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HD 18610



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Chemically peculiar stars and their temperature calibration
Aims. The determination of effective temperature for chemically peculiar(CP) stars by means of photometry is a sophisticated task due to theirabnormal colours. Standard calibrations for normal stars lead toerroneous results and, in most cases corrections are necessary. Methods: In order to specify appropriate corrections, direct temperaturedeterminations for 176 objects of the different subgroups were collectedfrom the literature. This much larger sample than in previous studiestherefore allows a more accurate investigation, mostly based on averagetemperatures. Results: For the three main photometric systems (UBV,Geneva, Strömgren {uvby}β), methods to determine effectivetemperature are presented together with a comparison with formerresults. Based on the compiled data we provide evidence that He (CP4)objects also need a considerable correction, not noticed in formerinvestigations due to their small number. Additionally, a new relationfor the bolometric correction and the capability of standardcalibrations to deduce interstellar reddening for magnetic CP stars areshown.Tables 4 to 8 are only available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.org

Magnetic-field dependence of chemical anomalies in CP stars
The dependence of the degree of anomaly of parameter Z of Genevaphotometry ( Z0 = Z CP ℒ Z norm.) on theaverage surface magnetic field Bs is analyzed. The Z0 value isproportional to the degree of anomaly of chemical composition. It wasfound that Bs → 0 corresponds Z0 → ‑0.010÷‑0.015, i.e., part of CP stars are virtually devoid of magneticfield, but exhibit chemical anomalies. This effect may be due toselection whereby only objects with strong chemical anomalies areclassified as CP stars, thereby producing a deficit of stars withrelatively weak anomalies. Moreover, CP stars have other sources ofstabilization of their atmospheres besides the magnetic field, e.g.,slow rotation. Formulas relating Z0 to Bs are derived.

Evolutionary state of magnetic chemically peculiar stars
Context: .The photospheres of about 5-10% of the upper main sequencestars exhibit remarkable chemical anomalies. Many of these chemicallypeculiar (CP) stars have a global magnetic field, the origin of which isstill a matter of debate. Aims: .We present a comprehensivestatistical investigation of the evolution of magnetic CP stars, aimedat providing constraints to the theories that deal with the origin ofthe magnetic field in these stars. Methods: .We have collectedfrom the literature data for 150 magnetic CP stars with accurateHipparcos parallaxes. We have retrieved from the ESO archive 142 FORS1observations of circularly polarized spectra for 100 stars. From thesespectra we have measured the mean longitudinal magnetic field, anddiscovered 48 new magnetic CP stars (five of which belonging to the rareclass of rapidly oscillating Ap stars). We have determined effectivetemperature and luminosity, then mass and position in the H-R diagramfor a final sample of 194 magnetic CP stars. Results: .We foundthat magnetic stars with M > 3 ~M_ȯ are homogeneouslydistributed along the main sequence. Instead, there are statisticalindications that lower mass stars (especially those with M ≤2~M_ȯ) tend to concentrate in the centre of the main sequence band.We show that this inhomogeneous age distribution cannot be attributed tothe effects of random errors and small number statistics. Our datasuggest also that the surface magnetic flux of CP stars increases withstellar age and mass, and correlates with the rotation period. For starswith M > 3~M_ȯ, rotation periods decrease with age in a wayconsistent with the conservation of the angular momentum, while for lessmassive magnetic CP stars an angular momentum loss cannot be ruledout. Conclusions: .The mechanism that originates and sustains themagnetic field in the upper main sequence stars may be different in CPstars of different mass.

On the detection of chemically peculiar stars using Δa photometry
We have summarized all Δ a measurements for galactic field stars(1474 objects) from the literature published over more than two decades.These measurements were, for the first time, compiled and homogeneouslyanalyzed. The Δ a intermediate band photometric system samples thedepth of the 5200 Å flux depression by comparing the flux at thecenter with the adjacent regions with bandwidths of 110 Å to 230Å. Because it was slightly modified over the last three decades,we checked for systematic trends for the different measurements butfound no correlations whatsoever. The Δ a photometric system ismost suitable to detecting magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars withhigh efficiency, but is also capable of detecting a small percentage ofnon-magnetic CP objects. Furthermore, the groups of (metal-weak)λ Bootis, as well as classical Be/shell stars, can besuccessfully investigated. In addition, we also analyzed the behaviourof supergiants (luminosity class I and II). On the basis of apparentnormal type objects, the correlation of the 3σ significance limitand the percentage of positive detection for all groups was derived. Wecompared the capability of the Δ a photometric system with theΔ (V1 - G) and Z indices of the Geneva 7-color system to detectpeculiar objects. Both photometric systems show the same efficiency forthe detection of CP and λ Bootis stars, while the indices in theGeneva system are even more efficient at detecting Be/shell objects. Onthe basis of this statistical analysis it is possible to derive theincidence of CP stars in galactic open cluster and extragalactic systemsincluding the former unknown bias of undetected objects. This isespecially important in order to make a sound statistical analysis ofthe correlation between the occurrence of these objects andastrophysical parameters such as the age, metallicity, and strength ofglobal, as well as local, magnetic fields.

Temperature Behavior of Elemental Abundances in the Atmospheres of Magnetic Peculiar Stars
We analyze the temperature dependence of the abundances of the chemicalelements Si, Ca, Cr, and Fe in the atmospheres of normal, metallic-line(Am), magnetic peculiar (Ap), and pulsating magnetic peculiar (roAp)stars in the range 6000 15000 K. The Cr and Fe abundances in theatmospheres of Ap stars increase rapidly as the temperature rises from6000 to 9000 10000 K. Subsequently, the Cr abundance decreases to valuesthat exceed the solar abundance by an order of magnitude, while the Feabundance remains enhanced by approximately +1.0 dex compared to thesolar value. The temperature dependence of the abundances of theseelements in the atmospheres of normal and Am stars is similar in shape,but its maximum is several orders of magnitude lower than that observedfor Ap stars. In the range 6000 9500 K, the observed temperaturedependences for Ap stars are satisfactorily described in terms ofelement diffusion under the combined action of gravitational settlingand radiative acceleration. It may well be that diffusion also takesplace in the atmospheres of normal stars, but its efficiency is very lowdue to the presence of microturbulence. We show that the magnetic fieldhas virtually no effect on the Cr and Fe diffusion in Ap stars in therange of effective temperatures 6000 9500 K. The Ca abundance and itsvariation in the atmospheres of Ap stars can also be explained in termsof the diffusion model if we assume the existence of a stellar wind witha variable moderate rate of ˜(2 4) × 10- 15 M ȯ yr-1.

The spectroscopic signature of roAp stars
To reliably determine the spectroscopic signature of rapidly oscillatingchemically peculiar (roAp) stars it is also necessary to investigate asample of non pulsating chemically peculiar (noAp) as well as presumably``normal'' stars. We describe in this study the sample ofspectroscopically investigated stars and comment on the techniques usedfor the analysis. In particular we discuss ionization disequilibria ofrare earths in roAp stars that distinguish them from noAp stars. In thelight of the recently discovered pulsation of β CrB we seearguments that all magnetic CP2 stars up to a transition temperature ofabout 8100 K may be pulsating.Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory (LaSilla, Chile), the Canadian-French-Hawaii telescope, the South AfricaAstronomical Observatory, The Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and onnumerous SIMBAD interrogations.

Magnetic field measurements of Ap stars. Discovery of a strong magnetic field in HD 18610
HD 18610 was included in our project on abundance determination ofrapidly oscillating (roAp) and non-oscillating (noAp) cool chemicallypeculiar stars. Already a preliminary investigation of the raw spectraindicated the presence of an intense magnetic field which was confirmedby a more detailed analysis.To determine the magnetic field strength we primarily used the Fe IIline at 6149.26 Å, a strong line which is split in a anomalousZeeman doublet. HD 18610 is a Cr-Eu-Sr non-pulsating Ap star with aTeff and log g typical for roAp stars. The classification ofthis star as a CP2 star (Preston \cite{Preston}) was confirmed withDelta a photometry by Maitzen & Vogt (\cite{MV83}). In the presentinvestigation we derived a mean magnetic field modulus of |vec {B}|=5700 +/- 200 G.

Hβ photometry of southern CP2 stars: is the uvbybeta luminosity calibration also valid for peculiar stars?
We present Hβ photometry of 233 southern CP2 stars (covering themagnetic Ap stars according to the definition by Preston 1974) brighterthan V < 8.5 mag from the list of Bidelman & MacConnell (1973).Absolute magnitudes derived from this photometry together with alreadyexisting uvby photometry is confronted with Hipparcos results availablefor a common subset of 152 stars. In order to compare peculiar withnormal stars, we identified a sample of 1147 normal B to F-type starsusing their published uvbybeta and Hipparcos data. For our analysis wedivide both samples into three temperature as well as two Hipparcosparallax accuracy groups. The error distribution of both samples provedto be statistically comparable. As a result the absolute magnitudes forthe B-type CP2 stars show up to be significantly too bright by anaverage of 0.5 mag using the actual photometric calibration. On theother hand, the photometric absolute magnitudes for cool A to F-type CP2stars are up to three magnitudes fainter as compared to Hipparcos. Basedon observations at ESO-La Silla and with the Hipparcos satellite

The HR-diagram from HIPPARCOS data. Absolute magnitudes and kinematics of BP - AP stars
The HR-diagram of about 1000 Bp - Ap stars in the solar neighbourhoodhas been constructed using astrometric data from Hipparcos satellite aswell as photometric and radial velocity data. The LM method\cite{luri95,luri96} allows the use of proper motion and radial velocitydata in addition to the trigonometric parallaxes to obtain luminositycalibrations and improved distances estimates. Six types of Bp - Apstars have been examined: He-rich, He-weak, HgMn, Si, Si+ and SrCrEu.Most Bp - Ap stars lie on the main sequence occupying the whole width ofit (about 2 mag), just like normal stars in the same range of spectraltypes. Their kinematic behaviour is typical of thin disk stars youngerthan about 1 Gyr. A few stars found to be high above the galactic planeor to have a high velocity are briefly discussed. Based on data from theESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite and photometric data collected in theGeneva system at ESO, La Silla (Chile) and at Jungfraujoch andGornergrat Observatories (Switzerland). Tables 3 and 4 are onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

A catalog of far-ultraviolet point sources detected with the fast FAUST Telescope on ATLAS-1
We list the photometric measurements of point sources made by the FarUltraviolet Space Telescope (FAUST) when it flew on the ATLAS-1 spaceshuttle mission. The list contains 4698 Galactic and extragalacticobjects detected in 22 wide-field images of the sky. At the locationssurveyed, this catalog reaches a limiting magnitude approximately afactor of 10 fainter than the previous UV all-sky survey, TDl. Thecatalog limit is approximately 1 x 10-14 ergs A sq cm/s,although it is not complete to this level. We list for each object theposition, FUV flux, the error in flux, and where possible anidentification from catalogs of nearby stars and galaxies. Thesecatalogs include the Michigan HD (MHD) and HD, SAO, the HIPPARCOS InputCatalog, the Position and Proper Motion Catalog, the TD1 Catalog, theMcCook and Sion Catalog of white dwarfs, and the RC3 Catalog ofGalaxies. We identify 2239 FAUST sources with objects in the stellarcatalogs and 172 with galaxies in the RC3 catalog. We estimate thenumber of sources with incorrect identifications to be less than 2%.

The Cape rapidly oscillating AP star survey - III. Null results of searches for high-overtone pulsation.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1994MNRAS.271..129M&db_key=AST

Photoelectric photometry of peculiar and related stars. II Delta-a-photometry of 339 southern Ap-stars
Delta-a system photometry of the sample of Ap stars from Bidelman andMcConnell's (1973) catalogue is discussed. Comparing delta-ameasurements in four marginally different systems, slight modificationsof the delta-a photometric system are found to be uncritical except forthe wavelength of the depression filter g2. The reddening-free index isvery efficient for silicon and chromium stars, and the spectroscopicdetection probability for these stars decreases with decreasingtemperature. Comparison of delta-a results with the Geneva index delta(V1-G) confirms that the latter's efficiency in recognizing peculiaritydrops strongly from hot to cool Ap stars. A decrease of delta-a towardsthe hot Ap stars is found using the a vs. (u-b) diagram, implying thatb-v is an unsuitable temperature indicator for such stars. The lowaverage intrinsic variability of the delta-a in the sample, whencompared with the small variation of integrated surface magnetic fieldsin case of dipole configuration, implies that the wavelength 5200feature correlates with the surface magnetic field strength.

Photoelectric observations of peculiar A and related stars. I - Stromgren photometry of 341 AP stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1979A&AS...36..477V&db_key=AST

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Созвездие:Южная Гидра
Прямое восхождение:02h54m18.00s
Видимая звёздная величина:8.152
Расстояние:202.84 парсек
Собственное движение RA:-7.7
Собственное движение Dec:0.7
B-T magnitude:8.542
V-T magnitude:8.185

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена
HD 1989HD 18610
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9151-114-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0150-01405308
HIPHIP 13534

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