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HD 202260



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Speckle Interferometry at Mount Wilson Observatory: Observations Obtained in 2006-2007 and 35 New Orbits
Results are presented for 607 speckle interferometric observations ofdouble stars, as well as 222 measures of single stars or unresolvedpairs. All data were obtained in 2006 and 2007 at the Mount WilsonObservatory, using the 2.5 m Hooker telescope. Separations range from0farcs06 to 6farcs31, with a median of 0farcs34. These three observingruns concentrated on binaries in need of confirmation (mainly Hipparcosand Tycho pairs), as well as systems in need of improved orbitalelements. New orbital solutions have been determined for 35 systems as aresult.

An analysis of v sin (i) correlations in early-type binaries
We use information on the v sin(i) values of early-type binaries inorder to search for correlations which may constrain the relativeorientation of the stellar spin axes in binary systems. We findcorrelations in the case of close binaries which suggest that tidalsynchronization is effective for binaries whose separation exceeds thestellar radius by more than an order of magnitude, in line with thetheoretical predictions of Goldreich & Nicholson and the previousobservational analysis of Giuricin et al. In the case of wide binaries,the v sin(i) values are not well correlated, which requires that themagnitude of the spin speeds is not tightly correlated. Under thisassumption, we then find that the data provide no significantconstraints on the degree of alignment of spin axes. The data aretherefore compatible with scenarios (such as disc fragmentation orcapture) which differ widely in the expected degree of spin alignment.

Statistics of spectroscopic sub-systems in visual multiple stars
A large sample of visual multiples of spectral types F5-M has beensurveyed for the presence of spectroscopic sub-systems. Some 4200 radialvelocities of 574 components were measured in 1994-2000 with thecorrelation radial velocity meter. A total of 46 new spectroscopicorbits were computed for this sample. Physical relations are establishedfor most of the visual systems and several optical components areidentified as well. The period distribution of sub-systems has a maximumat periods from 2 to 7 days, likely explained by a combination of tidaldissipation with triple-star dynamics. The fraction of spectroscopicsub-systems among the dwarf components of close visual binaries withknown orbits is similar to that of field dwarfs, from 11% to 18% percomponent. Sub-systems are more frequent among the components of widevisual binaries and among wide tertiary components to the known visualor spectroscopic binaries - 20% and 30%, respectively. In triple systemswith both outer (visual) and inner (spectroscopic) orbits known, we findan anti-correlation between the periods of inner sub-systems and theeccentricities of outer orbits which must be related to dynamicalstability constraints. Tables 1, 2, and 6 are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/382/118

Kinematics of Hipparcos Visual Binaries. II. Stars with Ground-Based Orbital Solutions
This paper continues kinematical investigations of the Hipparcos visualbinaries with known orbits. A sample, consisting of 804 binary systemswith orbital elements determined from ground-based observations, isselected. The mean relative error of their parallaxes is about 12% andthe mean relative error of proper motions is about 4%. However, even 41%of the sample stars lack radial velocity measurements. The computedGalactic velocity components and other kinematical parameters are usedto divide the stars with known radial velocities into kinematical agegroups. The majority (92%) of binaries from the sample are thin diskstars, 7.6% have thick disk kinematics and only two binaries have halokinematics. Among them, the long-period variable Mira Ceti has a verydiscordant {Hipparcos} and ground-based parallax values. From the wholesample, 60 stars are ascribed to the thick disk and halo population.There is an urgent need to increase the number of the identified halobinaries with known orbits and substantially improve the situation withradial velocity data for stars with known orbits.

A spectroscopic survey for lambda Bootis stars. II. The observational data
lambda Bootis stars comprise only a small number of all A-type stars andare characterized as nonmagnetic, Population i, late B to early F-typedwarfs which show significant underabundances of metals whereas thelight elements (C, N, O and S) are almost normal abundant compared tothe Sun. In the second paper on a spectroscopic survey for lambda Bootisstars, we present the spectral classifications of all program starsobserved. These stars were selected on the basis of their Strömgrenuvbybeta colors as lambda Bootis candidates. In total, 708 objects insix open clusters, the Orion OB1 association and the Galactic field wereclassified. In addition, 9 serendipity non-candidates in the vicinity ofour program stars as well as 15 Guide Star Catalogue stars were observedresulting in a total of 732 classified stars. The 15 objects from theGuide Star Catalogue are part of a program for the classification ofapparent variable stars from the Fine Guidance Sensors of the HubbleSpace Telescope. A grid of 105 MK standard as well as ``pathological''stars guarantees a precise classification. A comparison of our spectralclassification with the extensive work of Abt & Morrell(\cite{Abt95}) shows no significant differences. The derived types are0.23 +/- 0.09 (rms error per measurement) subclasses later and 0.30 +/-0.08 luminosity classes more luminous than those of Abt & Morrell(\cite{Abt95}) based on a sample of 160 objects in common. The estimatederrors of the means are +/- 0.1 subclasses. The characteristics of oursample are discussed in respect to the distribution on the sky, apparentvisual magnitudes and Strömgren uvbybeta colors. Based onobservations from the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, OsservatorioAstronomico di Padova-Asiago, Observatório do Pico dosDias-LNA/CNPq/MCT, Chews Ridge Observatory (MIRA) and University ofToronto Southern Observatory (Las Campanas).

The Maximum Age of Trapezium Systems
We sought to determine the maximum age of Trapezium systems by studyingpossible trapezium systems that were selected independently of theiroccurrence in H II regions. We started with the unpublished catalog byAllen, Tapia, & Parrao of all the known visual systems having threeor more stars in which the maximum separation is less than 3.0 times theminimum separation. Their catalog has 968 such systems whose mostfrequent primary type is F, which does not describe young systems. Witha CCD on the Kitt Peak 0.9 m telescope we obtained UBV frames for 265systems accessible with our equipment on Kitt Peak. The frames were usedto obtain UBV photometry for about 1500 stars with an accuracy of+/-0.04 mag between V=7 and 14 mag. Also these frames were used toobtain astrometry with an accuracy of +/-0.015d in position angle and+/-0.01" in separation. For the brightest star in each system weobtained a spectral type to determine the distance and reddening to thesystem. The measures were used to determine physical membership fromstars that (1) fit a single color-magnitude diagram, (2) fit a commoncolor-color diagram, and (3) show no astrometric motion compared tovisual measures made (mostly) a century ago. Combining the results withspectroscopic data for 20 additional Allen et al. systems by Abt, wefound that 126 systems had only optical companions to the primaries, 116systems contained only a single physical pair, 13 were hierarchicalsystems with 3-6 members and having separation ratios of more than afactor of 10, two were small clusters, and only 28 fitted the criteriaof Trapezium systems. However, as shown by Ambartsumian, about 9% of thehierarchical systems should appear to be Trapezium systems inprojection. Those, like other hierarchical systems, have a broaddistribution of primary spectral types. We isolated 14 systems that seemto be true Trapezium systems. They have primary types of B3 or earlier,indicating a maximum age of about 5×107 yr. This upperlimit is consistent with the estimate made by Allen & Poveda for anage of several million years for these dynamically unstable systems.These Trapezia are also large with a median radius of 0.2 pc and amaximum radius of 2.6 pc. We asked why the sample of 285 possibleTrapezium systems yielded only 14 true ones, despite the attempt made byAllen et al. to eliminate optical companions with a ``1% filter,'' i.e.,demanding that each companion have less than a 1% chance of being afield star of that magnitude within a circle of its radius from theprimary. The explanation seems to be that the double star catalogs arebased mostly on BD magnitudes that, fainter than V=12 mag, aresystematically too faint by 1 mag.

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars. XXIII. Measurements during 1982-1997 from Six Telescopes, with 14 New Orbits
We present 2017 observations of 1286 binary stars, observed by means ofspeckle interferometry using six telescopes over a 15 year period from1982 April to 1997 June. These measurements constitute the 23dinstallment in CHARA's speckle program at 2 to 4 m class telescopes andinclude the second major collection of measurements from the MountWilson 100 inch (2.5 m) Hooker Telescope. Orbital elements are alsopresented for 14 systems, seven of which have had no previouslypublished orbital analyses.

Observations of Double Stars. XVIII.
Micrometer observations of 1350 pairs in 1995-1997 are listed.

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars. XVII. Measurements During 1993-1995 From the Mount Wilson 2.5-M Telescope.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114.1639H&db_key=AST

MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars
The MSC catalogue contains data on 612 physical multiple stars ofmultiplicity 3 to 7 which are hierarchical with few exceptions. Orbitalperiods, angular separations and mass ratios are estimated for eachsub-system. Orbital elements are given when available. The catalogue canbe accessed through CDS (Strasbourg). Half of the systems are within 100pc from the Sun. The comparison of the periods of close and widesub-systems reveals that there is no preferred period ratio and allpossible combinations of periods are found. The distribution of thelogarithms of short periods is bimodal, probably due to observationalselection. In 82\% of triple stars the close sub-system is related tothe primary of a wide pair. However, the analysis of mass ratiodistribution gives some support to the idea that component masses areindependently selected from the Salpeter mass function. Orbits of wideand close sub-systems are not always coplanar, although thecorresponding orbital angular momentum vectors do show a weak tendencyof alignment. Some observational programs based on the MSC aresuggested. Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at theCDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

ICCD Speckle Observations of Binary Stars. XIII. Measurements During 1989- 1994 From the Cerro Tololo 4 M Telescope
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....111..936H&db_key=AST

The general catalogue of trigonometric [stellar] paralaxes
Not Available

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. VIII - Measurements during 1989-1991 from the Cerro Tololo 4 M telescope
One-thousand eighty-eight observations of 947 binary star systems,observed by means of speckle interferometry with the 4 m telescope onCerro Tololo, are presented. These measurements, made during the period1989-1991, comprise the second installment of results stemming from theexpansion of our speckle program to the southern hemisphere.

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. II - Measurements during 1982-1985 from the Kitt Peak 4 M telescope
This paper represents the continuation of a systematic program of binarystar speckle interferometry initiated at the 4 m telescope on Kitt Peakin late 1975. Between 1975 and 1981, the observations were obtained witha photographic speckle camera, the data from which were reduced byoptical analog methods. In mid-1982, a new speckle camera employing anintensified charge-coupled device as the detector continued the programand necessitated the development of new digital procedures for reducingand analyzing speckle data. The camera and the data-processingtechniques are described herein. This paper presents 2780 newmeasurements of 1012 binary and multiple star systems, including thefirst direct resolution of 64 systems, for the interval 1982 through1985.

The properties of close multiple stars
A reexamination of the properties of close multiple systems isconducted, taking into account recent numerical, analytical, andobservational results. The orbital elements of 43 spectroscopic multiplesystems are presented in a table. Tables with photometry data of thesystems and data describing their properties are also provided.Attention is given to period ratios, mass ratios, orbital coplanarity,stability, lithium abundances and age estimates, and prospects of futureobservations. Numerical studies indicate that fragmentation producesbinary components with mass ratios usually close to 1.0, while fissionusually produces mass ratios in the range 0.1-0.5. Using analyticalstability criteria, all 27 close multiple systems considered are stableif they are corotating. If they are counter-rotating, four systems arepossibly unstable. However, other factors suggest that even these fourare probably stable. The solar-type close multiple systems ranged in agefrom 100 million years to 2,000 million years.

Visual multiples. VII - MK classifications
Classifications are given for 865 components of visual multiples; theyshow no systematic differences from the MK system, and the random errorsare one subclass in type and two-thirds of a luminosity class. It isfound that at least 1% of the F-type IV and V stars are weak-lined, 32%of the A4-F1 IV and V stars are Am, and 5% of the A0-A3 IV and V starsare early-type Am. Attention is called to the large fraction (55%) ofthe A3-A9 III-V stars that are of luminosity classes III or IV, unlikethe percentage (16%) at neighboring types.

Speckle interferometric measurements of binary stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1980A&AS...42..185B&db_key=AST

Double Star Measures at Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974PASP...86..902H&db_key=AST

Micrometric Measures of Double Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974ApJS...28..413V&db_key=AST

On the inclination of rotation axes in visual binaries.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974ApJ...190..331W&db_key=AST

Micrometer measures of 401 double stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972AJ.....77..878W&db_key=AST

MK Classification of 142 Visual Binaries
Not Available

Distances fondamentales d'etoiles doubles serrees.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1969A&A.....2..126C&db_key=AST

Masses, luminosities, colors, and space motions of 228 visual binaries
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1965AJ.....70...19E&db_key=AST

Three-color photometry of the components in 228 wide double and multiple systems.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1963AJ.....68..483E&db_key=AST

The Empirical Mass-Luminosity Relation.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1963ApJS....8..125E&db_key=AST

Micrometer measures of doubles stars. III.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1963AJ.....68...57V&db_key=AST

Summary of the parallaxes of 57 stars.
Not Available

Eléments orbitaux de vingt étoiles doubles visuelles
Not Available

Double stars (Report on progress of astronomy)
Not Available

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Gözlemler ve gökölçümü verileri

Sað Açýklýk:21h14m41.11s
Görünürdeki Parlaklýk:7.45
Uzaklýk:243.309 parsek
özdevim Sað Açýklýk:18.9
özdevim Yükselim:7.3
B-T magnitude:7.566
V-T magnitude:7.46

Kataloglar ve belirtme:
Özgün isimleri
HD 1989HD 202260
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5193-591-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-19091697
HIPHIP 104878

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