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HD 86087



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Spitzer IRS Spectroscopy of IRAS-discovered Debris Disks
We have obtained Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Spectrograph (IRS)5.5-35 μm spectra of 59 main-sequence stars that possess IRAS 60μm excess. The spectra of five objects possess spectral features thatare well-modeled using micron-sized grains and silicates withcrystalline mass fractions 0%-80%, consistent with T Tauri and HerbigAeBe stars. With the exception of η Crv, these objects are youngwith ages <=50 Myr. Our fits require the presence of a cool blackbodycontinuum, Tgr=80-200 K, in addition to hot, amorphous, andcrystalline silicates, Tgr=290-600 K, suggesting thatmultiple parent body belts are present in some debris disks, analogousto the asteroid and Kuiper belts in our solar system. The spectra forthe majority of objects are featureless, suggesting that the emittinggrains probably have radii a>10 μm. We have modeled the excesscontinua using a continuous disk with a uniform surface densitydistribution, expected if Poynting-Robertson and stellar wind drag arethe dominant grain removal processes, and using a single-temperatureblackbody, expected if the dust is located in a narrow ring around thestar. The IRS spectra of many objects are better modeled with asingle-temperature blackbody, suggesting that the disks possess innerholes. The distribution of grain temperatures, based on our blackbodyfits, peaks at Tgr=110-120 K. Since the timescale for icesublimation of micron-sized grains with Tgr>110 K is afraction of a Myr, the lack of warmer material may be explained if thegrains are icy. If planets dynamically clear the central portions ofdebris disks, then the frequency of planets around other stars isprobably high. We estimate that the majority of debris disk systemspossess parent body masses, MPB<1 M⊕. Thelow inferred parent body masses suggest that planet formation is anefficient process.Based on observations with the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope, which isoperated by the California Institute of Technology for NASA.

Mid-Infrared Spectra of Dust Debris around Main-Sequence Stars
We report spectra obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope in theλ=14-35μm range of 19 nearby main-sequence stars with infraredexcesses. The six stars with strong dust emission show no recognizablespectral features, suggesting that the bulk of the emitting particleshave diameters larger than 10 μm. If the observed dust results fromcollisional grinding of larger solids, we infer minimum masses of theparent body population between 0.004 and 0.06 M⊕. Weestimate grain production rates of ~1010 g s-1around λ Boo and HR 1570; selective accretion of this matter mayhelp explain their peculiar surface abundances. There appear to be innertruncations in the dust clouds at 48, 11, 52, and 54 AU around HR 333,HR 506, HR 1082, and HR 3927, respectively.Based on observations with the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope, which isoperated by the California Institute of Technology for NASA.

3D mapping of the dense interstellar gas around the Local Bubble
We present intermediate results from a long-term program of mapping theneutral absorption characteristics of the local interstellar medium,motivated by the availability of accurate and consistent parallaxes fromthe Hipparcos satellite. Equivalent widths of the interstellar NaID-line doublet at 5890 Å are presented for the lines-of-sighttowards some 311 new target stars lying within ~ 350 pc of the Sun.Using these data, together with NaI absorption measurements towards afurther ~ 240 nearby targets published in the literature (for many ofthem, in the directions of molecular clouds), and the ~ 450lines-of-sight already presented by (Sfeir et al. \cite{sfeir99}), weshow 3D absorption maps of the local distribution of neutral gas towards1005 sight-lines with Hipparcos distances as viewed from a variety ofdifferent galactic projections.The data are synthesized by means of two complementary methods, (i) bymapping of iso-equivalent width contours, and (ii) by densitydistribution calculation from the inversion of column-densities, amethod devised by Vergely et al. (\cite{vergely01}). Our present dataconfirms the view that the local cavity is deficient in cold and neutralinterstellar gas. The closest dense and cold gas ``wall'', in the firstquadrant, is at ~ 55-60 pc. There are a few isolated clouds at closerdistance, if the detected absorption is not produced by circumstellarmaterial.The maps reveal narrow or wide ``interstellar tunnels'' which connectthe Local Bubble to surrounding cavities, as predicted by the model ofCox & Smith (1974). In particular, one of these tunnels, defined bystars at 300 to 600 pc from the Sun showing negligible sodiumabsorption, connects the well known CMa void (Gry et al. \cite{gry85}),which is part of the Local Bubble, with the supershell GSH 238+00+09(Heiles \cite{heiles98}). High latitude lines-of-sight with the smallestabsorption are found in two ``chimneys'', whose directions areperpendicular to the Gould belt plane. The maps show that the LocalBubble is ``squeezed'' by surrounding shells in a complicated patternand suggest that its pressure is smaller than in those expandingregions.We discuss the locations of several HI and molecular clouds. Usingcomparisons between NaI and HI or CO velocities, in some cases we areable to improve the constraints on their distances. According to thevelocity criteria, MBM 33-37, MBM 16-18, UT 3-7, and MBM 54-55 arecloser than ~ 100 pc, and MBM 40 is closer than 80 pc. Dense HI cloudsare seen at less than 90 pc and 85 pc in the directions of the MBM 12and MBM 41-43 clouds respectively, but the molecular clouds themselvesmay be far beyond. The above closest molecular clouds are located at theneutral boundary of the Bubble. Only one translucent cloud, G192-67, isclearly embedded within the LB and well isolated.These maps of the distribution of local neutral interstellar NaI gas arealso briefly compared with the distribution of both interstellar dustand neutral HI gas within 300 pc.Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp:cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/411/447

Note on the radial velocities of 10 southern stars.
Echelle spectrograms of the stars HD 55857, 57219, 62623, 83058, 84400,86087, 86523, 89461, 90898, 96446 have been obtained in 1991 as part ofan investigation of stars previously classified as both chemicallypeculiar and high luminosity B and A stars. Radial velocity measurementsfor HD 83058, 84400 and 86087 are internally discordant and should berepeated. In the case of HD 55857, 57219, 62623 and 96466 the resultsare in fair agreement with earlier measurements but for HD 86523 ourresult is substantially different from the earlier ones. For HD 89461and 90898 no comparison with other sources was available. With nofurther observational opportunities in view (due to increasing demand ontelescopes), these preliminary results are presented here.

Walraven photometry of nearby southern OB associations
Homogeneous Walraven (VBLUW) photometry is presented for 5260 stars inthe regions of five nearby southern OB associations: Scorpio Centaurus(Sco OB2), Orion OB1, Canis Major OB1, Monoceros OB1, and Scutum OB2.Derived V and (B - V) in the Johnson system are included.

Four-colour UVBY and H-beta photometry of all A3 to F5 stars brighter than m(pg) = about 11.0 mag in 6 Selected Areas close to the Galactic plane
Photometric observations of 540 A3-F5 stars in Selected Areas 171, 173,175, 177, 192, and 195 of the Potsdam survey (Becker and Brueck,1929-1938) are reported. Data obtained in the Stromgren uvby-beta systemusing a 6-channel spectrograph-photometer on the 50-cm Danish telescopeat ESO on 98 nights during 1986-1987 are presented in extensive tablesand graphs and briefly characterized. Comparisons with previousobservations of some program stars reveal no systematic differences inmagnitude or spectral indices.

A search for Beta Cephei stars. III - Photometric studies of southern B-type stars
The result of a photometric search for Beta Cephei stars among a groupof 37 southern B-type stars is presented. Beside two new Beta Cepheistars, one eclipsing binary, one helium-weak variable, and ten slowvariables were found.

New Eclipsing Binary System HR 3872A
Not Available

Bright southern stars of astrophysical interest
The paper lists a number of bright peculiar stars in the SouthernHemisphere discovered on 20-A/mm spectrograms. Recent information isalso given for a few known peculiar objects. The lists include: oneLambda Boo star, 4 Hg and other Bp stars, 7 Am stars, 17 shell oremission-line stars, and 37 double-lined spectroscopic binaries, amongwhich are two triple-lined, four composite, eight variable or eclipsing,and three peculiar shell and/or emission-line systems.

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Gözlemler ve gökölçümü verileri

Sað Açýklýk:09h54m51.30s
Görünürdeki Parlaklýk:5.72
Uzaklýk:97.847 parsek
özdevim Sað Açýklýk:-37.3
özdevim Yükselim:5.3
B-T magnitude:5.711
V-T magnitude:5.705

Kataloglar ve belirtme:
Özgün isimleri
HD 1989HD 86087
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 8189-3037-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0375-09446501
BSC 1991HR 3927
HIPHIP 48613

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