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HD 214686



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Effective temperature scale and bolometric corrections from 2MASS photometry
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Tertiary companions to close spectroscopic binaries
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The Geneva-Copenhagen survey of the Solar neighbourhood. Ages, metallicities, and kinematic properties of ˜14 000 F and G dwarfs
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HIPPARCOS age-metallicity relation of the solar neighbourhood disc stars
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Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
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The photometric method of extrasolar planet detection revisited
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Stroemgren photometry of F- and G-type stars brighter than V = 9.6. I. UVBY photometry
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E. W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I - 1976-1984
Stellar radial velocity observations made with the large vacuumhigh-dispersion photoelectric radial velocity spectrometer at FickObservatory are reported. This includes nearly 2000 late-type starsobserved during 585 nights. Gradual modifications to this instrumentover its first eight years of operation have reduced the observationalerror for high-quality dip observations to + or - 0.8 km/s.

The period distribution of unevolved close binary systems
Period distributions have been examined for various spectral types ofabout 600 (eclipsing and spectroscopic) close binaries, which are likelyto be substantially unevolved. The comparison with the previouscorresponding analyses of extensive (but heterogeneous) binary samplesallows a clarification of the extent of the evolutionary andobservational selection effects. Remarkably, this analysis reveals agreat deficiency of short period binaries (with periods corresponding tocase A mass transfer) in the whole spectral range. For the late spectraltypes, this result may be connected with postformation angular momentumloss caused by stellar wind magnetic braking; at least for the late Band A spectral range, a ready interpretation of this finding is thatclose binaries of corresponding periods and spectral types are rarelyformed.

CA II H and K emissions in binaries. III - G and K type dwarfs and subgiants
The emission intensities of the Ca II K line are determined for 30 typeG and K main-sequence and RS CVn binaries lying below the 1.5-solar massevolutionary track on the H-R diagram for binaries, using spectrogramsobtained with the 60-inch telescope at the Observatoire de HauteProvence, the 74-inch telescope at Kattamia Observatory, Egypt, and the90-cm telescope at Torun Observatory at dispersions 20, 20, and 27 A/mm,respectively. The results are presented in tables and graphs andcharacterized. An intensity decrease with increasing period and acorrelation between the intensity and the estimated rotational velocityare attributed to dynamo-induced magnetic activity resulting from tidalsynchronization of rotational and orbital periods. No anticorrelationbetween large mass loss and increased activity of the corona andchromosphere is found.

Spectroscopic binaries - 14th complementary catalog
Orbital-element data for 380 spectroscopic binaries are compiled andannotated in tables. The catalog represents a continuation of the 13thcatalog (Pedoussaut and Nadal, 1977) and uses the same general format.The techniques used in making the magnitudes and spectral typeshomogeneous are indicated.

Variability of the emission-line spectra and optical continua of Seyfert galaxies. I
H-beta and O III forbidden line 4959,5007 A line strengths obtained fromnew observations of 27 broad line-emitting galaxies and six narrowline-emitting galaxies are compared with earlier measurements. It isfound that about 80% of broad line-emitting galaxies show significantchanges in their optical spectra, on time scales of less than about fiveyears. An analysis of changes in O II forbidden line/H-beta ratio for 24broad line-emitting galaxies shows that (1) changes in the H-beta fluxare correlated with changes in the optical continuum, providing evidencefor energy input into the line-emitting region by photoionization, and(2) in a number of galaxies, the structure of the broad emission linesin complex, with detailed line structure changes on time scales shorterthan about two months.

Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XII
Occultation observations of 414 events observed between 6 July 1979 and4 September 1980 with the 0.76-m telescope of McDonald Observatory arereported. Timings and data on double stars are given. Angular diameterinformation in six cases is included. The stars concerned with their runnumbers are: SAO 161754 (5270); 94027 (Alpha Tau) (5319, 5381, 5454);159370 (Gamma Lib) (5325, 5571); 162413 (43 Sgr) (5332); 97472 (3 Cnc)(5414); and 93955 (Theta Tau) (5445).

Three-dimensional motion of dwarf stars and RR Lyrae variables
A collection of 220 high-velocity dwarfs, 532 low-velocity dwarfs, and114 RR Lyrae variables is given in tables with calculations ofkinematical quantities in a three-dimensional model of galactic space. Ametal indicator, Delta-S, for RR Lyrae variables is transformed into theultraviolet excess, delta (0.6), which is utilized for a statisticalstudy of kinematics under the same metallicity classification. It isfound that the primordial Galaxy contracted by a factor of at least 20in the radial direction as compared to at least 50 in the Z direction.

The significance of binaries with nearly identical components
The distribution of the mass ratios of double-lined spectroscopicbinaries is investigated, and a narrow peak at q of about 0.97 is foundafter observational errors have been corrected for. A variety ofobservational and theoretical arguments are then used to demonstratethat this peak cannot be explained as being due to the effects of eitherevolution or selection. The peak is therefore interpreted as implyingthat many close binaries (P less than about 25 days) with intermediateand small total masses are formed by a mechanism that, in its idealform, would create binaries with identical components. Recentcalculations suggest that this mechanism be identified with binaryformation by fragmentation during the final dynamical-collapse phase ofa rotating protostar's pre-main-sequence evolution.

Seventh catalogue of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binary systems.
Not Available

The double-lined spectroscopic binary HD 214686
Orbital elements for the 6th-magnitude 21.7-day double-lined binary HD214686 are determined from coude spectrograms. Photometric observationsshow the system to contain two F7 V stars, and minimum masses near 1.16solar masses are found for both components. These results remove anapparent contradiction between the spectral types and the masses of thecomponents obtained by Sanford in 1931, based upon neglect of an earlierrevision of the type. The orbital inclination is near 90 deg, and asearch for eclipses is urged.

MK classifications for F-and G-type stars. 3.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974AJ.....79..682H&db_key=AST

A catalogue of four-color photometry of late F-type stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1969AJ.....74..705P&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:22h40m07.98s
Apparent magnitude:6.896
Distance:51.308 parsecs
Proper motion RA:171.8
Proper motion Dec:47.3
B-T magnitude:7.512
V-T magnitude:6.947

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 214686
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5812-1448-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0750-21280218
HIPHIP 111910

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