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HD 148265



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Radial velocities. Measurements of 2800 B2-F5 stars for HIPPARCOS
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of 2930 B2-F5 stars,95% observed by the Hipparcos satellite in the north hemisphere and 80%without reliable radial velocity up to now. Observations were obtainedat the Observatoire de Haute Provence with a dispersion of 80Ä,mm(-1) with the aim of studying stellar and galactic dynamics.Radial velocities have been measured by correlation with templates ofthe same spectral class. The mean obtained precision is 3.0 km s(-1)with three observations. A new MK spectral classification is estimatedfor all stars. Based on observations made at the Haute ProvenceObservatory, France and on data from The Hipparcos Catalogue, ESA.Tables 4, 5 and 6 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to or via

An IUE survey of interstellar H I LY alpha absorption. 1: Column densities
We measure Galactic interstellar neutral hydrogen column densities byanalyzing archival interstellar Ly alpha absorption line data toward 554B2 and hotter stars observed at high resolution with the IUE satellite.This study more than doubles the number of lines of sight with measuresof N(H I) based on Ly alpha. We have included the scattered lightbackground correction algorithm of Bianchi and Bohlin in our datareduction. We use the correlation between the Balmer discontinuity(c1) index and the stellar Ly alpha absorption in order toassess the effects of stellar Ly alpha contamination. Approximately 40%of the B stars with measured (c1) index, exhibit seriousstellar Ly alpha contamination. One table contains the derived values ofthe interstellar N(H I) for 393 stars with at most small amounts ofstellar contamination. Another lists the observed values of total N(H I)for 161 stars with suspected stellar Ly alpha contamination and/oruncertain stellar parameters.

The kinematics of Milky Way halo gas. I - Observations of low-ionization species
Ultraviolet interstellar line day observed with the IUE toward 70 halostars and four extragalactic sight lines are analyzed in a study of thelarge-scale kinematic properties of the Milky Way halo gas. The motionsof the low-ionization gas is focused on. Large systematic velocities arefound, and a pronounced asymmetry in the absorption characteristics ofhalo gas toward the Galactic poles is indicated. In the north,substantial amounts of material are falling toward the disk atvelocities up to about 120 km/s in the most extreme case. Toward thesouth, low-ionization material shows no extreme or systematic motions.

IUE-IRAS studies of the infrared cirrus
The 60 and 100 micron cirrus emission around 256 lines of sight in theIRAS all-sky survey was measured, and the flux averages were used tostudy the distribution, variations, and correlations of the IRASinfrared cirrus fluxes with various interstellar parameters. It wasfound that the 60 and 100 micron fluxes correlate with the depletion ofSi and show a trend with the depletion of Fe for 51 lines of sighttoward the Galactic halo. No correlation was found with the abundancesof Si, Mn, Fe, S, or Zn or with abundance ratios for the full sample of256 stars. An abundance ratio of about 3 x 10 to the 7th by numberrelative to H was derived from 60 and 100 micron flux ratios and the Hcolumn along the line of sight; this ratio appears to decrease by afactor of 10 into the halo.

Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. III - Silicon, manganese, iron, sulfur, and zinc
This paper continues a survey of intestellar densities, abundances, andcloud structure in the Galaxy using the IUE satellite. A statisticaldata set of 223 O3-B2.5 stars is constructed, including 53 stars in theGalactic halo. It is found that S II lines in B stars, of luminosityclasses IV and V, have possible contamination from stellar S II,particular for stars with v sin i less than 200 km/s. The meanlogarithmic depletions are -1.00, -1.19. -0.63, and -0.23 (Si, Mn,Fe,S,Zn). Depletions of Si, Mn, and Fe correlate with the mean hydrogendensity n-bar along the line of sight, with a turnover for n-bar greaterthan 1/cm. Sulfur depletions correlate with n-bar along the line ofsight. The slight Zn depletion correlation also appears to bestatistically insignificant. No correlation of depletion is found withthe physical density derived from H2 rotational states in 21 lines ofsight. Depletion variations in the disk are consistent with a Galacticabundance gradient or with enhanced mean depletions in the anticenterregion.

Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. II - The equivalent widths and column densities
This paper continues a survey of interstellar densities, abundances, andcloud structure in the Galaxy, using the International UltravioletExplorer (IUE) satellite. Equivalent widths of 18 ultraviolet resonancetransitions are presented and column densities for Si II, Mn II, Fe II,S II, and Zn II toward 261 early-type stars are derived. Theseequivalent widths and column densities agree within the stated errors ofearlier Copernicus, BUSS, or IUE surveys of Mn II, Fe II, S II, and ZnII for 45 stars in common. The column densities are derived fromsingle-component curves of growth with a common b-value based on that ofFe II and Si II.

The extent of the local H I halo
Forty-five high-latitude, OB stars have been observed in the Ly alphaand 21 cm lines of HI in an effort to map out the vertical distributionand extent of the local HI halo. The 25 stars for which a reliable HIcolumn density can be obtained from Ly alpha lie between 60 and 3100 pcfrom the plane. The principal result is that the total column density ofHI at an absolute value of z greater than 1 kpc is, on the average, 5 +or - 3 x 10 to the 19th power/sq cm, or 15 percent of thetotalHI. At relatively low z the data toward some starssuggest a low effective scale height and fairly high average foregrounddensity, while toward others the effective scale height is large and theaverage density is low. This can be understood as the result ofirregularities in the interstellar medium. A model with half of the HImass in clouds having radii of a few pc and a Gaussian verticaldistribution with sigma2 = 135 pc, and half of the mass in anexponential component with a scale height of 500 pc, gives asatisfactory fit to the data. The technique of comparing Ly alpha and 21cm column densities is also used to discuss the problem of estimatingthe distance to several possibly subluminous stars.

Galactic interstellar abundance surveys with IUE. I - Neutral hydrogen
A survey is initiated of interstellar densities, abundances, and cloudstructure in the Galaxy, using the International Ultraviolet Explorer.From high-resolution (0.1-A) spectra, interstellar column densities arederived toward 244 early-type stars by fitting the damping wings of theLy-alpha absorption line. Published B-V photometry is used to deriveE(B-V) color excesses, stellar distances r, and the mean hydrogendensities, n-bar = N(H I)/r. The data set includes stars out to r = 8.5kpc and E(B-V) = 0.86, with 68 stars in the galactic halo (absolute bgreater than 20 deg). The statistical sample consists of 205 stars oftype O3-B2.5 within 5 kpc (53 stars in the halo). The column densities,log N(H I), range from less than 19.44 per square centimeter for alphaVir to 21.81 for HD 37061. A statistical analysis of the E(B-V)distribution suggests variations in the line-of-sight cloud density andthe mean reddening per cloud.

Four-colour and H-beta photometry of blue stars selected from a balloon-ultraviolet survey and other sources
New uvby and/or H-beta photometry is obtained at the Chiranhigh-altitude outstation for 105 stars. Certain of the program stars areselected from a comparison of the SCAP 2000 balloon-ultraviolet skysurvey of the Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale with the correspondingblue and red prints of the Palomar Observatory sky survey. Only a smallportion of these stars turn out to be B stars, whereas, the rest of thestars, which are selected from a variety of other sources, are mostly Bstars and if of normal luminosity are in many cases many Population Iscale heights from the galactic plane. It is shown that theidentification of B stars is practicable only at a good observing siteand that if H-beta photometry is also obtained, sdOB, sdB, and hothorizontal branch B stars can be distinguished from normal stars bytheir position in the beta/c(0) diagram.

Optical observations of ultraviolet objects. II - Classification and photometry /l = 0 to 145 deg/
UBV photometry and MK spectral classification are presented for a sampleof stars originally selected as UV objects from satellite photometrywith the S2/68 experiment. Although most stars of the sample arespectroscopically normal, a number of hot, subluminous stars were alsofound. Radial velocities are given for some of the stars observed. It isproposed that the majority of the apparently normal early B stars athigh galactic latitudes which are not runaway stars are subluminousdisc-population analogues of horizontal branch B stars of Population II.

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Наблюдательные данные и астрометрия

Прямое восхождение:16h25m55.08s
Видимая звёздная величина:9.624
Собственное движение RA:-2.7
Собственное движение Dec:2.9
B-T magnitude:9.514
V-T magnitude:9.615

Каталоги и обозначения:
Собственные имена
HD 1989HD 148265
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2047-580-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-07638753
HIPHIP 80500

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