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HD 174262 (Lera)




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Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via

On the effective temperatures and surface gravities of superficially normal main sequence band B and A stars
Effective temperatures and surface gravities for 48 main sequence band Band A stars were found by matching optical region spectrophotometry andHγ profiles with the predictions of ATLAS9 solar composition modelatmospheres. When these values were compared with those found usingStrömgren uvbybeta photometry based on ATLAS6 model atmospheres, wefound a difference (photometry-spectrophotometry) of 25+/- 118 K for 29stars with 8000 K le Teff <= 10 050 K compared to 76 +/-105 K for 14 stars with 10 050 K <= Teff <= 17 000 K.The surface gravity scales are in agreement. These stars aresufficiently hot that their effective temperatures and surface gravitydeterminations are unaffected by discrepancies due to the choice ofMixing-Length or Canuto-Mazzitelli convection theories.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Mapping the contours of the Local bubble: preliminary results
We present preliminary results from a long-term program of mapping theneutral absorption characteristics of the local interstellar medium,taking advantage of Hipparcos stellar distances. Equivalent widths ofthe NaI D-line doublet at 5890 Å are presented for thelines-of-sight towards some 143 new target stars lying within 300 pc ofthe Sun. Using these data which were obtained at the Observatoire deHaute Provence, together with previously published NaI absorptionmeasurements towards a further 313 nearby targets, we present absorptionmaps of the distribution of neutral gas in the local interstellar mediumas viewed from 3 different galactic projections. In particular, thesemaps reveal the Local Bubble region as a low neutral densityinterstellar cavity in the galactic plane with radii between 65-250 pcthat is surrounded by a (dense) neutral gas boundary (or ``wall''). Wehave compared our iso-column contours with the contours derived bySnowden et al. (\cite{snowden98}) using ROSAT soft X-ray emission data.Consistency in the global dimensions derived for both sets of contoursis found for the case of a million degree hot LB plasma of emissivity0.0023 cm(-6) pc with an electron density of 0.005 cm(-2) . We havedetected only one relatively dense accumulation of cold, neutral gaswithin 60 pc of the Sun that surrounds the star delta Cyg, and note thatthe nearest molecular cloud complex of MBM 12 probably resides at thevery edge of the Local Bubble at a distance of ~ 90 pc. Our observationsmay also explain the very different physical properties of the columnsof interstellar gas in the line-of-sight to the two hot stars epsilonCMa and beta CMa as being due to their locations with respect to theBubble contours. Finally, in the meridian plane the LB cavity is foundto be elongated perpendicularly to the Gould's Belt plane, possiblybeing ``squeezed'' by the expanding shells of the Sco-Cen andPerseus-Taurus OB associations. Tables 1 and 2 are also available inelectronic form at the CDS (Strasbourg) via anonymous ftp ( or via

The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright main-sequence stars and subgiant stars
We present X-ray data for all main-sequence and subgiant stars ofspectral types A, F, G, and K and luminosity classes IV and V listed inthe Bright Star Catalogue that have been detected as X-ray sources inthe ROSAT all-sky survey; several stars without luminosity class arealso included. The catalogue contains 980 entries yielding an averagedetection rate of 32 percent. In addition to count rates, sourcedetection parameters, hardness ratios, and X-ray fluxes we also listX-ray luminosities derived from Hipparcos parallaxes. The catalogue isalso available in electronic form via anonymous ftp ( or via

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Photometry of eight magnetic peculiar A stars
The paper presents the photometry of eight magnetic Ap stars 63 And, CUVir, Beta CrB, Chi Ser, 52 Her, HD 111133, HD 147010, and HD 173650,most of which was obtained with the Phoenix 10-in. AutomatedPhotoelectric Telescope of the Fairborn Observatory. Special attentionis given to the results of period determinations, showing that thefailure to establish better periods is often due to inaccuracies andgaps in the photometry. The data obtained for HD 147010 validatesNorth's (1984) period of 3.9210 days.

Third preliminary catalogue of stars observed with the photoelectric astrolabe of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory.
Not Available

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. I - A survey for duplicity among the bright stars
A survey of a sample of 672 stars from the Yale Bright Star Catalog(Hoffleit, 1982) has been carried out using speckle interferometry onthe 3.6-cm Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in order to establish thebinary star frequency within the sample. This effort was motivated bythe need for a more observationally determined basis for predicting thefrequency of failure of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) fine-guidancesensors to achieve guide-star lock due to duplicity. This survey of 426dwarfs and 246 evolved stars yielded measurements of 52 newly discoveredbinaries and 60 previously known binary systems. It is shown that thefrequency of close visual binaries in the separation range 0.04-0.25arcsec is 11 percent, or nearly 3.5 times that previously known.

AB stars in the southern galactic halo. II - Spectroscopy and radial velocities
A spectroscopic study of over two hundred high latitude stars ofspectral types A and B which compromise a sample of in situ halo fieldstars selected without kinematic bias is discussed. Results arepresented and discussed in detail for the radial velocities and spectralline measurements of the interstellar K lines, weak metallic lines, CaII line equivalent widths, and hydrogen lines. Stellar Ca II K linestrengths are found to correlate quite well with overall metallicity forall cases except Am stars and high luminosity stars. The K lineequivalent widths for all but about five percent of the sample AB starsare normal for metal-poor Population II stars. A few AB stars have nearsolar metallicities and relatively high radial velocities, but no suchstars are found beyond 2-3 kpc from the plane. The large majority of thestars with V = 13.5-15.5 are Population II field blue horizontal branchstars.

Spectrophotometry of B, A, and F stars. II
Optical region energy distributions of 35 normal B, A, and F stars arepresented consistent with the Hayes-Latham calibration of Vega. Upperlimits on the photometric accuracy are derived by a comparison ofobserved and synthesized u-b and b-y indices for each observer.Effective temperatures are found using the empirical calibration of Codeet al. (1976) and the fully line blanketed solar composition modelatmospheres of Kurucz (1979).

Spectral classification from the ultraviolet line features of S2/68 spectra. III - Early A-type stars
Abstract image available at:

Absolute luminosity calibration of Stroemgren's 'intermediate group'
A relation defining the luminosity index for Stroemgren's (1966)intermediate group (A0 to A3 stars) in terms of absolute magnitude iscalibrated using a method based on the principle of maximum likelihood.This relation is also calibrated for the case when the 'a' index iscorrected for reddening. For both relations, calculations are made ofthe magnitude dispersion, the mean velocity components and correspondingdispersion, and the precision of each parameter. The results are shownto be in fairly good agreement with Stroemgren's (1966) values, and arelation incorporating the corrected 'a' index is proposed formain-sequence stars. The absolute magnitudes obtained with a relation ofthe present type are compared with those derived from trigonometricparallaxes and with those obtained by Eggen (1972).

Rotational Velocities of a0 Stars
Abstract image available at:

Luminosities and motions of AO to A2 stars
Abstract image available at:

Four-color and Hβ photometry for the brighter AO type stars
Abstract image available at:

A catalogue of proper motions for 437 A stars
Abstract image available at:

Photoelectric observations of early A stars
Abstract image available at:

Spectral Classification of 533 B8-A2 Stars and the Mean Absolute Magnitude of a0 V Stars.
Abstract image available at:

Colors of bright stars.
Abstract image available at:



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距离:85.985 天文距离
B-T magnitude:5.913
V-T magnitude:5.883

HD 1989HD 174262
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1592-988-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1050-11769705
BSC 1991HR 7086
HIPHIP 92312

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