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HD 183864



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The Physical Basis of Luminosity Classification in the Late A-, F-, and Early G-Type Stars. II. Basic Parameters of Program Stars and the Role of Microturbulence
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The Physical Basis of Luminosity Classification in the Late A-, F-, and Early G-Type Stars. I. Precise Spectral Types for 372 Stars
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Ultraviolet and Optical Studies of Binaries with Luminous Cool Primaries and Hot Companions. V. The Entire IUE Sample
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Classification of Population II Stars in the Vilnius Photometric System. II. Results
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Colour excesses of F-G supergiants and Cepheids from Geneva photometry.
A reddening scale for F-G supergiants and Cepheids is presented.Supergiants with low reddenings or in clusters form the basis of thecalibration. In this sense, it is entirely empirical. The data have beenobtained in the Geneva photometric system. Comparisons with otherreddening scales show no disagreement. The only problem is with Fernie'sscale for Cepheids (1990), where a systematic trend exists. Its originis not clear. It is suggested to extend the number of supergiants withindependently obtained colour excesses in order to test the existence ofa possible luminosity dependence of the calibration. A period-colourrelation for Cepheids is deduced, on the basis of the present reddeningcorrections. It gives strong support for V473 Lyr being a secondovertone pulsator.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
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Mesures de vitesses radiales. VII. Accompagnement AU sol DU programme d'observation DU satellite Hipparcos. Radial velocities. VII. Ground based measurements for Hipparcos.
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Ultraviolet and optical studies of binaries with luminous cool primaries and hot companions. IV - Further IUE detections
We have obtained IUE spectra for 31 middle and late-type giant andsupergiant stars whose TD-1 fluxes or ground-based spectra indicate thepresence of a hot component, or whose radial velocities indicate anunseen component. Stellar components earlier than type F1 were detectedin 22 cases. While 20 of the hot secondaries are seen weakly in opticalspectra, two are UV discoveries: HD 58134 and HD 183864. The hotcompanions are classified accurately by temperature class from theirfar-UV spectra. The interstellar extinction of each system and therelative luminosities of the components are derived from the UV andoptical fluxes, using a new grid of UV intrinsic colors for hot dwarfs.We find that many giant stars apparently have companions which are toohot and hence too luminous for consistency with the primary's spectralclassification.

Multifrequency comparison of Cepheids and nonvariable supergiants
New IUE data and infrared J, H, K, L, and M observations have beenobtained for nonvariable yellow supergiants and the prototype classicalCepheid Delta Cephei. These data have been combined with data in theliterature to make a comparison between nonvariable yellow supergiantsand Delta Cephei from the UV through the near-IR. The supergiantsequence shows a smooth progression of energy distributions withspectral type over this extended wavelength range. The Delta Cepheienergy distributions on the descending branch of the light curve(free-fall portion of the pulsation curve) are well matched bysupergiant energy distributions with the same (B-V)(0) for most phases.At the hottest phases, however, there is some extra flux at 3000 A ascompared with the nonvariables. The Delta Cephei observation on theascending branch of the light curve ('piston' phase of the pulsationcycle) has slightly more UV light than would be predicted from eitherthe supergiant observations or the free-fall Delta Cephei phases.

Luminosities for two yellow supergiants - Nonvariables and the instability strip
The luminosities for two yellow supergiants HD 183864 and Psi And = HD223047 are determined from the IUE spectra of their hot companions. Theabsolute magnitudes of HD 183864 and HD 223047 are -2.3 and -2.1 mag,respectively, and their companions have spectral types of A0.0 V andB8.8 V. The companion of Psi And is compatible with the orbital motiontentatively detected by speckle interferometric observations. Thesupergiant luminosities are combined with the Cepheid luminositiesdetermined in the same way, and also the variables and nonvariables fromSchmidt's studies of open clusters. As found by Schmidt, the variableand nonvariable supergiants have almost no overlap in the HR diagram.The combined sample defines the locus of the helium burning blue loopsof evolutionary tracks. Because no nonvariables are found to the blue offainter Cepheids, the observed blue edge of the Cepheid region may bepartly determined by the blue loops rather than by the region ofpulsational instability.

Further IUE Detections of Hot Companions to Cool Stars
Many late-type giants and supergiants have companion stars still on theupper main sequence, but barely detectable in ground-based observations.In 1989-90 we continued our surveys of suspected hot companions with theIUE satellite. Of 32 spectrum binaries or SB1 systems observed, 25reveal clear signatures in the UV of a B or A type component. The far-UVspectra are easily classified by temperature class with respect to IUEstandard stars. Some of the more significant new results: ground UVspectrosc. HD no. V spectral type type binary? Note---------------------------------------------------------- 25555 5.47 G0III + A4 dB8+ var 32835/6 7.65 F5 V + A dB8.5 a 37269AB 5.40 G5 III: +A3 d:A0 var 49126 7.28 F8 IV-V + B9.5 dB8.5 a 52690 6.55 M1 Ib + A-BgB8- 58134 7.64: G5 Ib g:A1- p 63208 6.18 G2 III + A4 gB9.5 var? 1675168.46 G5 III + A -- b 183864 7.32 G2 Ib d:A0 296.0d 218600 8.39 F2 Ib + A-- b In two systems the ground-based luminosity classifications of theirprimaries are seriously inconsistent with their upper main sequencecompanions (note a). Two spectrum binaries with supposedly A-typesecondaries show no evidence of such in the UV (note b). Several othercases demonstrate a trend in our surveys: although some classificationsare confirmed, we frequently find that the IUE spectral class is hotterthan the ground estimate by 2 or more subclasses. This work is supportedunder NASA contract NAS 5-28749. SBP is a staff member of the SpaceTelescope Science Institute. TBA is a member of the GHRS Science Team.

Colour excesses and absolute magnitudes for non-Cepheid F-G supergiants from uvbybeta photometry
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1990A&A...239..205A&db_key=AST

Spectroscopic binaries - 15th complementary catalog
Published observational data on the orbital characteristics of 436spectroscopic binaries, covering the period 1982-1986, are compiled intables. The data sources and the organization of the catalog are brieflydiscussed, and notes are provided for each item.

Nineteen new spectroscopic binaries and the rate of binary stars among F-M supergiants
Nineteen spectroscopic binaries (SBs) have been discovered in radialvelocity measurements made with the CORAVEL spectrophotometer on 181northern F-M supergiants. The rate of detected SBs among northern F-Msupergiants is 21 percent, without any dependence on spectral orluminosity class. The study of the binary F-M supergiants with knownorbital elements indicates that all the systems with a period smallerthan the critical value P(circ) have a nearly circular orbit. The valueof P(circ) depends on the luminosity class, being 400-600 d for class Iband 2000-7000 d for class Ia. This circularization of the orbits may bedue to the transfer of angular momentum during the phase of binary massexchange.

Etoiles doubles nouvelles (11 serie) decouvertes a Nice a la lunette de 50 cm.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974A&AS...15..253C&db_key=AST

Photometric data for 139 supergiants.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972AJ.....77..150F&db_key=AST

On the Existence of Stable Stars in the Cepheid Instability Strip
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Color Excesses for Supergiants and Classical Cepheids.VI. on the Intrinsic Colors and the Hess Diagram of Late-Type Supergiants.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1961ApJ...134..850K&db_key=AST

Color Excesses from Six-Color Photometry of Supergiant Stars
Not Available

Spectral Classification of Stars Noted on Case Objective-Prism Plates. I
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A Finding List of F Stars of High Luminosity.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1952ApJ...115..475N&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Constellation:Petit Renard
Right ascension:19h30m37.34s
Apparent magnitude:7.376
Distance:632.911 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-1.1
Proper motion Dec:0.7
B-T magnitude:8.897
V-T magnitude:7.502

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 183864
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2129-2413-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-12903941
HIPHIP 95935

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