid for the OB associations considered. Themeasured infrared magnitudes were dereddened with this extinction law,and compared with the prediction of model atmospheres. Significantinfrared excesses due to circumstellar free-free radiation are found fora large number of stars. The strongest IR excess (about 0.5 mag in M) isfound for the Of-type stars HD 108, HD 151804, and HD 152408. In late Bsupergiants no significant excess radiation is detectable. However, thevery luminous hypergiants HD 168607 and HD 168625 do show excessradiation of about 0.2 mag in M.

A study of B-type supergiants with the uvby,beta photometric system
The applicability of the uvby,beta photometric system to theclassification and study of B-type supergiants (BTS) is investigatedusing published data on 157 BTS and observations of 17 BTS made with the36-in. reflector at McDonald Observatory. The results are presented intabular form and analyzed to produce preliminary calibrations ofluminosity class vs. beta index and of absolute magnitude (Mv) vs. beta(or delta Mv vs. delta beta) for four associations of stars. Theeffectiveness of various color indices as temperature indicators isdiscussed. It is shown that there is good correspondence between MK anduvby,beta classifications of B-type main-sequence stars, giants, andBTS, confirming the usefulness of the uvby,beta system in furtherresearch on BTS.

UBV photometry for southern OB stars
New UBV photometry of 1227 OB stars in the southern Milky Way ispresented. For 1113 of these stars, MK spectral types have been reportedpreviously in a comprehensive survey to B = 10.0 mag.

UBV-/H-beta/ photometry of luminous stars between L equals 335 deg and L equals 6 deg
Results are reported for photoelectric UBV and H-beta photometry of 316luminous OB stars and early-type supergiants in the region between 335and 6 deg galactic longitude. UBV magnitudes for the 316 stars and betaindexes for 37 of them are presented. Absolute magnitudes, distances,and color excesses are determined for the 161 stars with measured betaindexes or known MK spectral types. The results are discussed in termsof the spiral structure of the Galaxy. From the data obtained forprogram stars assumed to be cluster members, distances are derived forthe open clusters NGC 6167 (1.7 kpc), NGC 6193 (1.3 kpc), Hogg 22 (2.0kpc), NGC 6231 (1.9 kpc), and Tr 27 (1.6 kpc).

Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1978ApJS...38..309H&db_key=AST

Luminosity determination of OB stars by Hbeta indices
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1970A&A.....9..453H&db_key=AST

Polarization of Stellar Radiation. III. The Polarization of 841 Stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1951ApJ...114..241H&db_key=AST

Photo-electric colours of southern early-type stars
Not Available

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Прямое восхождение:17h51m03.22s
Видимая звёздная величина:8.473
Расстояние:10000000 парсек
Собственное движение RA:0.3
Собственное движение Dec:-1.8
B-T magnitude:9.114
V-T magnitude:8.526

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена
HD 1989HD 162168
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7382-234-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0525-29896624
HIPHIP 87361

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